Where would y'all rank Marlo in terms of intelligence? He achieved Stringer's dream but what was Stringer's dream was Marlo's nightmare and he quickly went back to his old days. Considerin the finale he will end either dead or in jail but I always found fascinating those shades of machiavellism he showed
He made it out alive and not in jail so easily top 3
He made it out alive and not in jail so easily top 3
it was a matter of time before he got taken out
He made it out alive and not in jail so easily top 3
I hate Marlo but his scheming was top tier
I hate Marlo but his scheming was top tier
it was a matter of time before he ended up like either Omar or Avon, he wanted to be where he wanted to be in the end. We don't know whether he was under the illusion that it will be forever. I like how it ended in that way. Maybe he wanted a taste of being on the corner for one last time.
If you're a fan of McNulty be prepared for S5
While he wasnt in 4 that much his scenes in the finale were amazing
it was a matter of time before he ended up like either Omar or Avon, he wanted to be where he wanted to be in the end. We don't know whether he was under the illusion that it will be forever. I like how it ended in that way. Maybe he wanted a taste of being on the corner for one last time.
It's not only about how it all ended for him to me. It's the moves he made along the way to get to the top. He was the most thorough, and was arguably more disciplined than Avon and String with how he ran his crew
Realizing Slim Charles indirectly set it up for Prop Joe to get killed changed everything. Marlo was a pawn until he told Chris that Joe knew about the card game
My favorite line from the show.
As someone else said, the whole show is building up to this moment.
You have these expectations of what you think is going to happen in life, and it's what ends up happening to you in the meantime. All the while, your life ends up being what happens to you in the meantime, be it having family, career, relationships, personal hardships, financial difficulties.. etc
This is one of my favourite quotes, not just in the wire but overall in life. It really sticks with me.
John Lennon said something of a similar fashion in the track "Beautiful Boy," Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
As far as I'm aware he was the man who popularised this, in actual fact the quote first appeared in a 1957 issue of readers digest. Still a lovely sentiment though.
It's just that life, life is uncertain you can plan and hope all you want but life just happens.
Love bunny so much, Bunk is the most relatable character tho
Why do you find Bunk the most relatable? I mean look at Rawls he's a reasonable guy, everywhere he goes they say he's reasonable and rhetorical 😉
Why do you find Bunk the most relatable? I mean look at Rawls he's a reasonable guy, everywhere he goes they say he's reasonable and rhetorical 😉
bunk at times basically feels like a vehicle to express what the audience would be thinking watching s*** play out, everyman, not interested in being a hero, kinda weary & when he actually gains some personal righteous about things, his effort gets screwed
My favorite line from the show.
As someone else said, the whole show is building up to this moment.
You have these expectations of what you think is going to happen in life, and it's what ends up happening to you in the meantime. All the while, your life ends up being what happens to you in the meantime, be it having family, career, relationships, personal hardships, financial difficulties.. etc
This is one of my favourite quotes, not just in the wire but overall in life. It really sticks with me.
John Lennon said something of a similar fashion in the track "Beautiful Boy," Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
As far as I'm aware he was the man who popularised this, in actual fact the quote first appeared in a 1957 issue of readers digest. Still a lovely sentiment though.
It's just that life, life is uncertain you can plan and hope all you want but life just happens.
I think about this quote from time to time...