nigga you must be inside beating your meat or something cause i hear sky all the time outside
Bro don’t project that s*** on me
It's facts. Tyler makes mysterious music black people who grew up in rap culture, don't particularly listen to. Tyler still a talented artist. People say the same sht bout tons of artists. Eminem, Earl, underground sht, danny brown, etc.
Cap he is not talented
yep exactly lol
black music should mean exactly this and nothing more
People start to a***yze the audiences of certain artists and s*** instead of getting this simple concept lmao
Also I wanna know what a lot of yall be “outside” doing because I have a hard time believing the average ktt poster has a super active social life
Bro a barbershop a pretty good litmus of what niggas fw
If you dont see the issue there fine but you just admitted to what I'm talking about in OP so I'm not reaching clearly.
If you dont see an issue with a non black man flexing on a black man about niggas listening to him over the black man that's whatever but it's what he was doing.
Bro don’t project that s*** on me
ay man i ain’t judging but WLR is getting played outside tho
If you dont see the issue there fine but you just admitted to what I'm talking about in OP so I'm not reaching clearly.
If you dont see an issue with a non black man flexing on a black man about niggas listening to him over the black man that's whatever but it's what he was doing.
Spanish niggas also get haircuts
ay man i ain’t judging but WLR is getting played outside tho
I just ain’t heard it around my block, so s***s mysterious over here
Tyler has a hit record with Charlie Wilson
Y’all gotta relax with the Mayo music talk
Spanish niggas also get haircuts
just re-read ur posts and the other guys replies lol
Spanish niggas also get haircuts
Stop it you're being obtuse now
ay man i ain’t judging but WLR is getting played outside tho
WLR getting played at s***raves and tattoo shops.
Also I wanna know what a lot of yall be “outside” doing because I have a hard time believing the average ktt poster has a super active social life
Tyler has a hit record with Charlie Wilson
Y’all gotta relax with the Mayo music talk
Facts its wild seeing people call Tyler past few albums mayo music when they are straight up R&B and pure rap.
Almost like it isn't about the music but the person that defines things
Tyler has a hit record with Charlie Wilson
Y’all gotta relax with the Mayo music talk
Mysterious black music still mysterious. It's just a tad blacker
Stop it you're being obtuse now
Dawg if you want it that bad you can have it, but you reaching rn
Mysterious black music still mysterious. It's just a tad blacker
But what defines mysterious because yall will call tyler mysterious but then say an artist who is definitely less known than tyler isn’t
Alot of people proving my points ITT yall will let someone who presents black get away with flagrant things more then an actual black person whose "white acting".
I liked op post cause of the sheer ridiculous of the title but now that I’ve read the op it’s making some sense tbh
Dawg if you want it that bad you can have it, but you reaching rn
Not a reach
Hip hop is black literally
A non black telling a black he isn’t hip hop can be taken that way
I said it in the other thread and I'll say it here I wish yall would stop pretending his statements were the issue.
I find it funny Mhaled was out here letting nigga fly for years as an Arab man and his past isn't brought to but Tyler's is and he was younger.
I wasn't in the other thread but
-what is in your opinion the issue if it isn't him being edgy and dissing black people in the early stages of his career?