If u a gay dude u can't just escape a toxic dude all ya life
U gotta see what's wrong with them and maybe you'll find a wrong with you as well
We in here
I love catching the bullshit guys be doing to me while dating or flirting then I remember I'm guilty of the same s*** with girls in the past.
If u a gay dude u can't just escape a toxic dude all ya life
U gotta see what's wrong with them and maybe you'll find a wrong with you as well
We in here
"U gotta see what's wrong with them and maybe you'll find a wrong with you as well"
I'm lost bro, please explain
"U gotta see what's wrong with them and maybe you'll find a wrong with you as well"
I'm lost bro, please explain
Most of the time the things people hate the most are traits they see in themselves tbh
@jet_li an example of possessing toxic masculinity
"I didn't read the OP but he said 'that word' I don't like so let me resort to insulting him because I lack the mental fortitude to contribute to discussion"
I’ve noticed it’s not uncommon for people here to speak in a thread and not read one word of the op but go off the title alone
The people also have a vendetta against me 🥱
They miss you bro
Yes it's real and its effects are as damaging to men and boys as it is to women and queer people.
I take the word as a microagression more than an accepted everyday thing, men aren’t like this 24/7, though I think I can understand why women think that.
It’s a line of thinking where I would have to give up my personal identity to try and fulfill some prophetic masculine quota that’s set in stone when it isn’t.
Cause when someone says their toxic it’s usually from a joke, or something that’s a little too dark, or treats women like objects. When you couple this with s*** shaming it gets way too deep into semantics.
I think it’s real though it’s only so prevalent, only the worst of the worst guys r truly toxic, and I guess some of that language from the extreme toxic fellas translates over to more normal guys and simps.
If we wanna end this line of thinking we gotta think more for what females want, not just what we demand and place on women
"U gotta see what's wrong with them and maybe you'll find a wrong with you as well"
I'm lost bro, please explain
i cant stand these centrists bro
"U gotta see what's wrong with them and maybe you'll find a wrong with you as well"
I'm lost bro, please explain
Maybe you thought much wrong of them than they really are and also maybe they thought of u (the gay person) much wrong thamt they thought u were
It's exact same as racism
U gotta find middle ground
So that's what im saying
it depends where you are, as some people as i sure you can imagine( feminists especially) are bridging them. if you go through the rest of my posts ITT you will see my reasoning
I read through the entire thread. There will always be extremists polluting the intentions of every idea. F*** them.
That doesn’t change anything. They’re a separate issue entirely.
Most of the time the things people hate the most are traits they see in themselves tbh
Niggas who homophobic secretly gay
Cookies quoted me
if this aint the realest post i ever seen on this site
part of the reason i dont want to come out of the closet to family (or act how id really want to) is because its always been so much pressure to be "masculine" growing up in family thats all dudes except my mom. not showing any emotion, and some general misogyny and homophobia, "man up" etc
I think the term is used to shame a guy who disagrees with a woman or acts more masculine than the "average guy".
Most of the time the things people hate the most are traits they see in themselves tbh
I’ve noticed it’s not uncommon for people here to speak in a thread and not read one word of the op but go off the title alone
You're a victim of that
I love catching the bullshit guys be doing to me while dating or flirting then I remember I'm guilty of the same s*** with girls in the past.
I thought about this too
I never did it tho just cause i observed it while it was happening and I never got myself peer pressured into anything or doing something that's "cool" or just acting up cause my boys there
F*** that
Always conversed with a female alone
F*** the hype s***