  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    "OuR kiNg FuTUre"

  • Jun 23, 2020
    4 replies

    toxic masculinity is real and it needs to be HERE.

    ever since the start of the globe we have had a warrior class partake a role in society. it has been prevalent in all tribes.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    This mug belongs to the streets

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    toxic masculinity is real and it needs to be HERE.

    ever since the start of the globe we have had a warrior class partake a role in society. it has been prevalent in all tribes.

    We past that bro, i mean yes that attitude can get you far in live

    But there is zero need for it

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    Imagine being emotionless except for anger s*** must be woat

    I struggle with showing emotion due to being taught toxic masculinity traits as a kid. It sucks but I feel with enough effort I can eliminate that.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    we need MORE WAR! we had wars since the start of the globe so we need even more of it!

  • Jun 23, 2020
    2 replies

    We past that bro, i mean yes that attitude can get you far in live

    But there is zero need for it

    within reason for sure. some traits are ridiculous. but the demasculation of men needs to be stopped imo.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    yeah for sure.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    It's clearly real, people misunderstand that it actually is most harmful to men themselves tho

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    yeah it’s real have a few friends irl that are aware of toxic masculinity and how it can hurt men but still act in toxic masculinity fashion one way or another, i kinda think every man has a little of it just because it’s ingrained in us since a young age. even i portray toxic masculinity even i don’t mean to it i try to be emotionless and not talk about my emotions around guy friends even when i know that’s stupid.

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    within reason for sure. some traits are ridiculous. but the demasculation of men needs to be stopped imo.

    That doesnt mean anything

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    within reason for sure. some traits are ridiculous. but the demasculation of men needs to be stopped imo.

    i wanna be a femboy warrior and i’m not gonna let you stop me

  • Jun 23, 2020

    Yes it’s real. Jokes aside if you grew up in public school then you must have experienced it somehow

  • Jun 23, 2020
    3 replies

    That doesnt mean anything

    it does, there are terrible traits to toxic masculinity like not showing emotion. (which is ridiculous) but the idea of man all wearing flowers and dresses is also ridiculous. society has lived upon a warrior class being a part of it.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    It's real. I see it all the time here

    That's why I made the thread

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    its definitely real I know so many guys like this

    why you listening to frank ocean bro, thats GAY. skinny jeans? GAY. creatine? oh bet u straight

    its always the hyper competitive guys for no reason always tryna measure their d***s and s*** its lame

  • Jun 23, 2020

    toxic masculinity is real and it needs to be HERE.

    ever since the start of the globe we have had a warrior class partake a role in society. it has been prevalent in all tribes.

    This some real immature s***

  • Jun 23, 2020

    I struggle with showing emotion due to being taught toxic masculinity traits as a kid. It sucks but I feel with enough effort I can eliminate that.

    It’s a process to unlearn something + relearn something else so it’s totally understandable. Just know a lot of people our age are trying to do the same

  • Jun 23, 2020

    Imagine being emotionless except for anger s*** must be woat

    That's why people go to jail for s*** that could've been avoid if they just cried instead.

  • Jun 23, 2020

    Crying like a b**** >> getting angry and going to jail because I couldn't let my other emotions get the best of me

  • Jun 23, 2020

    We're taught from a young age that we're supposed to hide any emotion that isn't anger, devalue intimacy in relationships, objectify women, and solve our problems with violence. You can clearly see the effects of this in statistics about violent crime.

  • Jun 23, 2020
    3 replies


    I feel like it's just word that it's used to shame men who act a certain way.

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    toxic masculinity is real and it needs to be HERE.

    ever since the start of the globe we have had a warrior class partake a role in society. it has been prevalent in all tribes.

    Go ahead and explain, this is a safe space.

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply


    I feel like it's just word that it's used to shame men who act a certain way.

    maybe its a word used to shame men who act... toxic

  • Jun 23, 2020
    1 reply

    yeah it’s real have a few friends irl that are aware of toxic masculinity and how it can hurt men but still act in toxic masculinity fashion one way or another, i kinda think every man has a little of it just because it’s ingrained in us since a young age. even i portray toxic masculinity even i don’t mean to it i try to be emotionless and not talk about my emotions around guy friends even when i know that’s stupid.

    Talking about it around guys >> talking about it around a woman that isn't your relative, cause it can be thrown back in your face.