c'est fini

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  • Updated Aug 28

    c'est bon

  • Jul 23
    6 replies

    You good

  • Young King

    You good

  • Young King

    You good

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Jul 23
    2 replies

    You're f***ed

  • Tubig 🌊
    Jul 23
    · edited

    c'est bon

  • Tubig 🌊
    Jul 23

    Oops wrong one

  • Tubig 🌊
    Jul 23
    Young King

    You good

  • viscera
    · edited

    c'est bon

    You good
    Drink water
    Take vitamins
    Drink green tea (helps you flush your system and piss a lot)

  • Jul 23

    Don’t do d****.


    You're f***ed

    Tbh 50 / 50 you pass

  • Jul 23
    4 replies

    Just to be safe, you should purchase the fake urine called "QuickFix," and sneak it into the d*** testing room by holding it between your ass cheeks or duck taping it on your gooch. Better safe than sorry.

  • crakc 💤
    Jul 23
    1 reply

    It takes longer for ingested thc to metabolize out of your system. But you drink a lot of water so you should be fine tho. Here’s a good tip tho: piss as much as you can in the toilet before you start filling the cup up. There’s always a little bit less in it at the end.

  • Young King

    You good

  • Don't risk it if you really need the job

    I don't any "flush out your system" type of s*** just buy some fake piss from a smoke shop

    · edited

    Just to be safe, you should purchase the fake urine called "QuickFix," and sneak it into the d*** testing room by holding it between your ass cheeks or duck taping it on your gooch. Better safe than sorry.


  • crakc 💤
    Jul 23
    · edited

    Just to be safe, you should purchase the fake urine called "QuickFix," and sneak it into the d*** testing room by holding it between your ass cheeks or duck taping it on your gooch. Better safe than sorry.

    Do these still fool good labs that professional companies use? Lmao

  • Get fake urine if you need this gig. S*** could really backfire, don't matter if you don't get high regularly

  • Use fake piss

  • Jul 23

    heres your insight

  • Fake piss

  • Young King

    You good

  • Jul 23
    1 reply

    Buddy...you're going to JAIL.

  • u r fine. scaredy cats itt. drink a lot of water. be at the brink of explosion. if u piss a diluted sample it's fine. worst case scenario u just had to re-pee. they ain't gonna fail you for a diluted sample

  • Jul 23
    1 reply

    You’re fine lmao