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  • Jul 26, 2024

    Just to be safe, you should purchase the fake urine called "QuickFix," and sneak it into the d*** testing room by holding it between your ass cheeks or duck taping it on your gooch. Better safe than sorry.

    Quick fix saved me last month highly recommend

  • Jul 26, 2024
    1 reply

    Even those jobs, people should have the freedom to take whatever they want on their time off.

    No they shouldn’t. I wouldn’t want a d***gy as the pilot of my plane. What if they get addicted to a d*** and end up piloting the flight while under the influence? It’s better to eliminate that risk.

    Otherwise I agree

    I agree

    Im in the middle

    Casual d*** tests should be for specific jobs like a surgeon or a pilot, otherwise i think it dumb

    Jobs like surgeons and pilots you have to do a lot for too, so if you do want do your d*** of choice pick the 95% of careers that a d*** test shouldnt be casual in

  • Jul 26, 2024

    Testing at a restaurant is insane, they gotta have the most depressed dishwashers and sous chefs

    Religious ass rural area

    Was bizarre as f*** tho

  • Jul 26, 2024
    Water Giver

    I agree

    Im in the middle

    Casual d*** tests should be for specific jobs like a surgeon or a pilot, otherwise i think it dumb

    Jobs like surgeons and pilots you have to do a lot for too, so if you do want do your d*** of choice pick the 95% of careers that a d*** test shouldnt be casual in

    right let the retail worker spark up if they want lmfao