c'est bon
if you wanna be stress free, buy some pee from a sober person or fake pee from a smoke shop
if you're a gambler, use diuretics and drink plenty of water, especially the day of the test. you wanna have urinated several times before the test.
weedheads down bad
It only stays in your system for a month if you’re a daily smoker. One edible a couple weeks ago should be fine, you’re kinda on the edge but most likely will be fine.
you will be fine as long as you are truly not a regular weed consumer and truly haven't ingested or smoked any weed since july 5th. I would buy a d*** test kit from walmart or cvs and make sure you aren't positive for marijuana before you take the actual d*** test @op
@op if you’re really concerned about the test buy this drink at your local gnc
i was on probation for 3 years and tested monthly, never failed a test once. the key is to follow the instructions. ima skinny dude like you so hope this helps.
just say you ate a poppy seed bagel and you'll be aight
just say you ate a poppy seed bagel and you'll be aight
could be a panel test lol
If it's a piss test just go buy one at a dollar store/CVS/etc and see if it's in your piss still. It probably isn't
If it's hair you might be f***ed
If it's breath you are totally fine, that's only like 48 hours
It takes longer for ingested thc to metabolize out of your system. But you drink a lot of water so you should be fine tho. Here’s a good tip tho: piss as much as you can in the toilet before you start filling the cup up. There’s always a little bit less in it at the end.
You want to aim to give them the 'middle' of your piss. Higher likelihood of it being in the start overall, then less in the middle, then a bit more at the end of the stream
If you don't have a lot of THC in your system it's fully possible to just chug an assload of water and take 10 vitamin B12+ pills an hour before or so too, but it won't work for everyone, always seemed like my fatter friends weren't able to get it to work but I did this like 10 times in high school
Just to be safe, you should purchase the fake urine called "QuickFix," and sneak it into the d*** testing room by holding it between your ass cheeks or duck taping it on your gooch. Better safe than sorry.
If it's a piss test just go buy one at a dollar store/CVS/etc and see if it's in your piss still. It probably isn't
If it's hair you might be f***ed
If it's breath you are totally fine, that's only like 48 hours
Yea Ty im en route to get one rn. If its still there I’ll get my friend to do the honors for me
Yea Ty im en route to get one rn. If its still there I’ll get my friend to do the honors for me
Yup look at my other reply if you're still showing some THC, I can expand and give my old routine from wake up to piss test, literally worked 100% of my attempts but I had overweight friends fail with it
c'est bon
UPass but it gotta right temp
If you have mouth swab just brush your teeth like crazy
I know its been times where i thought it would be one and it was the other so maybe do both
Masturbate it out of your system
U are literally the last gimmick poster and I appreciate your efforts
what's that?
There's like 100 types of weed, most people use delta 9, that's real weed. I was just asking cus im curious if anyone knows. In theory u could take like delta 8 and be fine