I hate barbs with a passion
this cannot at all in anyway be solely contributed to social media. In fact, maybe there are more material forces at work here lol
Then what are they? People continuously dodge around their answers whenever it's spotted out that 'social media likely caused ____'.
tiktok is literally eroding the minds of millions
How is it any different than ig reels or youtube shorts
Then what are they? People continuously dodge around their answers whenever it's spotted out that 'social media likely caused ____'.
maybe idk capitalism and the steep decline in material conditions and outlook for future generations.
maybe idk capitalism and the steep decline in material conditions and outlook for future generations.
Okay then why did this trend just suddenly occur in 2012 | 2013 onward? Not like everyone 13-19 years old one day got up out of bed and decided that their mental health is going to get worse, they aren't hopeful about life, and have bad living situations. Right?
Okay then why did this trend just suddenly occur in 2012 | 2013 onward? Not like everyone 13-19 years old one day got up out of bed and decided that their mental health is going to get worse, they aren't hopeful about life, and have bad living situations. Right?
because maybe the two work hand in hand lol?
maybe social media allowed them to put words to what they were feeling? maybe the ramifications to s*** like the financial crisis werent really felt until then? maybe social media even allowed them to see just how bleak their future is in a capitalist hellhole
because maybe the two work hand in hand lol?
maybe social media allowed them to put words to what they were feeling? maybe the ramifications to s*** like the financial crisis werent really felt until then? maybe social media even allowed them to see just how bleak their future is in a capitalist hellhole
Well in that case you can't not argue that social media has not caused a mental health crisis, right? The economy in 2012 was nowhere near the same level of 2008-2009 either. Things had been getting better at that point:
Getting Red Scare vibes from all of this lmao
It's Mcarthyism
A congressmen asked if you can post videos about Tiananmen Square and when he said yes, the congressmen said "I remind you that lying to congress is a federal offense" which is what they say when they think you're lying.
There's videos on the topic that have been on Tiktok for ages and they're easily searchable
Well in that case you can't not argue that social media has not caused a mental health crisis, right? The economy in 2012 was nowhere near the same level of 2008-2009 either. Things had been getting better at that point:
total employment as a measure of things getting better lol especially for millenials. and i said you can't attribute everything to social media. you could get rid of it tomorrow, the crisis caused by capitalism are still there
total employment as a measure of things getting better lol especially for millenials. and i said you can't attribute everything to social media. you could get rid of it tomorrow, the crisis caused by capitalism are still there
Your theory doesn't line up with economic trends at all though: Jean Twenge writes about this in a guest blog post on Haidt's substack. Here's the portion about it -
Teen depression rose after 2012 when the U.S. economy was finally improving after the Great Recession – precisely the opposite of what you’d expect if depression was due to poor economic times. For example, here’s unemployment vs. teen girls’ depression from Generations also showing internet time and smartphone adoption lining up with depression:
Your theory doesn't line up with economic trends at all though: Jean Twenge writes about this in a guest blog post on Haidt's substack. Here's the portion about it -
Teen depression rose after 2012 when the U.S. economy was finally improving after the Great Recession – precisely the opposite of what you’d expect if depression was due to poor economic times. For example, here’s unemployment vs. teen girls’ depression from Generations also showing internet time and smartphone adoption lining up with depression:
who did it improve for lmao
you think employment is the only signifier of anything
but what about home ownership, the fact millenials are the first generation who are going to be worse off etc.,? climate crisis? all of it
who did it improve for lmao
you think employment is the only signifier of anything
but what about home ownership, the fact millenials are the first generation who are going to be worse off etc.,? climate crisis? all of it
Household income has been rising for years: this is based off of the US Census Bureau:
Not necessarily disagreeing with you that we're going to be the first group of people who will be worse off than our parents; not sure how this ties into 13-19 year olds in 2012 | 2013 suddenly experiencing a mental health crisis due to constant internet access and social media?
Average net worth of millennials: Millennials are classified as those born between 1981 and 1996; the oldest members of this generation are in their early forties, the youngest in their mid-twenties. Many members of this generation are reaching their higher-earning years, starting or already building families, businesses, and becoming homeowners. According to the Federal Reserve’s 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances, millennials have an average net worth between roughly $76,000 and $436,000. And according to a 2022 report, millennials have more than doubled their total net worth, reaching $9.38 trillion in the first quarter of 2022, up from $4.55 trillion two years prior.
How does millennials’ net worth compare to other generations? Compared to other generations, the average millennial’s net worth only outpaces Gen Z. The average millennial under age 35 has a net worth of about $76,000; those over age 35 stand at over $400,000. Members of Generation X have average net worths between $400,000 and $833,000, and older generations including baby boomers and the Silent Generation have average net worths of over $1 million.
Only happening cause TikTok making the money Zuck wants
More like China is taking your info. Only the US government can spy on US citizens.
Household income has been rising for years: this is based off of the US Census Bureau:
Not necessarily disagreeing with you that we're going to be the first group of people who will be worse off than our parents; not sure how this ties into 13-19 year olds in 2012 | 2013 suddenly experiencing a mental health crisis due to constant internet access and social media?
Average net worth of millennials: Millennials are classified as those born between 1981 and 1996; the oldest members of this generation are in their early forties, the youngest in their mid-twenties. Many members of this generation are reaching their higher-earning years, starting or already building families, businesses, and becoming homeowners. According to the Federal Reserve’s 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances, millennials have an average net worth between roughly $76,000 and $436,000. And according to a 2022 report, millennials have more than doubled their total net worth, reaching $9.38 trillion in the first quarter of 2022, up from $4.55 trillion two years prior.
How does millennials’ net worth compare to other generations? Compared to other generations, the average millennial’s net worth only outpaces Gen Z. The average millennial under age 35 has a net worth of about $76,000; those over age 35 stand at over $400,000. Members of Generation X have average net worths between $400,000 and $833,000, and older generations including baby boomers and the Silent Generation have average net worths of over $1 million.
because 13-19 year olds are also going to be worse off? you can even look at gen z statistics if you want. all these numbers dont line up with the fact real wages have not increased, there's an impending climate crisis, and all the other s*** going on in this world? like wow maybe social media giving them unfiltered access to that stuff caused a rise in mental health crisis? maybe kids finally having the ability to put a name to what they were experiencing finally also contributed? trust me, its not because as haidt says we are weaker because of safe spaces and trigger warnings lol.
Like I said, ban tiktok tomorrow, ban whatever, restrict whatever as much as you want; the mental health crisis will remain.
Can already see the corny headlines:
That’s a good one bro
because 13-19 year olds are also going to be worse off? you can even look at gen z statistics if you want. all these numbers dont line up with the fact real wages have not increased, there's an impending climate crisis, and all the other s*** going on in this world? like wow maybe social media giving them unfiltered access to that stuff caused a rise in mental health crisis? maybe kids finally having the ability to put a name to what they were experiencing finally also contributed? trust me, its not because as haidt says we are weaker because of safe spaces and trigger warnings lol.
Like I said, ban tiktok tomorrow, ban whatever, restrict whatever as much as you want; the mental health crisis will remain.
Brother; respectfully, just not following what half of these strawman arguments tie into regulating big tech companies? Personally do share some of the sentiment that you're expressing and agree that there are large issues to tackle. The other point being Haidt's criticism of 'safe spaces' and 'trigger warnings' (which does have value in some arguments about being mentally resilient as human beings) the effective part of what the topic should really be about is mental health issues socially compared to being traced to the rise of big tech.
like all his little graphs about mental illness just remind me of this
Data and statistics don't lie, sure, there's ways of bending what they overall represent; which is not the case of what is happening with the ones supplied above.
Productivity is about to sky rocket and mental illness will prob go down a bit.
because, you know, people who use Tiktok wont just go to Youtube Shorts and Reels if it get banned lol.
Brother; respectfully, just not following what half of these strawman arguments tie into regulating big tech companies? Personally do share some of the sentiment that you're expressing and agree that there are large issues to tackle. The other point being Haidt's criticism of 'safe spaces' and 'trigger warnings' (which does have value in some arguments about being mentally resilient as human beings) the effective part of what the topic should really be about is mental health issues socially compared to being traced to the rise of big tech.
You posted a graph implying that the rise of big tech = rise in mental health issues among adolescents. i'm telling you correlation =/= causation. that graph implies that social media is the determining factor. it is not, capitalism is. you can do all you want to try and restrict these companies tomorrow (which will never happen because capitalism) and people's mental states are not going to improve because their material conditions are going to continue to get worse.