Joined this site and already disappointed seeing leftist commies going around
Lot of us commies around here. Get used to it
Joined this site and already disappointed seeing leftist commies going around
then leave the site
Joined this site and already disappointed seeing leftist commies going around
Joined this site and already disappointed seeing leftist commies going around
leave b**** theres nothing for you here
I don’t have tik tok and never come across it unless a friend shows me a random clip from it. Idk what’s the big deal
Joined this site and already disappointed seeing leftist commies going around
These alts are so flagrant. Making sock puppets to post somewhere you hate is a cucked existence
"why do teenagers self diagnose mental illness more nowadays?"
maybe because they have the words to actually express what they are going through nowadays, all the half baked awareness campaigns, ever worsening material conditions etc.,
like yes, going on social media so much is a problem. but guess what, it is not the end all be all. its way deeper than that
Let's not act like self-diagnosis is helpful or positive at all. Especially with all of the misinformation out there.
Joined this site and already disappointed seeing leftist commies going around
Leftists are kind of based.
Let's not act like self-diagnosis is helpful or positive at all. Especially with all of the misinformation out there.
i didn't make any proclomations on if it was helpful or positive or not
Let's not act like self-diagnosis is helpful or positive at all. Especially with all of the misinformation out there.
I’d say self diagnosis is the first step to actual diagnosis
If you can’t recognize and react to symptoms you feel then a professional can’t be of any help
Sure, maybe for anatomical reasons you can’t diagnose your entire condition, but recognizing symptoms is important
And that’s something many mentally damaged younger kids are feeling these days. A recognition that they don’t feel ok with what’s going on
Damn the new posters are ready for a battle new posters with no avis are the real threat to society ITS OVER
Joined this site and already disappointed seeing leftist commies going around
Joined this site and already disappointed seeing leftist commies going around 🤓
do y'all hear yourselves??
Seeing boomers lose their s*** over the thought of tiktok is hilarious. Mfs really be mad at seeing people have fun and enjoying things 😂 I get this site is anti social media but dawg y’all just come off as bitter losers. Being anti social media doesn’t make you quirky or anything.
whining about data like these old niggas don’t be on facebook and whatsapp lmfao