How old is everyone in this thread? Would like to know this, because as someone on the cusp of hitting their late 20's: social media really was never an issue like it is now growing up. It's changed drastically over the last decade.
Watching people younger struggling with the issues they have now is certainly a scary thing. These problems are relatively 'new' and stem from overuse of technology. It's like this group of people were a test experiment, sadly.
Now ban Instagram and Twitter and make onlyfans restricted and we can get society back on track
what do you mean by this?
"people who are bored for 5 seconds open up facebook or instagram or tiktok out of habit often without even thinking of it. Surely, if you have this issue and are realizing the negativity, you’ll post about it ON those services right? It’s not easy to simply quit cold turkey a habit that for some people is over a decade old at this point."
cant the same exact point be made about this site?
not necessarily the posting about the negativity part, im not really sure what that is referring to.
How old is everyone in this thread? Would like to know this, because as someone on the cusp of hitting their late 20's: social media really was never an issue like it is now growing up. It's changed drastically over the last decade.
Watching people younger struggling with the issues they have now is certainly a scary thing. These problems are relatively 'new' and stem from overuse of technology. It's like this group of people were a test experiment, sadly.
29, the problem is that it’s too easy for young minds to be exposed to so much until they become over stimulated or sometimes worse desensitised; some people become so invested in the seemingly great lives of others that they forget that all we see on socials a lot of the time is the good stuff people want you to see when deep down their lives might be hell e.g. Instagram. I have found that so many are so socially awkward that they can’t do simple tasks such as making a phone call for the doctors or a job interview this was certainly the case when I was at university, so many standard adult social day to day norms were difficult. Without putting it in a more eloquent way as it is definitely seriously affecting peoples mental health but sometimes it’s a case of putting your phone down and going outside more. It’s too easy for some peoples social reactions to be limited solely to the internet and the safe space it creates. Edit: just remembered that my ex girlfriend- who was perfectly fine engaging in arguments on Twitter etc, used to get me to pay at checkouts and ask store staff where things were because she was too awkward to at the big old age of 23
good tired of grown ass men at work talking about tik tok of having their loud ass phones on watching tik tok
29, the problem is that it’s too easy for young minds to be exposed to so much until they become over stimulated or sometimes worse desensitised; some people become so invested in the seemingly great lives of others that they forget that all we see on socials a lot of the time is the good stuff people want you to see when deep down their lives might be hell e.g. Instagram. I have found that so many are so socially awkward that they can’t do simple tasks such as making a phone call for the doctors or a job interview this was certainly the case when I was at university, so many standard adult social day to day norms were difficult. Without putting it in a more eloquent way as it is definitely seriously affecting peoples mental health but sometimes it’s a case of putting your phone down and going outside more. It’s too easy for some peoples social reactions to be limited solely to the internet and the safe space it creates. Edit: just remembered that my ex girlfriend- who was perfectly fine engaging in arguments on Twitter etc, used to get me to pay at checkouts and ask store staff where things were because she was too awkward to at the big old age of 23
you said comparing tiktok to ktt were apples to oranges yet this last sentence
"It’s too easy for some people's social reactions to be limited solely to the internet and the safe space it creates."
is precisely what this app offers to many users is it not?
so would tiktok and other social media, and this website, at least just in this specific issue of limiting social interactions to online safe spaces, be the same?
tiktok is literally eroding the minds of millions
Any actual data to back this claim?
you said comparing tiktok to ktt were apples to oranges yet this last sentence
"It’s too easy for some people's social reactions to be limited solely to the internet and the safe space it creates."
is precisely what this app offers to many users is it not?
so would tiktok and other social media, and this website, at least just in this specific issue of limiting social interactions to online safe spaces, be the same?
In the context of the sentence you quoted yes, but In the wider context I agree with others that this site requires you to actively seek out and engage in discourse about topics that interest you and maybe makes you think and consider societal issues such as BLM and topics such as this about real world applications like new laws being implemented; tiktok is largely brain rot which requires no thinking and is just mindless scrolling for the most part; nothing wrong with that if you are just seeking an escape/some downtime but I imagine a lot of people do spend too much time on it.
this site doesn't have a bunch of people (kids AND adults) asking the p**** flap color of underage girls in tiktok comments
You know those people don’t just disappear if tiktok gets banned, right? Tiktok is just a platform. Also I use Tiktok regularly and never see anything like that. Your page is catered to your interests so maybe that’s what you’re into?
You know those people don’t just disappear if tiktok gets banned, right? Tiktok is just a platform. Also I use Tiktok regularly and never see anything like that. Your page is catered to your interests so maybe that’s what you’re into?
In the context of the sentence you quoted yes, but In the wider context I agree with others that this site requires you to actively seek out and engage in discourse about topics that interest you and maybe makes you think and consider societal issues such as BLM and topics such as this about real world applications like new laws being implemented; tiktok is largely brain rot which requires no thinking and is just mindless scrolling for the most part; nothing wrong with that if you are just seeking an escape/some downtime but I imagine a lot of people do spend too much time on it.
I don’t think you’ve ever actually used tiktok. The ”for you page” is specifically catered to what you’re interested in. So if you like mindless content, you’re gonna get mindless content. My for you page is full of music discussion and fashion s*** similar to this website
In the context of the sentence you quoted yes, but In the wider context I agree with others that this site requires you to actively seek out and engage in discourse about topics that interest you and maybe makes you think and consider societal issues such as BLM and topics such as this about real world applications like new laws being implemented; tiktok is largely brain rot which requires no thinking and is just mindless scrolling for the most part; nothing wrong with that if you are just seeking an escape/some downtime but I imagine a lot of people do spend too much time on it.
super subjective imo.
plenty of users mindlessly go through this site i'd imagine without actually engaging in much solid convo, just how some people go through tiktok.
but on the flipside as you said, there are people who seek out solid discussion that is good for the brain. there are also people who use tiktok largely for informational purposes too though. there is a ton of beneficial insightful content on the app if you want to go and find it.
now ill agree, the ratio is probably skewed in terms of there probably are more ppl on this site looking for insightful discussion, then there are people on tiktok looking for informational content. just dont think there is enough reason to ban tiktok. esp if you arent going to ban other socials.
i also think once you are addicted to this site, its no diff than being addicted to tiktok. plenty of users, prolly myself included, are addicted to at the very least checking the site to see if there is any cool threads that peak ones interest. and once youre addicted youre going to come here no matter what.
I don’t think you’ve ever actually used tiktok. The ”for you page” is specifically catered to what you’re interested in. So if you like mindless content, you’re gonna get mindless content. My for you page is full of music discussion and fashion s*** similar to this website
The algorithm is far from perfect through. I largely follow travel, gym and recipe tiktoks for ideas yet my fyp page keeps showing me videos of the 1975 because my girlfriend sent me one of their videos once.
super subjective imo.
plenty of users mindlessly go through this site i'd imagine without actually engaging in much solid convo, just how some people go through tiktok.
but on the flipside as you said, there are people who seek out solid discussion that is good for the brain. there are also people who use tiktok largely for informational purposes too though. there is a ton of beneficial insightful content on the app if you want to go and find it.
now ill agree, the ratio is probably skewed in terms of there probably are more ppl on this site looking for insightful discussion, then there are people on tiktok looking for informational content. just dont think there is enough reason to ban tiktok. esp if you arent going to ban other socials.
i also think once you are addicted to this site, its no diff than being addicted to tiktok. plenty of users, prolly myself included, are addicted to at the very least checking the site to see if there is any cool threads that peak ones interest. and once youre addicted youre going to come here no matter what.
I largely agree with/can see your point about most of what you said, but I don’t think checking this site daily just to see if there’s any interesting topics to engage in is addiction, I make the choice to go and have a look then I close the site if I don’t. I don’t think people are necessarily addicted to tiktok or any given platform either; probably just to social media as a whole if anything.
tiktok is literally eroding the minds of millions
Yall gonna be unironically posting those cringe facebook boomer comics itt soon lol
29, the problem is that it’s too easy for young minds to be exposed to so much until they become over stimulated or sometimes worse desensitised; some people become so invested in the seemingly great lives of others that they forget that all we see on socials a lot of the time is the good stuff people want you to see when deep down their lives might be hell e.g. Instagram. I have found that so many are so socially awkward that they can’t do simple tasks such as making a phone call for the doctors or a job interview this was certainly the case when I was at university, so many standard adult social day to day norms were difficult. Without putting it in a more eloquent way as it is definitely seriously affecting peoples mental health but sometimes it’s a case of putting your phone down and going outside more. It’s too easy for some peoples social reactions to be limited solely to the internet and the safe space it creates. Edit: just remembered that my ex girlfriend- who was perfectly fine engaging in arguments on Twitter etc, used to get me to pay at checkouts and ask store staff where things were because she was too awkward to at the big old age of 23
Around the same age as you. Well explained, the whole idea of not 'keeping private information' to yourself is crazy. This is a real threat to those who will be searching for careers later in life. As children; we were TOLD about the dangers of the internet and told to NEVER reveal stuff about ourselves as kids. As an adult, it's still a good idea to not put everything out there. That's for sure!
Great point as well! Social awkwardness and anti-social skills seems to be a big thing at the moment. Some people can't even just say hi anymore, it's absolutely unbelievable. That's gotta be from being constantly wired online. Simple as that.
You know those people don’t just disappear if tiktok gets banned, right? Tiktok is just a platform. Also I use Tiktok regularly and never see anything like that. Your page is catered to your interests so maybe that’s what you’re into?
sick own re*tard, you not seeing it doesn't mean it doesnt exist
Any actual data to back this claim?
Highly suggest you read Jonathan Haidt's "Coddling of the American Mind".
His substack is great as well;
Lots of us who are old enough to remember know that 2012 was the last year the world 'felt normal' and it's largely due to social media.
you said comparing tiktok to ktt were apples to oranges yet this last sentence
"It’s too easy for some people's social reactions to be limited solely to the internet and the safe space it creates."
is precisely what this app offers to many users is it not?
so would tiktok and other social media, and this website, at least just in this specific issue of limiting social interactions to online safe spaces, be the same?
ktt can be harmful, but tiktok is a more dangerous d*** for sure
instagram and twitter are more related to tiktok, but even then their algorithm is not as addicting as tiktok's is. people scroll way longer on tiktok than on twitter or anything ... it's f***ed
ktt can be harmful, but tiktok is a more dangerous d*** for sure
instagram and twitter are more related to tiktok, but even then their algorithm is not as addicting as tiktok's is. people scroll way longer on tiktok than on twitter or anything ... it's f***ed
i understand, i just find it peculiar that the majority opinion here is to ban tiktok.
but with addictive substances like p*** and weed and booze, most would likely agree they should all be legal.
if anything i would agree on a hardstop age restriction.