  • Mar 2, 2020

    Chrono Trigger on my phone but streaming it to my Apple TV and playing it with my x box controller I might not even get a next gen system I’ve got so many classics to play on my phone.

    Other than that all I’ve been playing is read dead 2, but I’m about halfway through and pretty bored.

    I don’t have much time for games lately but I’ve really been digging this retro rpg vibe. I never had a system up until n64 so there’s a bunch of legendary stuff I’d just read about or hear from friends and never really got to play.

  • Mar 3, 2020

    warframe on ps4 that Nioh 2 lookin nice tho

  • Mar 3, 2020

    Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days

  • Mar 3, 2020

    ☢️The Division II

  • Mar 3, 2020
    1 reply


  • Mar 3, 2020
    1 reply


    Worth copping?

  • Mr Motion

    Worth copping?

    I managed to get it for only ten bucks, so I don't know if that effects my expectations. I think it's fun so far, but I can understand if someone were to pick this up and say that it's a bootleg Witcher.

    Skill based combat with a steep learning curve. Focus on timing.
    There's a character creator, but his/her personality and decisions are fixed and predetermined. There are three main classes with their own skill tree that can customize and play around with, which the game pretty much encourages. You're supposed to want to be a hybrid class character.

  • Mar 3, 2020

    playing Super Metroid for the first time and it's blowing my mind how ahead of it's time this is

  • Mar 6, 2020

    Cycling between Dynasty Warriors 9 and getting into the devil may cry series.

    specifically DMC4. reboot DmC. then DMC 5 when it goes on sale.

    also bayonetta on switch

  • this kanye west RPG i am wasting my time working on

  • Mar 6, 2020

    Breath of the wild and CoD mostly

  • Mar 7, 2020

    The Division 2 has me hooked

  • Mar 7, 2020

    Downloaded the demo of dragon quest XI and it’s right up my alley. Definitely gonna buy the full game.

  • Mar 9, 2020

    Forager is f***ing crack holy s***

  • Mar 10, 2020

    been playing OW
    copped Yakuza 0 on sale for 5$ lets see how this goes

  • Mar 10, 2020


  • Mar 10, 2020


  • Mar 14, 2020

    I sold my PS4 :(
    I wanna play as Spawn so bad ...
    Recently just got into the animated show f***kkkkkkk

  • Mar 14, 2020

    Recently been Playing:
    Breath of Fire II
    Dead By Daylight
    Pokemon Sword

  • Mar 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Replaying Bully tbh in between MW. Classic and still holds up

  • Mar 14, 2020

    I heard so many positive things about Control, like how the atmospheric the world is, the fluid telepathic gameplay, and the top notch visuals. I’m glad to say for the most part I wasn’t disappointed.

    Control’s premise of this “SCP gone wrong” type scenario is really awesome to see, especially with all the collectible notes and Case files for other reality shifting objects. There’s a lot of games with filler text logs that are uninteresting and have little to no value reading, but the ones in Control build this world and offer substance to the main plot of the game.

    The main story of Control is kind of a Spoiler, so I won’t go in to detail. You play as a woman named Jesse who is looking for her brother Dylan, who has a connection with the Federal Bureau of Control, an agency who investigates paranatural events and objects.

    Playing around with Jesse’s telepathic abilities with this physics engine is an absolute blast. Every push and pull feels powerful, and the upgrades the player can do make Jesse an unstoppable force. The gunplay does get somewhat...whatever after awhile, as enemies become bullet sponges. It didn’t help that the checkpoints were kinda bad.

    I ran the PS4 version, which had a chunk of stuttering/ frame drops. Anytime I would pause then unpause, the game would have problems loading textures, enemies, etc. Also, As I said before, the game has great visuals, but the last battle completely over does it. It legitimately hurt my eyes. Not sure what the idea was there

    Despite its issues, I had a real fun time with it. It’s a cool game with the flaws of a typical first entry. I hope to see more paranatural stuff if a sequel ever comes to fruition.

    CONTROL - 7/10

  • Mar 14, 2020
    1 reply
    Strictly Syrup

    Replaying Bully tbh in between MW. Classic and still holds up

    100% agree with you. It's one of those few games I always go back too and replay every few years or so.

  • Mar 14, 2020

    100% agree with you. It's one of those few games I always go back too and replay every few years or so.

    need Bully 2

  • Mar 15, 2020

    Currently running through the Halo: Reach campaign. I've beat all other Halo mainline campaigns besides this one.

  • Mar 16, 2020

    rotating between ori 2 and the langrisser remake
