  • Updated Dec 31, 2024

    in 2021 I set a quantitative goal of 52 and was able to pass it but for 2022 it's more qualitative and as long as I get to like 30+ I'll be happy

    want to read more non-fiction and write my thoughts and takeaways from each book after I finish it

    fiction wise, last year I was reading more contemporary fiction but this year I want to read more of the classics and more challenging work in general

    already got a pretty good reading list I'm excited to read through

    how bout y'all? we can check up on this thread as the year goes on to hold each other accountable too

  • Dec 30, 2021
    5 replies

    I made a goal for 20 books for 2022 and I expect to pass that.

    more importantly, I want to start taking notes while reading, like doing little sticky notes markers for memorable quotes or ideas that I want to come back to.

    Also want to throw some more nonfiction into the mix, don't know what yet but i didn't read any nonfiction this year so I want to change that.

  • Dec 30, 2021

    I made a goal for 20 books for 2022 and I expect to pass that.

    more importantly, I want to start taking notes while reading, like doing little sticky notes markers for memorable quotes or ideas that I want to come back to.

    Also want to throw some more nonfiction into the mix, don't know what yet but i didn't read any nonfiction this year so I want to change that.

  • Dec 30, 2021
    1 reply

    I made a goal for 20 books for 2022 and I expect to pass that.

    more importantly, I want to start taking notes while reading, like doing little sticky notes markers for memorable quotes or ideas that I want to come back to.

    Also want to throw some more nonfiction into the mix, don't know what yet but i didn't read any nonfiction this year so I want to change that.

    Taking notes is a great thing to do imo. I do it and then summarize the notes in a Word-doc when I finish the book. Do it for every book you read.

  • Dec 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Also great idea OP. My plan for every year is at least one book every month (12 in a year). Hopefully I can read more than that in 2022

  • Dec 30, 2021

    Also great idea OP. My plan for every year is at least one book every month (12 in a year). Hopefully I can read more than that in 2022

    nice, always good to set reachable goals

    one thing that helped me read a lot was having a long list of what I want to read so I'm always excited about what's next. that way when I finish one, the next day I already have another to start

  • Dec 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Taking notes is a great thing to do imo. I do it and then summarize the notes in a Word-doc when I finish the book. Do it for every book you read.

    one thing I realized as I got back into reading this year is that there would be so many great passages in the books I read but once I was done with the book, i'd have a hard time remembering where the passage was and what it was about so to counteract that it's about that time to be a more active reader so what I read actually sticks with me past the duration of the book.

  • Dec 30, 2021
    2 replies

    one thing I realized as I got back into reading this year is that there would be so many great passages in the books I read but once I was done with the book, i'd have a hard time remembering where the passage was and what it was about so to counteract that it's about that time to be a more active reader so what I read actually sticks with me past the duration of the book.

    e-readers are GOAT for that

    long video, but I'm trying to do what this guy does when it comes to note-taking on non-fiction books

    it's a bit technical and extreme but I started using his Notion template and hopefully it'll be useful to have my summaries, quotes, takeaways, and notes all organized like that

  • Dec 30, 2021

    e-readers are GOAT for that

    long video, but I'm trying to do what this guy does when it comes to note-taking on non-fiction books


    it's a bit technical and extreme but I started using his Notion template and hopefully it'll be useful to have my summaries, quotes, takeaways, and notes all organized like that

    Iā€™ve watched this guy before! Heā€™s one of the youtuberā€™s I watched so I can decide if I wanted to get a Kindle. I havenā€™t seen this video tho, imma peep

  • start reading again

  • Kr0niic ā˜˜ļø
    Dec 31, 2021

    Read 1 book

  • Dec 31, 2021

    Got a stack that has some heavy hitters so if I can read 20 of them Iā€™ll be happy. I take notes during and after each read as well. Just keep my brain moving and helps me remember more tbh. If I can finish Gravityā€™s Rainbow I will be elated.

  • Dec 31, 2021

    Read 30 pages of ktt a day

  • Dec 31, 2021
    1 reply

    I made a goal for 20 books for 2022 and I expect to pass that.

    more importantly, I want to start taking notes while reading, like doing little sticky notes markers for memorable quotes or ideas that I want to come back to.

    Also want to throw some more nonfiction into the mix, don't know what yet but i didn't read any nonfiction this year so I want to change that.

    What type of non fiction do you like. I have many recommendations. Wasnā€™t till the end of this year where I decided to take a break and read more fiction.

  • Dec 31, 2021

    read a book a month

    my attention span has gone down the s***ter and I basically only read online summaries of books now

  • Finish a classic book. I'm talking Victorian Era type s***.

    Read one 'epic' novel (in terms of scope)

  • Dec 31, 2021
    1 reply

    What type of non fiction do you like. I have many recommendations. Wasnā€™t till the end of this year where I decided to take a break and read more fiction.

    Iā€™m open to anything, I donā€™t have a preference. So hit me with whatever you got

  • Dec 31, 2021

    Finally finish out my backlog. Take advantage of university library while I have access

  • Read 20+ books again,
    I had a great 2020 for reading but really fell off with the hecticness of life in 2021.
    Got 2 books for christmas/my bday and have been finishing off the other 3 im part way through so i can start those asap.

  • Dec 31, 2021

    35 books

  • Dec 31, 2021
    1 reply

    I made a goal for 20 books for 2022 and I expect to pass that.

    more importantly, I want to start taking notes while reading, like doing little sticky notes markers for memorable quotes or ideas that I want to come back to.

    Also want to throw some more nonfiction into the mix, don't know what yet but i didn't read any nonfiction this year so I want to change that.

    read pedagogy of the oppressed, how to hide an empire, and the half has never been told.

  • Dec 31, 2021

    In addition to 35 books, go back through the nonfiction ive read and summarize

  • Dec 31, 2021
    3 replies

    Topic Goals:
    Financial Literacy

  • Dec 31, 2021

    read pedagogy of the oppressed, how to hide an empire, and the half has never been told.

    Bet Iā€™ll add em to my list, thanks

  • Dec 31, 2021

    Only managed 6 this year, I want to do at least one a month 2022
