  • Dec 31, 2024

    Don't mind me tho, I'm just a troll I guess

  • Dec 31, 2024
    Venus as a boy

    I don't read in any way my guy. I just read and make sure I fully understand what I read.

    And I'm not trynna judge, just stating an opinion that it seems weird and inauthentic that people feel the need to make themselves read a specific amount of books instead of just reading.

    Again, how come people don't feel the need to say "I'm gonna finish at least 20 video games this year"? Is it because you can't impress nobody saying that?

    there is not such an endless trove of video games as there are books

    and there are 100% people out there who say "im going to watch 50 movies this year" or something along those lines

  • Bestowed

    Topic Goals:
    Financial Literacy

    This concept of reading goals makes more sense to me than just "read x amount of books this year"

    That's just me tho, to each his own, as long as you are reading that's what matters I guess

  • Dec 31, 2024

    Read one book

  • my take on setting a goal for the # of books you want to read in a year is that I've seen people who take setting this goal so seriously that they try to pad their stats by reading really short books. Or reading and listening to audiobooks on 2x speed as to make sure they reach their goal. This to me is really... REALLY silly and just unnecessary.

    I like to set my goal of 20 books because it usually motivates my baseline goal which is to always have a book in rotation at any point in the year. Even moreso than that, make reading a habit in my lifestyle. Instead of phone usage, picking up a book etc. So setting a goal motivates me, excites me, and gets me invested in the habit that I want to continue to build.
