  • Bestowed

    Topic Goals:
    Financial Literacy

    OMG. Same. 😝

  • Jan 4, 2024
    1 reply

    My goal is small 6 books for 2024 and 12 books for 2025. I am finishing Shantaram atm, gonna read bloods meridian next.

  • Jan 4, 2024

    My goal is small 6 books for 2024 and 12 books for 2025. I am finishing Shantaram atm, gonna read bloods meridian next.

    loved Shantaram, drop your thoughts in the just finished a book thread when you're done

  • Dec 31, 2024
    1 reply

    bout that time again

    my goals for next year:

    read at least 10 books that are over 500 pages

    reread 10 books that I loved growing up or read long enough ago to forget about them

    read at least 5 books in Spanish

  • Dec 31, 2024

    25 new fiction books (already have them lined up)

    7 non-fiction (no idea on what or which topics)

    3 rereads

  • Dec 31, 2024
    1 reply

    bout that time again

    my goals for next year:

    read at least 10 books that are over 500 pages

    reread 10 books that I loved growing up or read long enough ago to forget about them

    read at least 5 books in Spanish

    Have you read 2666

  • Dec 31, 2024
    2 replies

    Have you read 2666

    yea I read it last year in Spanish. harrowing read at times but singular and unforgettable. big Bolaño fan but honestly I liked The Savage Detectives much more. read that in English a few years ago and will probably reread it this year in Spanish

  • Dec 31, 2024

    yea I read it last year in Spanish. harrowing read at times but singular and unforgettable. big Bolaño fan but honestly I liked The Savage Detectives much more. read that in English a few years ago and will probably reread it this year in Spanish

    On my list for next year been hearing a lot of good things

  • Dec 31, 2024

    yea I read it last year in Spanish. harrowing read at times but singular and unforgettable. big Bolaño fan but honestly I liked The Savage Detectives much more. read that in English a few years ago and will probably reread it this year in Spanish

    thinking about doing The Savage Detectives this year too

  • Dec 31, 2024

    20 books is my goal!

    been doing 12 for the past two years but wanna take it up a notch

    I did 13 this year

    the goal is 20 books once again. maybe this'll be the year that i actually reach it lol.

  • Dec 31, 2024
    1 reply

    Wanna read some big ass books, and also difficult reads, fiction and non fiction.

    Read stuff that aligns with elements of what I'm writing

  • 12 novels for me this year! however, I will count long graphic novels to my total. I wanna start the year reading Watchmen

  • Dec 31, 2024
    1 reply

    Wanna read some big ass books, and also difficult reads, fiction and non fiction.

    Read stuff that aligns with elements of what I'm writing

    What are you writing?

  • Dec 31, 2024
    2 replies

    I never understood these reading goals thingy.
    Do yall actually take the time to get fully emerged into a book or do you just try to read as fast as possible and get to the next book to meet your goal of 50 books a year?

    All this forcing yourself to read x amount of books a year is so bizarre to me.
    If you enjoy reading just read what you feel like whenever you feel like.

    You don't see people setting goals watching x amount of movies, or play x amount of video games, or listen to x amount of albums, you just do it because you enjoy it and that's it, so why is it with books people feel the need to "I must read at least 20 books this year!".

    Yall enjoy reading or yall wanna impress people with how many books you read?

    Why do yall even read?

  • Dec 31, 2024

    Read 16 books in 2024. Aiming for 20 in 2025.
    Compared to 2021 and 2022 my reading was AWFUL in 23 and 24 so I am hoping to focus fr fr this year

  • Dec 31, 2024
    1 reply
    Venus as a boy

    I never understood these reading goals thingy.
    Do yall actually take the time to get fully emerged into a book or do you just try to read as fast as possible and get to the next book to meet your goal of 50 books a year?

    All this forcing yourself to read x amount of books a year is so bizarre to me.
    If you enjoy reading just read what you feel like whenever you feel like.

    You don't see people setting goals watching x amount of movies, or play x amount of video games, or listen to x amount of albums, you just do it because you enjoy it and that's it, so why is it with books people feel the need to "I must read at least 20 books this year!".

    Yall enjoy reading or yall wanna impress people with how many books you read?

    Why do yall even read?

    I don't think you hold that much info reading slow either. It's either you do want to intentionally learn or just be entertained. This goal seems to just fall in the entertainment side of consuming

  • Dec 31, 2024
    1 reply
    Venus as a boy

    I never understood these reading goals thingy.
    Do yall actually take the time to get fully emerged into a book or do you just try to read as fast as possible and get to the next book to meet your goal of 50 books a year?

    All this forcing yourself to read x amount of books a year is so bizarre to me.
    If you enjoy reading just read what you feel like whenever you feel like.

    You don't see people setting goals watching x amount of movies, or play x amount of video games, or listen to x amount of albums, you just do it because you enjoy it and that's it, so why is it with books people feel the need to "I must read at least 20 books this year!".

    Yall enjoy reading or yall wanna impress people with how many books you read?

    Why do yall even read?

    Guy has never heard of goal setting

  • Dec 31, 2024

    Sometimes when you have a clearly defined goal it's easier to do a thing

    If I have a bunch of books I'd like to read it's easier to say "ok ill have read this many by this month " than to just leave it to a whim

  • Dec 31, 2024

    Also some people literally read to become better readers so tracking that progress helps

  • Dec 31, 2024
    2 replies

    I don't think you hold that much info reading slow either. It's either you do want to intentionally learn or just be entertained. This goal seems to just fall in the entertainment side of consuming

    You don't have to read slow or fast, just read at whatever pace you comfortably read.
    F*** meeting a goal of x books a year. Me personally I like the feeling of having a book be a part of my life for a period of time, I be taking notes, searching up every word i don't know the meaning of to make sure i fully understand what the author wanted to express, i very often re-reading pages, chapters or a whole book if I feel like it, I take as much as I need to feel like I've fully digested a book before moving on to the next one.

    To each his own i guess, but this s*** is weird to me, pretentious behavior.

  • Venus as a boy

    You don't have to read slow or fast, just read at whatever pace you comfortably read.
    F*** meeting a goal of x books a year. Me personally I like the feeling of having a book be a part of my life for a period of time, I be taking notes, searching up every word i don't know the meaning of to make sure i fully understand what the author wanted to express, i very often re-reading pages, chapters or a whole book if I feel like it, I take as much as I need to feel like I've fully digested a book before moving on to the next one.

    To each his own i guess, but this s*** is weird to me, pretentious behavior.

    There is no better way to read. Some people just like structure is all, nothing to do with rushing through a book.

  • Dec 31, 2024

    Guy has never heard of goal setting

    My reading goals are different my guy.

    My only reading goal is to do my best to avoid reading translations.
    For example, my native language is portuguese so if I wanna read a book by an English speaking author I will try my best to actually read in English instead of a portuguese translation. Same thing with Russian, I can speak and read in Russian so instead of a portuguese translation of a Russian classic I will take on the challenge of reading it in Russian, which is hard as f*** for a non-native speaker but I want to actually read what the author wrote, not what the translator wrote.

    Portuguese is very close to spanish so I also wanna learn Spanish and read Spanish speaking authors in Spanish, not a translation.

    That to me is a really fun reading goal that will make me fully indulge into the nuances of different author's styles of writting.

  • Dec 31, 2024
    1 reply
    Venus as a boy

    You don't have to read slow or fast, just read at whatever pace you comfortably read.
    F*** meeting a goal of x books a year. Me personally I like the feeling of having a book be a part of my life for a period of time, I be taking notes, searching up every word i don't know the meaning of to make sure i fully understand what the author wanted to express, i very often re-reading pages, chapters or a whole book if I feel like it, I take as much as I need to feel like I've fully digested a book before moving on to the next one.

    To each his own i guess, but this s*** is weird to me, pretentious behavior.

    we seem pretentious for tracking our reading and striving to hit numerical goals

    you seem pretentious for being above it all and acting like your way of reading is superior

  • Dec 31, 2024
    2 replies

    we seem pretentious for tracking our reading and striving to hit numerical goals

    you seem pretentious for being above it all and acting like your way of reading is superior

    I don't read in any way my guy. I just read and make sure I fully understand what I read.

    And I'm not trynna judge, just stating an opinion that it seems weird and inauthentic that people feel the need to make themselves read a specific amount of books instead of just reading.

    Again, how come people don't feel the need to say "I'm gonna finish at least 20 video games this year"? Is it because you can't impress nobody saying that?
