This s*** finna hit 1m likes lol
the value of music plummeted with napster and has yet to fully recover
Changed title cuz yall sleep but this is probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen on twitter recently
Straight entitlement
Music is free if you’re not tech illiterate
As someone who devotes a lot of time to music, I ain’t got time for that
Music is free if you’re not tech illiterate
The convenience of streaming>>> pirating music
Changed title cuz yall sleep but this is probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen on twitter recently
Straight entitlement
but this is KTT2
As someone who devotes a lot of time to music, I ain’t got time for that
I feel the same way, was just being cheeky lol
The convenience of streaming>>> pirating music
Music is the only type of streaming I feel like this btw lol
People born in the 90s or later never had to pay for music lol
You realize car radios were the way most people heard music for decades right.
Ad based just like free Spotify or Youtube now
This is one of those common copy and paste tweets that go viral all the time
This has to be the best feature Apple added 😂
This s*** finna hit 1m likes lol
good idea
if it is set up in a way where i monetarily contribute not to my subscription but to buying albums directly i dont see how its a bad idea
This s*** finna hit 1m likes lol
LMAOOOOOOOOOO @browser @Jim_Halpert_
Paired with the phone service is different from free and apple doesnt pay artist that much
People born in the 90s or later never had to pay for music lol
tf you talm bout