i had forgotten what it was like with my friends and how much i took them for granted. i was mad at guy because he was being annoying over the past few weeks and watching videos/pictures of us at parties or whatever (pre-covid ofc) made me realize how funny he is.
used to lag on ppl out of comfort, definitely took it for granted. I try to value everything in my life now and stop saying no for everything
that im grateful im getting a college education & not some dumbshit labor worker who think it the system out to get us
Don’t wait until tomorrow to do something when you can get it done today.
Also to cherish your family and friends. Appreciate their presence and tell them you love them.
that I have been quarantining my whole life
that staying in the house drives some ppl insane (introvert, can't relate)
that a lot of people are idiots, even those who supposedly believe in science
that many people are clearly okay with dying early
how f***ing dumb people are
This in addition to me learning that i follow a lot more scientists, epidemiologists, and doctors on my social media accounts than i previously thought🤓🤓🤓
How much my career and internships really matter. I feel like before quarantine I was taking my college time for granted.
I have a toxic house life and a mentally ill mother and I want out.
This too for sure
No one else matters but you
Not your girlfriend not your boyfriend not your family not your side hoe not your friends not your coworkers maybe your pets but nobody but you should matter. ALWAYS prioritize your well being above everyone else because in the end it’s going to be YOU that’s in that box and everyone will carry on about their life without you no matter how much they cry at your funeral
How much I appreciate my family and friends
How many free resources there are online that can teach you new skills, hobbies, etc
No one else matters but you
Not your girlfriend not your boyfriend not your family not your side hoe not your friends not your coworkers maybe your pets but nobody but you should matter. ALWAYS prioritize your well being above everyone else because in the end it’s going to be YOU that’s in that box and everyone will carry on about their life without you no matter how much they cry at your funeral
Real, in fact this pandemic lowkey exposed how many of the people I knew were fake