No one else matters but you
Not your girlfriend not your boyfriend not your family not your side hoe not your friends not your coworkers maybe your pets but nobody but you should matter. ALWAYS prioritize your well being above everyone else because in the end it’s going to be YOU that’s in that box and everyone will carry on about their life without you no matter how much they cry at your funeral
Realized this a while back. Felt awesome as f*** but I’ve been backtracking out of coming of as too selfish. Any advice on how not to feel like a piece of s*** or am I getting it all wrong?
No one else matters but you
Not your girlfriend not your boyfriend not your family not your side hoe not your friends not your coworkers maybe your pets but nobody but you should matter. ALWAYS prioritize your well being above everyone else because in the end it’s going to be YOU that’s in that box and everyone will carry on about their life without you no matter how much they cry at your funeral
king mentality.
Realized this a while back. Felt awesome as f*** but I’ve been backtracking out of coming of as too selfish. Any advice on how not to feel like a piece of s*** or am I getting it all wrong?
nah that whole "selfishness" thing is basically gaslighting lmao. you can take care of yourself without stepping on others' toes just fine. like it's def good to look out for other people as long as you're looking out for yourself first and foremost
masks are a cool fashion accessory
realized how cool some of my friends that i previously just saw as 'just around' actually are. realized the value of human interaction
as ppl said above, yeah mfs are dumb asl
my sexuality and general identity
I'm becoming very distant with my family and COVID really exposed just how s*** America is.
body language and facial cues are important af. Masks kinda make it harder to communicate.
its good to have hobbies besides video games (picked up drawing)
Covid made me go to the gym ironically
that im grateful im getting a college education & not some dumbshit labor worker who think it the system out to get us
who hurt you?
Realized this a while back. Felt awesome as f*** but I’ve been backtracking out of coming of as too selfish. Any advice on how not to feel like a piece of s*** or am I getting it all wrong?
F*** everybody bro you should be selfish
This is your life
Why spend it trying to please others
body language and facial cues are important af. Masks kinda make it harder to communicate.
This is facts
that I have been quarantining my whole life
that staying in the house drives some ppl insane (introvert, can't relate)
that a lot of people are idiots, even those who supposedly believe in science
that many people are clearly okay with dying early
Being a hermit ≠ Introvertedness
They’re related, but not the same
Realized sometime late in 2019 that I had a hermit lifestyle. Other then going to work/school, I spent the most of my time inside. I didn’t see my friends much, and I only went out for myself once in a while to either take a walk or to do some errands.
I vowed to change that in 2020 as I was (am) taking a sabbatical year after graduating before prepping to go to grad school, then the pandemic hit and forced me to stay inside.
There are obviously a lot of things that I miss from my daily routine, such as seeing my friends and family on the regular, going to the gym, the bars, etc, as there a lot of things that I wanted to do during my sabbatical that I cannot due to the pandemic.
This has led to me re-assess a lot things in my life, but more importantly, the importance of carpe diem, or seizing the day. The importance of not taking opportunities for granted, to not be afraid to try new things, and the importance of being grateful for what you have, cuz a lot of ppl would kill to have the opportunities that I have in front of me. To not seize them would be stupid on my part
Life is short, I should cherish it more
Many leaders around the world had the resources to give their country a better quality of life but just chose not to
I have a lot of little silly habits and I have no idea how they formed or why I do them
Reinforced how woat some white people can be. They were claiming infringement of their constitutional rights for not being able to surf over here and that was when the infection rate was at it's peak
I really don't care about socializing at all Haven't been out with friends since like March,
Being a hermit ≠ Introvertedness
They’re related, but not the same
Realized sometime late in 2019 that I had a hermit lifestyle. Other then going to work/school, I spent the most of my time inside. I didn’t see my friends much, and I only went out for myself once in a while to either take a walk or to do some errands.
I vowed to change that in 2020 as I was (am) taking a sabbatical year after graduating before prepping to go to grad school, then the pandemic hit and forced me to stay inside.
There are obviously a lot of things that I miss from my daily routine, such as seeing my friends and family on the regular, going to the gym, the bars, etc, as there a lot of things that I wanted to do during my sabbatical that I cannot due to the pandemic.
This has led to me re-assess a lot things in my life, but more importantly, the importance of carpe diem, or seizing the day. The importance of not taking opportunities for granted, to not be afraid to try new things, and the importance of being grateful for what you have, cuz a lot of ppl would kill to have the opportunities that I have in front of me. To not seize them would be stupid on my part
!'t mention the word hermit
body language and facial cues are important af. Masks kinda make it harder to communicate.
Been thinking that someone needs to make a mask out of material that's see through but still protects against the virus. Easy bag
How valuable time is. Every year is valuable and I f***ing hate that I lost a year of my daughter's childhood because of this s***. My wife and I used to take her to the library for story time and we had planned activities with her and other kids and now she just hangs around with us and, as hard as we try, it's a real barrier for her social and language development.
Also, until I got my job a couple months ago, I was really worried that I was going to spend the last year of my twenties f***ing around at home and making no progress in my career. That really scared me. So I value time a lot more now in general.
Good thread, OP.
didn't mention the word hermit
Yeh but what you’re describing in the first 2 sentences of your post is hermit-like behaviour lol
Yeh but what you’re describing in the first 2 sentences of your post is hermit-like behaviour lol
your opinion