  • Cody

    how f***ing dumb people are

  • Nov 13, 2020

    not everything is meant to last cherish whats in front of you ( nothin crazy )

  • Nov 13, 2020

    In times of crisis people will clamor for their own enslavement

    what does this mean?

  • Nov 13, 2020

    Took the gym for granted. Sucks having to workout at home.

  • Nov 13, 2020


  • Nov 13, 2020

    everything you like sucks

  • Nov 13, 2020
    The Young Blizzard

    americans are the most selfish people on the planet

  • Nov 13, 2020
    1 reply

    My homie is dumb as f***

  • Nov 13, 2020

    My homie is dumb as f***

    my friend keeps fumbling the with girls and half the wolves in our discord of friends would have gone after her if he didn't tell us why he invited her

  • People are stupider than I thought. Which means a lot because I’M stupid but to know there are people stupider than me is genuinely frightening

  • Nov 13, 2020

    cocaine is one hell of a d***

    oh and that I'm an alcoholic

  • Nov 13, 2020

    People really don’t respect each other. They rather tout their “freedom” instead for their empathy

  • Nov 13, 2020
    1 reply
    • Calisthenics is a viable alternative to going to the gym (I miss heavy deadlifts though)

    • I can spend looong amounts of time by myself and be entertained

    • Cocaine is a hell of a d***

    • Humans aren't s***

    holy s***, i posted the same thing without even seeing this post

  • Tadow 🥀
    Nov 13, 2020
    kenni nixon

    holy s***, i posted the same thing without even seeing this post

  • Nov 13, 2020
    1 reply

    No one else matters but you

    Not your girlfriend not your boyfriend not your family not your side hoe not your friends not your coworkers maybe your pets but nobody but you should matter. ALWAYS prioritize your well being above everyone else because in the end it’s going to be YOU that’s in that box and everyone will carry on about their life without you no matter how much they cry at your funeral

    This is such a horrible mindset to have. People not caring about their fellow human is the source of nearly every problem in this world and you in here spreading this BS

  • Nov 13, 2020

    No one else matters but you

    Not your girlfriend not your boyfriend not your family not your side hoe not your friends not your coworkers maybe your pets but nobody but you should matter. ALWAYS prioritize your well being above everyone else because in the end it’s going to be YOU that’s in that box and everyone will carry on about their life without you no matter how much they cry at your funeral


  • Nov 19, 2020

    This is such a horrible mindset to have. People not caring about their fellow human is the source of nearly every problem in this world and you in here spreading this BS

    I get where @Flytrap is coming from, but I agree we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard. Yes, people are selfish, but we can set an example by giving. Of course, be smart about it, don't let others take advantage of you, don't let them take your kindness for weakness, etc. Keep the right friendships in your life and put in the necessary effort. As long as we're making sure we have what we need, it's okay to be there for others and help however we can.

  • Mar 17, 2021

    No one else matters but you

    Not your girlfriend not your boyfriend not your family not your side hoe not your friends not your coworkers maybe your pets but nobody but you should matter. ALWAYS prioritize your well being above everyone else because in the end it’s going to be YOU that’s in that box and everyone will carry on about their life without you no matter how much they cry at your funeral


  • Mar 17, 2021

    No one else matters but you

    Not your girlfriend not your boyfriend not your family not your side hoe not your friends not your coworkers maybe your pets but nobody but you should matter. ALWAYS prioritize your well being above everyone else because in the end it’s going to be YOU that’s in that box and everyone will carry on about their life without you no matter how much they cry at your funeral

    How pets but not fam