  • People are dumb as s***

  • Nov 11, 2020
    2 replies

    Our (american) society is pretty cutthroat and deeply divided, alot of people straight up don't give a f*** that 250,000 people died and will try to fight you if you call them out for not having a mask. Kinda ruined my faith in society and other people tbh.

  • snowchild โ„๏ธ
    Nov 11, 2020

    im lonely

  • Nov 11, 2020

    Family, friends, and relationships over everything

  • Nov 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Celebrities aren't very bright

  • O7OXO

    Celebrities aren't very bright

    Especially tik tokkers but they are young so

  • Nov 11, 2020
    1 reply

    That Iโ€™m blessed. I have a job, food and a bed to sleep in.

  • Nov 11, 2020

    Also many ppl really think wearing a mask = their rights being taken away ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ

  • Nov 11, 2020

    People aren't prepared for the worst and take time for granted.

  • Nov 11, 2020
    The Young Blizzard

    that im grateful im getting a college education & not some dumbshit labor worker who think it the system out to get us

    You shouldn't belittle people for their employment. And what does that epiphany have to do with COVID?

  • Nov 11, 2020

    Our (american) society is pretty cutthroat and deeply divided, alot of people straight up don't give a f*** that 250,000 people died and will try to fight you if you call them out for not having a mask. Kinda ruined my faith in society and other people tbh.

    this why i want to move to asia, at least people are somewhat polite

  • love this thread

  • Nov 11, 2020
    1 reply

    That Iโ€™m blessed. I have a job, food and a bed to sleep in.

    I always knew a had privileges and luxuries that others could not afford themselves (clean clothes, all the food i could want, toys), but this really made me realize how fortunate i am. Take for example racism.

    I always knew it existed and how horrible it is, but growing up in a predominately asian area, I didn't have to experience it myself while my friends had because they weren't as lucky as I was.

    It wasn't until someone called a slur that it really hit. That experience wasn't event that bad compared to what I've heard my friends go through, but it hurt all the same.

    Another realization I've made is how rude/offensive my parents are. They are certainly classist and most likely racist. It really saddens me because first, they say their s*** in front of my younger brother who I worry may grow up repeating this s***. Secondly, my parents did not grow up in wealth, nor was their neighbourhood free from racism.

    My family experienced something that would have normally be catastrophic to others, but we we're not at all affected because our jobs and savings helped us.

    This was kind of a rant and formatting/grammar is s***ty but one thought that has stuck with me is we can understand someone else's experiences, but we won't fully understand it unless we experience it ourselves. It sounds like common sense but I didn't comprehend the full extent of other's experiences until this pandemic.

  • Nov 11, 2020
    2 replies

    online school is trash

  • Worldpremiere_ ๐ŸงŸ
    Nov 11, 2020

    Strangely became more optimistic this year. And learned the importance of time. Also love myself way more than before

    Despite covid this has been a great year for me in terms of growth and maturity

    Even reading back at my ktt posts last year. Its as if im a different person. S*** crazy

  • Nov 12, 2020

    I always knew a had privileges and luxuries that others could not afford themselves (clean clothes, all the food i could want, toys), but this really made me realize how fortunate i am. Take for example racism.

    I always knew it existed and how horrible it is, but growing up in a predominately asian area, I didn't have to experience it myself while my friends had because they weren't as lucky as I was.

    It wasn't until someone called a slur that it really hit. That experience wasn't event that bad compared to what I've heard my friends go through, but it hurt all the same.

    Another realization I've made is how rude/offensive my parents are. They are certainly classist and most likely racist. It really saddens me because first, they say their s*** in front of my younger brother who I worry may grow up repeating this s***. Secondly, my parents did not grow up in wealth, nor was their neighbourhood free from racism.

    My family experienced something that would have normally be catastrophic to others, but we we're not at all affected because our jobs and savings helped us.

    This was kind of a rant and formatting/grammar is s***ty but one thought that has stuck with me is we can understand someone else's experiences, but we won't fully understand it unless we experience it ourselves. It sounds like common sense but I didn't comprehend the full extent of other's experiences until this pandemic.

    I enjoyed reading your post.

    Iโ€™m glad you realize you do have privileges. Like I do. You continue to grow and don't let your social status define you.

    You continue to treat people with kindness.

    It's hard to fully understand someone's situation unless you've gone through it. the best that can be done is be there for them and let them know they aren't alone.

  • Nov 12, 2020

    online school is trash

    Only good thing about it is finessing the classes

    Otherwise I miss in-person classes

  • Being human is a safety hazard.

  • ucantlickyourelbow

    Our (american) society is pretty cutthroat and deeply divided, alot of people straight up don't give a f*** that 250,000 people died and will try to fight you if you call them out for not having a mask. Kinda ruined my faith in society and other people tbh.

  • i quit smoking cigarettes

    i learned to stand up for myself and hold true to my values.

  • Nov 12, 2020
    2 replies

    People only care about themselves

  • Nov 12, 2020

    how f***ing dumb people are

  • Nozuka

    People only care about themselves

  • Nov 12, 2020


  • the internet has done more harm than good in america