I've heard conflicting things about this (take shelter), how much cosmic horror/lovecraftian influence is in here? Or am i tripping and thinking of something else
It gets into that bag occasionally, but it’s really just aesthetic dressing around a pretty soulful depiction of mental illness. First and foremost, a character study.
The Assistant
Leave No Trace
Great film especially for Julia since alotta ppl only seen her as Ruth from Ozark.
Check out some of those other films if you haven’t seen some. I’d highly recommend Birds of passage, Ash is purest white and Corpus Christi. All of them was in my top 10 of 2019 and that year was great for films.
Still need to watch this, heard some scenes is hard to watch cus of the subject matter. But I seen “Happening” this year which is also based on abortions
Great film especially for Julia since alotta ppl only seen her as Ruth from Ozark.
Check out some of those other films if you haven’t seen some. I’d highly recommend Birds of passage, Ash is purest white and Corpus Christi. All of them was in my top 10 of 2019 and that year was great for films.
Haven’t seen any of them I’ve been meaning to watch Ash at the least.
Still need to watch this, heard some scenes is hard to watch cus of the subject matter. But I seen “Happening” this year which is also based on abortions
Nothing really hard to watch in the images. Only cause of rawness and realness.
Haven’t seen any of them I’ve been meaning to watch Ash at the least.
I thought it was sad as f*** honestly but amazing.
Corpus Christi is about a criminal who disguises as a priest
Birds of passage is about the d*** cartel pre-escobar
One of my favorite films ever. Top 10 unquestionably
Best Garland forshur. One of the sleekest and most interesting AI films ever.
Nothing really hard to watch in the images. Only cause of rawness and realness.
I seen a scene of her jugging mouthwash and felt 🥴 just cus I knew what it represented
One of my favorite films ever. Top 10 unquestionably
Annihilation s***s all over that average film
In my humble opinion
I seen a scene of her jugging mouthwash and felt 🥴 just cus I knew what it represented
Oh yeah forgot about that I mostly like it for how average the two girls feel. Imma add those films to my watchlist
First Reformed
Tar (recency bias maybe)
Nightmare Alley
Assassination of Jesse James
First Reformed
Tar (recency bias maybe)
Nightmare Alley
Assassination of Jesse James
First Reformed gets better with every passing year
Annihilation s***s all over that average film
In my humble opinion
Love Annihilation but you crazy for calling ex machina average lol
First Reformed
Tar (recency bias maybe)
Nightmare Alley
Assassination of Jesse James
The original nightmare alley I hope
One of my favorite films ever. Top 10 unquestionably
My favorite movie of all time
Annihilation s***s all over that average film
In my humble opinion
here we go again 🙄
Love Annihilation but you crazy for calling ex machina average lol
Another great film
It feels like I’m not supposed to be watching it, it’s so intense, it could make a man vomit
Love Annihilation but you crazy for calling ex machina average lol
I will die on that hill and have spoken on it countless times
Nothing more than a 3.5/5 for me
It literally offers nothing new to the concept of A.I. and nothing really stuck out for me in terms of visual presentation, music & sound, characters etc
Its just fine, but i dont think its mind blowing in the slightest
Contract that with Annihilation which actually takes risks in its concept, has one of the most original and memorable scores of the past decade, and hard hitting scenes like the body horror scene, the bear with human scream or the lighthouse sequence
This is all my personal opinion ofc