old white man told me “Gracias” after I bussed his table at a bakery I used to work at in a hella white neighborhood.
I’m Asian.
When I was in California for Camp Flog Gnaw I was on the elevator at my hotel and some white guy asked me what I was doing in California and I told him a music festival and with a big smile on his face he said "Oh I bet it's a rap festival huh? You people are good at that. You can probably rap too, can't you?"
I mean yes it was and yes I can but damn dude.
nigga you should of said it's a jazz concert and I play the sax.
I think hearing white people speak their ideas like it's facts.
I've been around alot of racist s*** but honestly the s*** that really impacts you is the blind innocent racism.
Never experienced and racist s*** and ive lived around white people my whole life
Never experienced and racist s*** and ive lived around white people my whole life
youre one of the good ones huh
When osama was murdered, I Had a bunch of kids in middle school tell me “sorry for ur loss”
Me and my friends got followed around in a D***s Sporting Goods. We were probably the only African Americans there.
When I was 16, I just finished one of my two high school finals for the day. I told my friend that imma go to his house (4 blocks from school) to chill till the next final.
As soon as I step off school grounds, I get surrounded by cop cars and a cop gets out and shoves me to the ground.
I’m a f***ing goofy Dominican Kid who didn’t even smoke or drink at the time, completely innocent. I’m scared for my life because they’re putting me in cuffs and I have literally just left a final.
The cops tell me that they saw me smoking weed behind a deli and asking why I ran away. I’m befuddled and asked what are They talking about, but they just put me in the cop car and drive to the station.
While there, I start crying because they’re telling me imma go to juvy and get expelled for school, FOR SOMETHING I DIDNT DO. Like wait.. what? I was an above average student that took school seriously, and you’re telling me imma lose it all over some weed that I didn’t even smoke?
I pleaded with them that I just left the high school, they didn’t give two s***s. They caught another kid who was really there, and he was even telling the cops that they got the wrong guy, because he saw how distraught I was, still didn’t give a f***.
At this point, it’s been about an hour and the school “therapist” so to speak, comes to us and tells us how dumb we are for doing this, and I’m telling him I’m innocent but he isn’t even hearing me out.. honestly typing this s*** out is getting me furious smh.
They are profiling the f*** outta me, just because their suspect was wearing a black shirt, and red shorts. The actual culprit was literally 6 inches shorter than me, and about 3 shades lighter. They ended up catching him because he was a known loudmouth and I guess was acting high as hell in school. They never read me my rights, until MY MOM CAME TO GET ME. I left without even an apology from these a******s that were going to ruin the life of a innocent kid and were harassing the f*** outta me while I’m there crying, scared for my freedom over some s*** I didn’t do. I would’ve been charged that day for simply being a young male of color in the wrong place.
TLDR: falsely arrested at 16 over weed right after taking a Final, almost sent to juvi if it wasn’t for the dumbass culprit getting caught up in the school
Reading that made me furious for you bro, sorry you had to go through that
Two that stand out the most for me was when a white dude called my dad a kaffer which is a racial slur here in the south of africa, he did it in my front of my mom and siblings. I was shocked having just heard this word for the first time at like 9 years of age
2nd one was some kid who walked up from behind me and for some reason told his friend to be careful about his phone, I looked back at him and he was staring straight at me, mind you this white kid was like 6 years younger then me, I was like 15 at the time
In college I had dreadlocks, and one time public safety was called to our on campus dorm b.c like someone was drinking or something. I was chilling with like 7 of my white friends. Public safety literally asks me (and only me) to see my I.D. My friends were laughing because they thought it was a joke, and were telling the officer like yo he literally lives a couple doors down. I didn't have my I. D. and eventually had to walk with them to my room, use my key to open it, get my I. D. and show them...... After the whole thing my friends laughed it off and treated it as a "funny story". But it was still f***ed up lol. They would also "patrol" me when I'd walk to the 24 hour turkey hill 4 mins from my dorm. Welcome to AmeriKKa I guess.
You know what’s funny? I’m not an Arab or Muslim... I’m Christian and European
In college I had dreadlocks, and one time public safety was called to our on campus dorm b.c like someone was drinking or something. I was chilling with like 7 of my white friends. Public safety literally asks me (and only me) to see my I.D. My friends were laughing because they thought it was a joke, and were telling the officer like yo he literally lives a couple doors down. I didn't have my I. D. and eventually had to walk with them to my room, use my key to open it, get my I. D. and show them...... After the whole thing my friends laughed it off and treated it as a "funny story". But it was still f***ed up lol. They would also "patrol" me when I'd walk to the 24 hour turkey hill 4 mins from my dorm. Welcome to AmeriKKa I guess.
your friends are trash
your friends are trash
I went to a small liberal arts school so they were rich white dudes. They were cool but completely oblivious to certain s***, lol. Loved them and my school though. For a pre-rush event at a frat, they had a high escort stripper come, put a lollipop in our mouth and then sit on our faces 😂😂 (different lollipop for each of us). I remember that look we'd all give each other like "this can't actually be happening"
When i first came to the city im currently living in i was staying at this hostel and we all were playing a drinking game. This b**** finna look at me dead in my face and say "never was i arrested"
A puerto rican girl called a group of my friends “shit skinned people”. She ended up getting pregnant by a black dude years later lol
Had some white kids tell me and my friend “if you ain’t white you ain’t right”
Also I’m Mexican, and I guess I look middle eastern. I’ve had a few people call me terrorist like what lmao
"Your not mexican?"
In college I had dreadlocks, and one time public safety was called to our on campus dorm b.c like someone was drinking or something. I was chilling with like 7 of my white friends. Public safety literally asks me (and only me) to see my I.D. My friends were laughing because they thought it was a joke, and were telling the officer like yo he literally lives a couple doors down. I didn't have my I. D. and eventually had to walk with them to my room, use my key to open it, get my I. D. and show them...... After the whole thing my friends laughed it off and treated it as a "funny story". But it was still f***ed up lol. They would also "patrol" me when I'd walk to the 24 hour turkey hill 4 mins from my dorm. Welcome to AmeriKKa I guess.
damn man you should’ve honestly reported security
Literally got denied a job because of my name (sent 2 e-mails with different accounts, the white name got invited for an interview).
Someone didn't want to shake my hand because he 'didn't want to get his hands dirty'.
Racism from parents during football matches at like the age of 10.
And a lot more that I can't come up with atm