  • Jan 21, 2020
    1 reply

    crine same s*** happened to me and honestly i and others played along cause i found it funny

    1. I’m not Muslim
    2. Nor am I Arabic, middle eastern, or Indian/paki

  • Jan 21, 2020

    When I was in Boston for a Yankee game, some kid name Synopsis called me a spic.

  • Jan 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Middle aged white guy I worked with found out I was from a muslim family but am personally non-practicing. Dude scopes me out a little bit like "oh so u drink and f*** and all that?" I say "yeah i dont follow the faith"

    The guy got comfortable around me I guess n mellowed out and starts asking increasingly weird like "so why do YOUR women wear those ninja masks?" At this point i realize whats happening n im like here we go with the racist s***

    Like 10 minutes pass in silence cuz im high n trying to get finish this shift asap n this dude slowly inches closer to me n out the blue goes "so tell me... Do ur parents... U know when ur growing up... Teach u to u know... Hate us... Like us christians n Americans...?" I literally froze up cuz i've never had someone say something so ignorant to me so my face was stuck like with the mac loading icon going in my head tryna process what this stupid motherfucker just asked me. I just said no n stopped talking to this dude.

    I really didn't know whyte people really thought this s*** frfr bout muslims before talking to this dude.

  • Jan 21, 2020

    Not to me but some girl in class lost her phone and she stood up from her desk in the middle of lecture and started blaming and yelling at the black guy on the other side of the room

  • Jan 21, 2020
    Gabagool Mentality

    When I was 16, I just finished one of my two high school finals for the day. I told my friend that imma go to his house (4 blocks from school) to chill till the next final.
    As soon as I step off school grounds, I get surrounded by cop cars and a cop gets out and shoves me to the ground.
    I’m a f***ing goofy Dominican Kid who didn’t even smoke or drink at the time, completely innocent. I’m scared for my life because they’re putting me in cuffs and I have literally just left a final.

    The cops tell me that they saw me smoking weed behind a deli and asking why I ran away. I’m befuddled and asked what are They talking about, but they just put me in the cop car and drive to the station.

    While there, I start crying because they’re telling me imma go to juvy and get expelled for school, FOR SOMETHING I DIDNT DO. Like wait.. what? I was an above average student that took school seriously, and you’re telling me imma lose it all over some weed that I didn’t even smoke?

    I pleaded with them that I just left the high school, they didn’t give two s***s. They caught another kid who was really there, and he was even telling the cops that they got the wrong guy, because he saw how distraught I was, still didn’t give a f***.

    At this point, it’s been about an hour and the school “therapist” so to speak, comes to us and tells us how dumb we are for doing this, and I’m telling him I’m innocent but he isn’t even hearing me out.. honestly typing this s*** out is getting me furious smh.

    They are profiling the f*** outta me, just because their suspect was wearing a black shirt, and red shorts. The actual culprit was literally 6 inches shorter than me, and about 3 shades lighter. They ended up catching him because he was a known loudmouth and I guess was acting high as hell in school. They never read me my rights, until MY MOM CAME TO GET ME. I left without even an apology from these a******s that were going to ruin the life of a innocent kid and were harassing the f*** outta me while I’m there crying, scared for my freedom over some s*** I didn’t do. I would’ve been charged that day for simply being a young male of color in the wrong place.

    TLDR: falsely arrested at 16 over weed right after taking a Final, almost sent to juvi if it wasn’t for the dumbass culprit getting caught up in the school

    Typical porkers.

  • Jan 21, 2020

    went to this expensive sleepaway camp growing up as one of the few black kids and like my 3rd year there some girls gonna ask how i can afford to go there if i lived in the ghetto

    some asian kid i worked with(afterschool program) called me hard r

    another kid that went there said he was surprised that i lived in the same neighborhood as him(upper middle class white/indian neighborhood on long island)

    pretty much most of my encounters have been people being surprised i'm in the same tax bracket as them

  • Jan 21, 2020

    oh yeah i heard some indian girl in my class(hideous looking b**** btw) say that she'd never date me because i was black
    when i turned around and looked her dead in her face she switched up and said it was because i was stupid
    i used to feel bad for people making fun of her for being fat and ugly but not after that

  • Jan 21, 2020

    Some kid named Osiris who gets bullied at school called me a c***on a kanye west internet forum

  • Jan 21, 2020
    1 reply

    One time in sixth form I raised me hand to answer a question me teacher made eye contact then looked away and called somebody else because of the colour of me skin

  • Jan 21, 2020

    One time in sixth form I raised me hand to answer a question me teacher made eye contact then looked away and called somebody else because of the colour of me skin

  • Jan 21, 2020
    1 reply

    nothing. i'm white

    my 2 black roommates had to work on MLK day and I had off tho. that was pretty f***ed up. sorry guys

  • Jan 22, 2020

    My high school teacher highkey said black kids behave like baboons

  • Jan 22, 2020
    1 reply
    King Joffrey

    I live in a mostly blacl country soI dont get to experience that s***.

    I'm from South Africa and racism is alive and kicking in a big way

  • Jan 22, 2020
    2 replies

    I'm from South Africa and racism is alive and kicking in a big way

    Obviously, apartheid was only abolished 20 sum years ago bruh.

  • gnocchi dokey

    nothing. i'm white

    my 2 black roommates had to work on MLK day and I had off tho. that was pretty f***ed up. sorry guys

    This was funny lol

  • Jan 22, 2020
    King Joffrey

    Obviously, apartheid was only abolished 20 sum years ago bruh.

  • Jan 22, 2020
    1 reply

    In fifth/sixth grade some white yeah Afrikaans kids hurled some slurs at me, tried beat me up, this happened over the space of a week after school, ended with them being expelled, because the school has a zero tolerance policy.

    Afrikaaners are so racist I can't deal, the amount of times I've heard them the k word to people is unbelievable

  • Jan 22, 2020
    1 reply
    King Joffrey

    Obviously, apartheid was only abolished 20 sum years ago bruh.

    But it still isn't okay

  • Jan 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Afrikaaners are so racist I can't deal, the amount of times I've heard them the k word to people is unbelievable

    It is what it is?

  • Jan 22, 2020
    1 reply

    It is what it is?

    Bruh where you from?

  • Jan 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Bruh where you from?


  • Jan 22, 2020
    1 reply


    I'm from SA too, what's your insta so I can follow you

  • Jan 22, 2020
    1 reply

    I'm from SA too, what's your insta so I can follow you

    Social media
    Personally avoid that s***

  • Jan 22, 2020

    But it still isn't okay

    Nobody said that I hate those afrikander cacs too bruh bruh, just give it time bruv things will settle as long as long we have a good leadership.

  • Jan 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Social media
    Personally avoid that s***

    Where you from in SA
