Disagree I think IDLSIDGO is his most energetic when it comes to delivery
New album is more of his SRS/FOC bag which isn’t a bad thing
I feel like in comparison to SRS/FOC he’s really energetic here
And I felt like he was more energetic on SRS than IDLS
But I guess I’m talking delivery not flow. Maybe he was rapping faster on IDLS but he mostly delivers with more passion after that imo and grew into his voice
I think artistically he’s just moving away from the relatively obvious “syllables” flows and going for a more natural sounding approach while still incorporating the technical rhymes and skills. It’s a lot more inspiring to me. But also I feel like on tracks like Grief and a couple others he was already foreshadowing this newer style. I don’t think the Huey verse or the stuff on the Dash track would sound out of place on a more recent project
The second song on the Alc album reminds me a lot of Grief rap wise
Also I have to add that everyone was saying this once he came back from Samoa too when his voice and flow changed the first time
People I knew were very disappointed/thrown off by his verse on Elimination Chamber and felt like he lost all his energy
I did notice that change but idk I always felt like IDLS led right into Solace in a natural way and was more progression than change
I feel like in comparison to SRS/FOC he’s really energetic here
And I felt like he was more energetic on SRS than IDLS
But I guess I’m talking delivery not flow. Maybe he was rapping faster on IDLS but he mostly delivers with more passion after that imo and grew into his voice
I think artistically he’s just moving away from the relatively obvious “syllables” flows and going for a more natural sounding approach while still incorporating the technical rhymes and skills. It’s a lot more inspiring to me. But also I feel like on tracks like Grief and a couple others he was already foreshadowing this newer style. I don’t think the Huey verse or the stuff on the Dash track would sound out of place on a more recent project
The second song on the Alc album reminds me a lot of Grief rap wise
I don’t think we really agree when it comes to the definition of energetic when it applies to Earl and his delivery. But I appreciate the thoughtful response. I will say one thing though, he sounds like he’s been in a much better place than he was in 2015. He was mentally going through it.
Everything after IDLSIDGO has been horrible and I genuinely cannot listen to it. He’s just talking offbeat while the instrumental is also too loud.
Everything after IDLSIDGO has been horrible and I genuinely cannot listen to it. He’s just talking offbeat while the instrumental is also too loud.
Never pitied a person more
There is actually so much linearity w what he's done from Doris days to now the one dude in the other thread (or anyone in general) who goes "off" of Earl so puzzling to me
I definitely prefer the older, faster style
ngl this is where im at
SRS was a great album but i can’t put it over any of his earlier stuff, especially IDLS
Too much weed.
It slowed down his brain, and thereafter, his flow.
He even talks in interviews like he's on a delay.
Bro that's x**** rapping at this point not weed
4 pages for something that can be answered with "severe d*** addiction and severe depression"
Did anyone itt even listen to idlsidgo
Everything after IDLSIDGO has been horrible and I genuinely cannot listen to it. He’s just talking offbeat while the instrumental is also too loud.
You have s*** taste
Too much weed.
It slowed down his brain, and thereafter, his flow.
He even talks in interviews like he's on a delay.
The fact this has 8 likes is so f***ing annoying I hate y’all
I don’t think we really agree when it comes to the definition of energetic when it applies to Earl and his delivery. But I appreciate the thoughtful response. I will say one thing though, he sounds like he’s been in a much better place than he was in 2015. He was mentally going through it.
That’s definitely part of what I hear. As “sad” as SRS has a reputation of being, I just remember hearing it after the Doris/IDLS and thinking damn Earl sounds healthy on this, he has some strength in his voice. So when I think energy I think of that feeling
And I think that’s even more true on this newest one
The fact this has 8 likes is so f***ing annoying I hate y’all
To some extent it’s true tho, Earl says it’s not a choice he just sounds like this now, and part of it is definitely some kind of depression, anxiety or psychosis (probably related in some way to weed or other d**** he used) that keeps him from vocalizing in a more “normal” way. I know this because I talk exactly like Earl raps
To some extent it’s true tho, Earl says it’s not a choice he just sounds like this now, and part of it is definitely some kind of depression, anxiety or psychosis (probably related in some way to weed or other d**** he used) that keeps him from vocalizing in a more “normal” way. I know this because I talk exactly like Earl raps
He’s been known to have drinking and pill problems it’s not the weed. Also it’s definitely a stylistic choice to sound sluggish while recording, listen to nobles his delivery sounds like it could have been recorded in 2015. Not trying to say dude isn’t fried tho he definitely is on one a lot of if not most of the time
He’s been known to have drinking and pill problems it’s not the weed. Also it’s definitely a stylistic choice to sound sluggish while recording, listen to nobles his delivery sounds like it could have been recorded in 2015. Not trying to say dude isn’t fried tho he definitely is on one a lot of if not most of the time
Obviously it's not weed it's f***in benzos and opiods
This thread making me insane
Obviously it's not weed it's f***in benzos and opiods
This thread making me insane
People are dumb as s***
...y'all do know Earl be rapping normally during live shows right? Him rapping slow on the studio version of songs is a choice
People are dumb as s***
I was detoxing off of benzos so heavily when idlsigo came out and it legit felt like no one in the world sonically understood the pain besides earl. The switch up to that sound was soooo in tune with "benzo withdraw as music" it was just that album and the s*** lucki was doing
That s*** ain't weed, it's the feeling you have when everything is numb and you can't remember s*** from the last 2 years. Straight up stream of consciousness s***