I was detoxing off of benzos so heavily when idlsigo came out and it legit felt like no one in the world sonically understood the pain besides earl. The switch up to that sound was soooo in tune with "benzo withdraw as music" it was just that album and the s*** lucki was doing
That s*** ain't weed, it's the feeling you have when everything is numb and you can't remember s*** from the last 2 years. Straight up stream of consciousness s***
People on this site are afraid to smoke weed so I get why they think how they think
Hope you’re doing better these days man, addiction ain’t no joke
I think his style evolved with his emotional and mental state, alongside his philosophy and emotional health.
As he went from energetically defiant and frustrated, yet hurt, to just overwhelmed by hurt, he slowed down.
However, now that he’s settled into the more slums like laid back one verse style, that’s how he is expressing his growth into a better mental state too.
Honestly, even though SRS is my favorite Earl project, I do think the slums style works best in moderation and I do sometimes wish I could get another IDLS from him
He’s been known to have drinking and pill problems it’s not the weed. Also it’s definitely a stylistic choice to sound sluggish while recording, listen to nobles his delivery sounds like it could have been recorded in 2015. Not trying to say dude isn’t fried tho he definitely is on one a lot of if not most of the time
It’s his words specifically from time magazine: it is not a stylistic choice
People on this site are afraid to smoke weed so I get why they think how they think
Hope you’re doing better these days man, addiction ain’t no joke
I know man
It just sucks that apparently people can't get the vision of his switch up without being addicted to xans, kpins, Ativan, or etizolam? I thought people got what he was going for? It's so obvious? Or is that really just cause I was eating pills?
So f***ing bizarre looking through this thread I guess I don't remember reading anything online about what ppl thought of this stuff
"He smoke weed" - really?
Even the bad acid s*** screams "I'm doing all the d**** I don't care if it's bitter" to me idk
Everyone is aware of the acid trip song to begin with right? Ugh
It’s his words specifically from time magazine: it is not a stylistic choice
Refer to @soapmanwun post on the last page. Idc what he said in a magazine he raps and talks loud and full of energy at shows. Listen to black emperor live vs the album version for example, it’s a choice to rap like he’s fried off his ass
Obviously it's not weed it's f***in benzos and opiods
This thread making me insane
Yeah I didn’t want to really come out and say it, but knowing people who got their brains fried from cans it’s clear that s*** took a toll on him
But he’s definitely got back on the right track, it’s weird that I’m just seeing this in depth discussion about this after this album, which is the healthiest he’s sounded since Earl (mixtape)
People on this site are afraid to smoke weed so I get why they think how they think
Hope you’re doing better these days man, addiction ain’t no joke
This “afraid of weed” rhetoric is more hurtful than helpful
Constant weed ain’t good for your mind either. No it’s not benzos but I’m guessing that was a part of earl’s problems either
Refer to @soapmanwun post on the last page. Idc what he said in a magazine he raps and talks loud and full of energy at shows. Listen to black emperor live vs the album version for example, it’s a choice to rap like he’s fried off his ass
That’s different s*** lol he was probably on some other s*** or drunk at the shows
He said it’s not a choice. You telling me you know better than Earl on his own music?
Yeah I didn’t want to really come out and say it, but knowing people who got their brains fried from cans it’s clear that s*** took a toll on him
But he’s definitely got back on the right track, it’s weird that I’m just seeing this in depth discussion about this after this album, which is the healthiest he’s sounded since Earl (mixtape)
Agreed I thought he would die by now. Once I sobered up I legit feared his death and some other rappers. That was right before dudes were just dropping dead
People legit have no idea what happens if you have easy access to X**** or really any benzo. Including that foreign s*** on Google
When you get to the point where you're eating up to 10 bars a day it just degrades you and leads to this kind of ar
I'm like 7 years off that s*** I think and it still affects me. Idlsigo is a top 20 but it's so hard to listen to because I've been thru that
This “afraid of weed” rhetoric is more hurtful than helpful
Constant weed ain’t good for your mind either. No it’s not benzos but I’m guessing that was a part of earl’s problems either
I think we need mandated education of the truth of weed. Not this dare s*** but something modern and realistic
Depression and loss
You're saying that as if IDLSIDGO and Solace aren't even more depressing
I wouldn’t really call that era “energetic”
Maybe to Earl standards but this new album is even more energetic
I wouldn't describe it as "energetic" but his cadence and flow was much sharper and slightly aggressive
Too much weed.
It slowed down his brain, and thereafter, his flow.
He even talks in interviews like he's on a delay.
I know man
It just sucks that apparently people can't get the vision of his switch up without being addicted to xans, kpins, Ativan, or etizolam? I thought people got what he was going for? It's so obvious? Or is that really just cause I was eating pills?
So f***ing bizarre looking through this thread I guess I don't remember reading anything online about what ppl thought of this stuff
"He smoke weed" - really?
Even the bad acid s*** screams "I'm doing all the d**** I don't care if it's bitter" to me idk
Everyone is aware of the acid trip song to begin with right? Ugh
I’ve never been addicted to any pills but I’m not dumb lol it’s obvious something deeper was going on especially if you actually listen to the s*** he’s saying
SRS dropped at a very crucial time for me so despite all of its flaws, it's near-perfect to me and probably my most played album to this today.
I’ve never been addicted to any pills but I’m not dumb lol it’s obvious something deeper was going on especially if you actually listen to the s*** he’s saying
Dumb lol bro I was undiagnosed bipolar and just tryna cope
Edit actually no it was so much more complicated than that too psychs wouldn't help me and I said f*** u and started copping japanese/indian etizolam and spiraled. The actual start was a pcp way over prescribing me Klonopin then they took it when I went inpatient and said f*** u ill self medicate f*** the healthcare system lol
because (and i know this might sound f***ing crazy or farfetched) artists evolve
if he’s not as sharp as he was its devolving not evolving
the same thing happened to lucki if you compare his first tape to everything that came after it especially when he really leaned into his current sound in like 2019-2021
Refer to @soapmanwun post on the last page. Idc what he said in a magazine he raps and talks loud and full of energy at shows. Listen to black emperor live vs the album version for example, it’s a choice to rap like he’s fried off his ass
Niggas don't know black emperor was being recorded with autotune after the original record came out the live show.
S*** is definitely stylistic.
The type of s*** he’s rapping sounds way better with a slow relaxed delivery its grown man music
If a nigga picks the right beats he can get away with so much more man lol
I like Earl but lol
Dumb lol bro I was undiagnosed bipolar and just tryna cope
Edit actually no it was so much more complicated than that too psychs wouldn't help me and I said f*** u and started copping japanese/indian etizolam and spiraled. The actual start was a pcp way over prescribing me Klonopin then they took it when I went inpatient and said f*** u ill self medicate f*** the healthcare system lol
Not calling you dumb man im talking about the people saying his weed consumption is the reason for his switch up
Its not that night and day he just got older and started using roc marci / billy woods inspired flows
the only option when you rapping over 27 and not street
Not calling you dumb man im talking about the people saying his weed consumption is the reason for his switch up
Haha I know but damn more people need to know this spiral so many fall into
You're saying that as if IDLSIDGO and Solace aren't even more depressing
Changes absolutely nothing with what I said.