I remember now I think I wanted to ask how do religious people process some parts of the books that were clearly written from a human point of view to try and organize the society at the time like idk if it's because I'm not religious but some things you find in those books feel way too human to be the word of a divine being and just feel like a code of law or something, I guess my question is how do religious people feel about having a more historical a***ysis of religious material?
idk if any of that makes sense
A lot of religious people do take historical context into account, it's still mostly very controversial to not see those passages as universal to other ages however and it not being divine is outright rejected
This thread alone shows why religion just fuels more problems then it solves in many cases. All because we as humans want everything to be a competition
Not all non-religious people follow the ruling ideology and morals yk
Of course but they’re still influenced by it
This thread alone shows why religion just fuels more problems then it solves in many cases. All because we as humans want everything to be a competition
I didn't, yesterday I just asked how is the whole religion still a thing
I don't be in people business though everyone does what they wanna do
You didn't say it like that
"Bro we in 2022 don't we all know that all that s*** is made up like why we doing this cmon "
Idk how you don't see that can be offensive. It's the approach
A lot of religious people do take historical context into account, it's still mostly very controversial to not see those passages as universal to other ages however and it not being divine is outright rejected
So is doubting not allowed? ive always wondered how that works, everyone has doubts at some point in their lives, idk exactly how it works in the three monotheistic religions but like can you have justified doubts and work on it or are you considered out the moment it happens? Must be different from a religion to another too I guess
Muslims always talk about the quran being unchanged but what about the hadiths tho
The Hadiths are very important in Islam.
The first two centuries were mostly all about conquering but slowly Arabs started to form what we call a jurisprudence in order to run the sophisticated societies they had conquered. At first the jurisconsult ulemmas said this is Quran the book of Allah and everything we need is in here but then they realised that it was far too inadequate for a civil society because the whole justice law in Quran doesn't even fill two pages and the rest is 534 verses on intimidation of ideological opponents and 531 verses on eliminating and looting them and some Jewish mythology. So they had to refer to "Traditions" of the Prophet and started manipulating the religious teachings so that a sophisticated society can be governed by them.
But what makes the claims about jesus in the quran more accurate if they were written even later on than the bible
That’s just a matter what your faith in
The difference is you have is what I’ve been talking about ITT. The preachings documented in the Bible versus Quran as these books are the foundations of peoples faith obviously.
It’s without doubt the Quran surahs are the messages of Islams prophet directly recorded and maintained — believed to be the word of god directly.
For Bible this is just factually isn’t the case and it’s authors for the majority weren’t the the apostles themselves much less Jesus. The New and Old Testaments are both accepted as factually having major differences across various version such as the ones between the Greek/Hebrew and other early orthodox versions. The authors /modifiers of the modern Bible in its present form aren’t even known either. It’s a best estimate of what Christian theologists believe is the best representation of what the original gossips were and how they should be presented and ordered.
This is just very weak when being held relative to Islam. Faith comes back into the picture when you simply want to decide Jesus was the son of god and therefore somehow his teachings have been maintained purely (even tho Christianity has continued diverge a lot) versus Islam where it’s accepting Shahada and the other four pillars.
You didn't say it like that
"Bro we in 2022 don't we all know that all that s*** is made up like why we doing this cmon "
Idk how you don't see that can be offensive. It's the approach
Fair enough you know what I mean though
Religion is just problems the whole of it
We be divided for no reason, so still how is it a thing baffles me
I remember now I think I wanted to ask how do religious people process some parts of the books that were clearly written from a human point of view to try and organize the society at the time like idk if it's because I'm not religious but some things you find in those books feel way too human to be the word of a divine being and just feel like a code of law or something, I guess my question is how do religious people feel about having a more historical a***ysis of religious material?
idk if any of that makes sense
I think I answered your question on how they do it without reading the question but the methodology varies between religion to religion.
Christians have split and form other sects just like other religions this post is really really stupid and I hope it’s satire
What does that have to do with what I said?
As a Cristian you can denounce the Bible. Regardless of what sect you are, the Bible is still a man made piece of literature. Not the actual words of god.
The Quran are the words of Allah no matter how you slice it. Islam is one of the only religions that believes their holy book is the word of god.
The Bible was inspired and interpreted. The Quran was transcribed
What does that have to do with what I said?
As a Cristian you can denounce the Bible. Regardless of what sect you are, the Bible is still a man made piece of literature. Not the actual words of god.
The Quran are the words of Allah no matter how you slice it. Islam is one of the only religions that believes their holy book is the word of god.
The Bible was inspired and interpreted. The Quran was transcribed
L-Ron transcribed all his work directly from the source too
Ecclesiastes 12:13 -- Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
I have no problem with religion in itself, I was raised a christian and I'm happy I wasn't raised with the values of western atheists who see nothing of value besides themselves as individuals
Acknowledging something beyond yourself as an individual as having worth and even being more important is a value of religion that I really do appreciate
Religion also helps a lot of people find peace, not even tryna be funny but religion is great cope in such a Cole world, the soul of soulless conditions
But it's nasty how so many religious people are so judgemental of non-believers, kinda goes against their own beliefs as well you know
bro what, do you know how harshly religious people are judged nowadays?
and this conflation with religion and tolerance is literally New Age bullshit, if someone is being heretical towards God or engaging in blasphemy, im pretty sure it's up to the believer to correct it, i honestly personally don't have anything against non-religious people in general, i do have something against a bunch of neo-atheist Dawkins breast-fed morons talking about religion + God without any idea what the f*** they're talking about
we've literally had 4-5 niggas in this b**** spouting out "religion is fake, all religion is bullshit" that warrants judgment as far as im concerned these niggas are very stupid
Religious people are evil people because they don't accept non-believers but we gotta accept them?
How does that work bro
you can't make this s*** the f*** up
bro what, do you know how harshly religious people are judged nowadays?
and this conflation with religion and tolerance is literally New Age bullshit, if someone is being heretical towards God or engaging in blasphemy, im pretty sure it's up to the believer to correct it, i honestly personally don't have anything against non-religious people in general, i do have something against a bunch of neo-atheist Dawkins breast-fed morons talking about religion + God without any idea what the f*** they're talking about
we've literally had 4-5 niggas in this b**** spouting out "religion is fake, all religion is bullshit" that warrants judgment as far as im concerned these niggas are very stupid
and this conflation with religion and tolerance is literally New Age bullshit
What does this even mean lol?
And sure, religious people are judged by many non-believers, but the opposite happens a lot as well and even more so in many cultures. Both are wrong.
you can't make this s*** the f*** up
You want your way to be right so bad I'm not even tryna convince you otherwise
If you think that's right that's wassup
and this conflation with religion and tolerance is literally New Age bullshit
What does this even mean lol?
And sure, religious people are judged by many non-believers, but the opposite happens a lot as well and even more so in many cultures. Both are wrong.
within the New Age, they take this odd approach of "yeah just tolerate everyone's beliefs, don't step on anyone's feet, being spiritual is being positive and uWu wholesome all the time" (ala toxic positivity)
people debate their scriptures and have intense interfaith discussions literally all the time, i literally grew up in a Presbyterian church this weird thing where religious people are supposed to be this ultra peaceful submissive monolith just because the Church does not rule anymore is absolute bullshit
to me it really seems like you just want religious people to "shut up and dribble" and im not here to have it my dude
This thread alone shows why religion just fuels more problems then it solves in many cases. All because we as humans want everything to be a competition
They in here arguing about what book is more right than some other about something that doesn't exist is insane to think about
They need God fr
bro what, do you know how harshly religious people are judged nowadays?
and this conflation with religion and tolerance is literally New Age bullshit, if someone is being heretical towards God or engaging in blasphemy, im pretty sure it's up to the believer to correct it, i honestly personally don't have anything against non-religious people in general, i do have something against a bunch of neo-atheist Dawkins breast-fed morons talking about religion + God without any idea what the f*** they're talking about
we've literally had 4-5 niggas in this b**** spouting out "religion is fake, all religion is bullshit" that warrants judgment as far as im concerned these niggas are very stupid
I think and you’ve probably noticed too that this kind of older millennial snobby disillusion to organized religion has died down with Gen Z atleast.
Despite all the issues of alt right adjacent evangelists in the US, open conversations about faiths and practice feels less stigmatized by young people compared to the past decade.
KTT2 def trends older
within the New Age, they take this odd approach of "yeah just tolerate everyone's beliefs, don't step on anyone's feet, being spiritual is being positive and uWu wholesome all the time" (ala toxic positivity)
people debate their scriptures and have intense interfaith discussions literally all the time, i literally grew up in a Presbyterian church this weird thing where religious people are supposed to be this ultra peaceful submissive monolith just because the Church does not rule anymore is absolute bullshit
to me it really seems like you just want religious people to "shut up and dribble" and im not here to have it my dude
You want your way to be right so bad I'm not even tryna convince you otherwise
If you think that's right that's wassup
im literally a f***ing perennialist my guy im just not going to sit here and let you say a bunch of stupid s***