im literally a f***ing perennialist my guy im just not going to sit here and let you say a bunch of stupid s***
I'm not gonna argue with you my brother
As a believer yourself forgive me for saying stupid s***
I’m just saying sub 23ish year olds on the left are more interested in spirituality and exploring different religions than in the 2010s and 2000s
Probably cause they’re more disillusioned with society and a workable system of government in the west
Turning to religion probably helps a lot
Although ironically in the east it’s the opposite situation
I think and you’ve probably noticed too that this kind of older millennial snobby disillusion to organized religion has died down with Gen Z atleast.
Despite all the issues of alt right adjacent evangelists in the US, open conversations about faiths and practice feels less stigmatized by young people compared to the past decade.
KTT2 def trends older
it's less stigmatized because organized religion (and religion in general, rather) has been neutered to this weird empty pseudo-spirituality where everyone can take bits and pieces and whitewash it to fit their worldview, this is where the "spiritual but not religious" crowd fits in
it's a double-edged sword because like you said it allows for more open, free-flowing conversations, but at the same time it leaves it open for people to interpret different concepts and values of these religions freely while being at risk for completely twisting the words of the ancients this isn't even getting into the mass commodification of spirituality + practices in general, from the sage burning to ayahuasca retreats
No way you compared me saying people shouldn't be judged for being believers or non-believers of religion to "shut up and dribble"
my bro if i was in here solely replying to the niggas that are also religious i bet my bottom dollar you wouldn't had had anything to say stop simping for these atheists dude
my bro if i was in here solely replying to the niggas that are also religious i bet my bottom dollar you wouldn't had had anything to say stop simping for these atheists dude
I'm not defending anybody itt you're making it about that i couldn't care less
I'm only talking about the bullshit you're saying itt
And religious tolerance isn't a "new age" idea either lmao
i tolerate other religions, i don't tolerate atheist and agnostic dogma if you have a problem with that, that's your issue not mine
Calling religious tolerance a new age concept is honestly insulting as an Ethiopian ask my muslim bredren @chicknparm
i tolerate other religions, i don't tolerate atheist and agnostic dogma if you have a problem with that, that's your issue not mine
You equate all non-believers with atheist dogmatists, which gives you a free pass to judge them all, that's the issue
i tolerate other religions, i don't tolerate atheist and agnostic dogma if you have a problem with that, that's your issue not mine
Ironic how close-minded this statement is
Atheists have to tolerate all religions meanwhile religionheads don't tolerate agnosticism & atheism
Atheism exists BECAUSE religionheads go over the top and had to be checked
it's less stigmatized because organized religion (and religion in general, rather) has been neutered to this weird empty pseudo-spirituality where everyone can take bits and pieces and whitewash it to fit their worldview, this is where the "spiritual but not religious" crowd fits in
it's a double-edged sword because like you said it allows for more open, free-flowing conversations, but at the same time it leaves it open for people to interpret different concepts and values of these religions freely while being at risk for completely twisting the words of the ancients this isn't even getting into the mass commodification of spirituality + practices in general, from the sage burning to ayahuasca retreats
Ik what you mean exactly and have seen it when I’ve been asked about Islam by curious young people who lean very far left
It’s one of the things I like about my faith though because the jurisprudence is just an integral part it’s shielded really well to innovations as a system of faith. Of course you still get stuff like R/ ProgressiveIslam but that’s just seen as a joke.
I'm not defending anybody itt you're making it about that i couldn't care less
I'm only talking about the bullshit you're saying itt
yes scratchin the bullshit that im saying versus these dudes saying s*** like "bro the books from a thousand years ago"
"bro religion is made up and fairy tales bro"
give me a f***ing break yo
yes scratchin the bullshit that im saying versus these dudes saying s*** like "bro the books from a thousand years ago"
"bro religion is made up and fairy tales bro"
give me a f***ing break yo
So you're mad that i'm addressing your dumb statements instead of theirs?
Calling religious tolerance a new age concept is honestly insulting as an Ethiopian ask my muslim bredren @chicknparm
I’m not saying it’s an inherently new concept I’m contrasting Gen Zs attitudes versus millennials in the west
I’m not saying it’s an inherently new concept I’m contrasting Gen Zs attitudes versus millennials in the west
You're misunderstanding my post
You're misunderstanding my post
Maybe, my bad I took it as you saying literally that I labeled it as a new age concept
Ironic how close-minded this statement is
Atheists have to tolerate all religions meanwhile religionheads don't tolerate agnosticism & atheism
Atheism exists BECAUSE religionheads go over the top and had to be checked
who are "religionheads" ? im one dude, i personally don't tolerate atheists and agnostics that do not know what they're talking about
other religious people might not even give you the time of day
I think I answered your question on how they do it without reading the question but the methodology varies between religion to religion.
Yep I read your post and found it very interesting thanks!
Maybe, my bad I took it as you saying literally that I labeled it as a new age concept
No this nigga ignance did i was alluding to muhammad telling early muslims to escape religious persecution in mecca and go to ethiopia
who are "religionheads" ? im one dude, i personally don't tolerate atheists and agnostics that do not know what they're talking about
other religious people might not even give you the time of day
who are "religionheads" ? im one dude, i personally don't tolerate atheists and agnostics that do not know what they're talking about
other religious people might not even give you the time of day
I personally don't tolerate believers that do not know what they're talking about
Other atheist people might not even give you the time of day
We in this together bro if you being stubborn I can be too but I'm not childish like that you don't have to give me your time of day it's cool I asked you to forgive me because I said stupid s***