First they made Uzi choose that basic ass fan made looking cover for EA when this one was clearly the best out of the three:
Then everyone trashed the Savage Mode II cover when it was revealed, I still don’t understand how that cover got backlash
And now a buncha people are saying this Carti cover is trash
Someone really had the audacity to say he should’ve chose one of these four garbage ass covers as the actual cover: fam all 4 of those are basic at best and ATROCIOUS at worst
All true. I remember voting for that uzi cover and watching the garbage one win 😞
The EA cover is way better than the chided one. If I had EA in my library it’s the one I’d use.
The savage mode 2 cover is GOAT
The Carti one isn’t bad but the pointy demon like ears make it corny to me
All the Uzi options were ass
21 cover was cool but only if you’re over like 24 or something
Carti cover is an embarrassment and might as well just be plain text saying “Frank ocean call me”
oh i didn't even recognize carti in the cover art lol
i legit scrolled past it earlier today and didnt even realize it was for WLR
Lmao imagine how much s*** Carti would’ve got if he chose a plain red square as the album cover
all of these fan made ones people push are kinda trash for sure but idk if that actual red cover is much good either
Op the average person has very low iq and no taste
The same people put jack harlow in their top albums of the year “he actually has bangerz bro its lit!”
they're just not really imaginative lmao. they really wanted the carti cover to be on the same burnt out butterfly/playboy aesthetic.
Don’t think any of those fan made covers are cool but I do think the actual WLR cover is a little weird.
The spacing and fonts and colours are cool, but the way the portrait in the middle is colored just looks a little silly and cheap to me
Probably cause they make their own trash ones and wish theres were as good as the official so they trash the official ones
Lmao imagine how much s*** Carti would’ve got if he chose a plain red square as the album cover
gambino went with the prententious ass minimalistic bait white cover and it did him no favours.
No one hated on the savage mode 2 cover
The Uzi cover is fine but the Carti cover is def trash.
last week I made a cover for a dude (trash rapper shouldn’t have been working for but hey money) and after I was done he made a cover he said was better so he didn’t have to pay.
No one hated on the savage mode 2 cover
The Uzi cover is fine but the Carti cover is def trash.
incorrect !
incorrect !
your name is Kaylin bro
im dead bro
it's a fire cover bro
Your avy would've been a better cover
The denzel one in the WLR thread is actually fire
My problem is the photo of Carti they chose
nothing was going to top the die lit cover that s*** is universal at this point it's transcended iconic.
last week I made a cover for a dude (trash rapper shouldn’t have been working for but hey money) and after I was done he made a cover he said was better so he didn’t have to pay.
That’s why you gotta tell clients to pay upfront, or if not they can kick rocks
Too many scammers on the internet who just want free s*** and don’t value your time