what was the savage mode 2 cover? the one I see hard as f***.
Yeah that’s the official one, people were hating on it when it was revealed
1. He’s used this before
2. Extremely on the nose and predictable
3. Covers should never be 1:1 literal representations of the titles of the albums they belong to, that’s lazy design
the cover being used fits 2 out of 3 of these tho
Don't forget every amateur artist's favorite crutch
Goes to show that all these guys just trying to hit the notes for 'album art' that are in their head rather than put together something aesthetically interesting
i remember when the daytime astro cover dropped and people were trying to edit the background to look like nighttime/outer space, like the millions of fan edits with lightning/planets.
tbh i never liked the astroworld cover
ironic that uzi cover in op is f***ing trash and he thinks its high art lol
Where did I say it was high art, I just said it’s the best out of the three choices he offered
Where did I say it was high art, I just said it’s the best out of the three choices he offered
it isnt. looks like a washed out Tpab cover knockoff, pixelated as s***, the uzi cutout dont match the crowd quality wise, trash grain plastered on top, framing is ass, the c***stains on the left and right for no reason, the PA sticker not even aligned right against the borders lmfaoooo
Yeah that’s the official one, people were hating on it when it was revealed
lol what the f***? thats crazy
I f*** WLR official cover heavy,the whole style,aesthetic and having his face on the cover definitely represents that he expects this to be his breakout album due to all the hype. All those other fan made covers just showcase bad taste.
No one hated on the savage mode 2 cover
The Uzi cover is fine but the Carti cover is def trash.
First they made Uzi choose that basic ass fan made looking cover for EA when this one was clearly the best out of the three:
Then everyone trashed the Savage Mode II cover when it was revealed, I still don’t understand how that cover got backlash
And now a buncha people are saying this Carti cover is trash
Someone really had the audacity to say he should’ve chose one of these four garbage ass covers as the actual cover:
https://twitter.com/brouliobandz/status/1341256586501734402Like fam all 4 of those are basic at best and ATROCIOUS at worst
This cover is so f***ing fire. Artists should be careful who to listen to when it comes to making choices on music/aesthetic. Alot of people got straight garbage opinions on music and art in general. I swear I get the everytime I hear my friends trash good artists with dumb ass takes.
that EA cover looks like absolute s***
You niggas see a bunch of purple and think its perfect for Uzi
that EA cover looks like absolute s***
You niggas see a bunch of purple and think its perfect for Uzi
Looks 100% better than the fan made tier cover he chose
This cover is so f***ing fire. Artists should be careful who to listen to when it comes to making choices on music/aesthetic. Alot of people got straight garbage opinions on music and art in general. I swear I get the everytime I hear my friends trash good artists with dumb ass takes.
Would have made ea sound better
You gotta remember there was a whole group of people that thought those XXX/Uzi/Ski mask as naruto character edits were fire...some of them posting in this very thread
you stan a guy who tweets like a 13 year old emo girl