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  • Where’s Syn when you need him

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    Y'all don't get tired of entertaining the same rehearsed bad faith bullshit for years on here?

    @allvvv What are you doing to address black on black crime since you're so passionate about this?

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Y'all don't get tired of entertaining the same rehearsed bad faith bullshit for years on here?

    @allvvv What are you doing to address black on black crime since you're so passionate about this?

    I’ve been onto his games for a while now

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    It shouldn’t be about sentences though

    Brothers need to stop killing each other on the whole, whether they go to prison or not.

    We already got the deck stacked against us there’s no need to make the game harder being black in America by causing turmoil for your own.

    That’s just my opinion tho

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Ofc op doesn’t reply to my post.

    Again, op is very very dense.

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020

    I think we need to focus on how the system itself is f***ed up and that there needs to be basic human protections for black lives. It's hard to change things on a community level when the entire system is racist.

    it is difficult you’re right, but i simply want to see more outrage and energy devoted to fixing this issue as a community

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Y'all don't get tired of entertaining the same rehearsed bad faith bullshit for years on here?

    @allvvv What are you doing to address black on black crime since you're so passionate about this?

    i never said the phrase black on black crime, first off. i don’t believe in that term. two, me being a black man is obvious enough as to how i’m addressing it. i live in it dumbass

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020

    You posted this:

    these people are so blinded by modern liberal politics that they cant even admit that there is a very real and demonic issue facing my community

    Yet most people will agree that “black on black” crime is ofc a real issue.

    Comparing the two is very dumb though as they’re fundamentally different. Yes black people die in both scenarios, but one is directly attributed to race while the other isn’t. “Black on black” crime is just crime. It isn’t being done with racial undertones. Police brutality often is. These are very different problems. Yes, they’re both problems though, and I doubt anyone will disagree on that part even though you claim they will.

    Just because one thing doesn’t have enough attention, doesn’t mean people are dumb for giving attention to something else that’s also a clear issue.

    And boiling the issue down to “lol look at these liberal idiots” does absolutely nothing for anyone.

    i don’t believe in the term black on black crime. but i call it close proximity crime in the black community. and yeah i agree that both of these are fundamentally different but why can’t we focus on two things at once. why can’t we protest BOTH is what i’m saying. and my bad i didn’t see this post til you said i missed it

  • Jul 6, 2020

    i never said the phrase black on black crime, first off. i don’t believe in that term. two, me being a black man is obvious enough as to how i’m addressing it. i live in it dumbass

    "Nobody is addressing black on black crime"

    "Ok so what are you doing to address black on black crime?"

    "I dont have to address it I'm black" Not suprised at all

  • Jul 6, 2020
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    It shouldn’t be about sentences though

    Brothers need to stop killing each other on the whole, whether they go to prison or not.

    We already got the deck stacked against us there’s no need to make the game harder being black in America by causing turmoil for your own.

    That’s just my opinion tho

    im on your timing and have every right to feel that way
    its these snobby ass wypipo and certain blacks that only manage to bring out these black on black crimes when they want to justify police killings

    underprivileged minorities act from a place of desperation, these cops and community wannabe vigilantes act from pure hatred

  • Jul 6, 2020

    I’ve been onto his games for a while now

    I need proof that bruh black tbh. Seems real reddity to me

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    Jim Halpert

    Riots still happening daily.

    Where? And it’s definitely not because of the Minneapolis situation anymore. And definitely not at the level it was a month ago. Let them not get convicted and you’ll really see a riot.

    And I’m glad that’s the only piece of information out of my entire post you chose to pick out you lil b****

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    When a cop kills a black person 9/10 times it’s for no other reason than the fact they are black.

    Gang violence in the black community is a symptom of a lot of issues that go back decades.

    That being said it’s a huge problem that I wish was addressed more

    That's not really true .. 12 unarmed black people were killed last year and pretty much all of the others were armed.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies
    The Infinite M

    That's not really true .. 12 unarmed black people were killed last year and pretty much all of the others were armed.

    Being armed =\= they need to be killed. Plus we know the police plant s*** soo

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020

    Being armed =\= they need to be killed. Plus we know the police plant s*** soo

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    Being armed =\= they need to be killed. Plus we know the police plant s*** soo

    But you suggested 9 out of 10 which would imply that the majority of cops are racist which is bullshit fam

  • Jul 6, 2020

    It is a bit wild when you actually look at the numbers. 9 unarmed black people killed by cops last year. Obviously the goal should be zero.

    My only rationale would be that cops are literally paid to protect & serve so the public naturally responds more to when they pull that s*** (which to be fair is not that often in the grand scheme of things but something that needs to be spoken against & have consequences when it occurs).

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    When a cop kills a black person 9/10 times it’s for no other reason than the fact they are black.

    Gang violence in the black community is a symptom of a lot of issues that go back decades.

    That being said it’s a huge problem that I wish was addressed more

    Lmao at that first line. Imagine being this ignorant.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    The Infinite M

    But you suggested 9 out of 10 which would imply that the majority of cops are racist which is bullshit fam

    Maybe 9/10 was an exaggeration buts it’s still wayyy more than it should be. I’d say more than half the police in my city are racist af lol

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Lmao at that first line. Imagine being this ignorant.


  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply


    That’d be my response too if I said some stupid s*** & got called out on it

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    That’d be my response too if I said some stupid s*** & got called out on it

    Maybe read the exchange before you posted. That addresses the same s***

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Maybe read the exchange before you posted. That addresses the same s***

    I’m glad u backtracked the original statement. Props.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Ultimately there clearly is an issue with areas like Chicago but those shouldn’t be a reason to ignore police brutality.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    niggas shoot niggas every day

    niggas die because of lack of education

    niggas die over d****

    niggas die from loss of love

    niggas die over violence

    niggas are a product of the environment

    we gotta show more respect in our community. we gotta start looking within. we gotta start with education. we gotta start with focus groups and teaching young black men how to move right in this evil world. we got white cops killing us. racism hasn't left this earth, probably never will. but we can control what we put in our communities. thats what true black lives matter means to mean. that's what needs to be done first,everything else is last place.

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