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  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    ah your other thread makes more sense

    you fell for the propaganda from FOX NEWS and other the racist institution

    “black on black crime” doesn’t exist. why do black people get a special label for simply crime. why do we need to say “white on white crime” because it’s a stupid term.

    a lot of black people live in close urban spaces where there’s a lot of poverty. crime is a a symptom of it. those people aren’t going out of their way to kill black people ffs

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020
    free world
    · edited

    niggas shoot niggas every day

    niggas die because of lack of education

    niggas die over d****

    niggas die from loss of love

    niggas die over violence

    niggas are a product of the environment

    we gotta show more respect in our community. we gotta start looking within. we gotta start with education. we gotta start with focus groups and teaching young black men how to move right in this evil world. we got white cops killing us. racism hasn't left this earth, probably never will. but we can control what we put in our communities. thats what true black lives matter means to mean. that's what needs to be done first,everything else is last place.

  • OPs dumbass really thought he had one

  • Jetpack

    Because black people aren’t killing each other just because they’re black.

    If you don’t understand that by now, I don’t know what to tell you

    If he doesn’t understand this, I doubt he’s actually black.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Do u niggas even think before u post s*** like this like fr use ur brain

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    because if you can’t understand something as simple as this then clearly you don’t want to understand and you’re being wilfully ignorant.

    this is the case for most white people.

    black people finding peace starts with the institutional racism being thwarted and black education and communities going up which will lead to more wealth for these communities AND less crime.

    when we talk about poverty especially in white areas we hardly talk about “white people would be less poor if they stopped killing each other”.

    i’m glad you said you’re not black because it shows you complete lack of understand and your bullshit peace

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Maybe 9/10 was an exaggeration buts it’s still wayyy more than it should be. I’d say more than half the police in my city are racist af lol

    No it's not. You cannot actually believe that more than half of the police workforce, that has about 30% of minorities working there too, so which leaves around 70% to be white, is racist.

  • You’re not black. You should have just left it at that.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Where? And it’s definitely not because of the Minneapolis situation anymore. And definitely not at the level it was a month ago. Let them not get convicted and you’ll really see a riot.

    And I’m glad that’s the only piece of information out of my entire post you chose to pick out you lil b****

    Well damn I didn’t mean to get you worked up. I agreed with the entire post and thought you’d like to know the protests are still going as strong as ever.


    Off the top

  • sponge 🧽
    Jul 6, 2020

    Power dynamics

    I think one concept that makes it feel worse is the government, policies, the way policing works and was designed to work, hurts black people and its just like

    when a sub-system of your own government is profiling you and killing you for existing, doing nothing, its worth addressing

    And also the justice system doesn't prosecute cops like that,

    if somebody kills someone from the same city (i.e. black on black crime or what have you), and they find them, that person is going to jail.

    The same can't be said for cops, for the longest time.

    But yeah the over-arching murders going on just between people in general is awful and thats just a greater thing about human nature i think that is much broader. the way institutions contributed to these bad situations just made s*** worse.

    but of course TLDR: all of these things need to be addressed, one issue doesn't cancel another out, but as far as power within the legal system, that affects a lot of how both of these issues happen and are perceived, imo (i could be wrong or off on what im saying but this is my best contribution atm)

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    ah so you’re still being wilfully ignorant.

    i’m indoctrinated? meanwhile, you believe black on black crime to be a thing.

    congrats idiot

  • sponge 🧽
    Jul 6, 2020

    This topic is always going to have a sour taste when it's brought up because so many times wack people bring up "what about black on black crime" and that s*** is so tired and gross

    but the conversation needs 2 be had, one way or another,

    killing is just wack in general

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    Niggas that don’t consent to a certain lifestyle don’t get killed. Black on black violence isn’t a racially motivated issue. It’s more of a poverty/systemic issue.

    However when it comes to police brutality, Black people of all walks of life suffer. Philando Castile and Breonna were just normal law abiding citizens, yet they they were still brutally murdered by police due to the common depiction of Black people in America.

  • sponge 🧽
    Jul 6, 2020

    i can see why the girl your talking to doesnt fw you lmao

    fall back he aint ready

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    please tell me why black on black crime exists

  • I bet OP follows Candace Owens on social media

  • sponge 🧽
    Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    Niggas that don’t consent to a certain lifestyle don’t get killed. Black on black violence isn’t a racially motivated issue. It’s more of a poverty/systemic issue.

    However when it comes to police brutality, Black people of all walks of life suffer. Philando Castile and Breonna were just normal law abiding citizens, yet they they were still brutally murdered by police due to the common depiction of Black people in America.

    anytime theres a bunch of gunfire theres a high chance like a pedestrian could get hit though, and thats just the danger of firing off guns but still

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    anytime theres a bunch of gunfire theres a high chance like a pedestrian could get hit though, and thats just the danger of firing off guns but still


  • Jul 6, 2020

    No. He's not close minded and indoctrinated.

    It's very clear why someone would have an issue with someone speaking in the same way that op is speaking. There's literally five pages for you to go through to get the gist. If you really wanted to understand why the black community has issues with comments like this, you easily could. It's been a topic of discussion many times before.

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