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  • Jul 6, 2020

    i’m giving you your chance family

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    Those are rare instances of innocent bystanders being affected by black on black violence. You’re purposely cherry picking those instances to support your anti black views 90% of the time, only street niggas are directly affected by that lifestyle.

  • sponge 🧽
    Jul 6, 2020

    Idk i feel like this type of thread can turn to a bunch of name-calling and bullshit but it could be a chance to present some real info and arguments

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Because it’s constantly brought up as a counter to black lives matter, exactly like OP did. That’s insanely ignorant to bring it up in that way.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Oh you exactly one of those kinda niggas...yeah link me with your friend, I can already tell she my type if she calling a nigga like you out.

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Those are rare instances of innocent bystanders being affected by black on black violence. You’re purposely cherry picking those instances to support your anti black views 90% of the time, only street niggas are directly affected by that lifestyle.

    if that seems to be a rarity to you then idk what world you live in

  • It was to point out the manner in which you’re currently cherry picking certain instances to support your argument. It’s funny how you only focused on the black on black violence part of my initial post and completely disregarded the murders of breonna taylor and and philando castile.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Mate you are being so FOOLISH! Can you please be serious for once

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    ah your other thread makes more sense

    you fell for the propaganda from FOX NEWS and other the racist institution

    “black on black crime” doesn’t exist. why do black people get a special label for simply crime. why do we need to say “white on white crime” because it’s a stupid term.

    a lot of black people live in close urban spaces where there’s a lot of poverty. crime is a a symptom of it. those people aren’t going out of their way to kill black people ffs

    i never said black on black crime, man. i dont even believe in that term because it writes off the issue of white on black crime. all i want to bring to the table is the concept of making sure we cover all bases to achieve black prosperity. we must work on bringing education to our communities

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Oh you exactly one of those kinda niggas...yeah link me with your friend, I can already tell she my type if she calling a nigga like you out.

    i love this guy

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    if that seems to be a rarity to you then idk what world you live in

    Keep cooning. If you’re a regular nigga that works a normal job or just goes to school, than 90% of the time you’ll be fine. That other 10% is due to the fact that niggas may be at the wrong place/ wrong time and/or live in the hood.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    bruh that doesn't make sense lmao how do you protest criminals?

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020
    4 replies

    Keep cooning. If you’re a regular nigga that works a normal job or just goes to school, than 90% of the time you’ll be fine. That other 10% is due to the fact that niggas may be at the wrong place/ wrong time and/or live in the hood.

    try telling that to the hundreds of people who like like us dying in Chicago every year. if im a coon for caring about black people then f*** it. peace, man

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Other than the 8 year old girl, what does this prove? Gang violence in Atl is definitely a thing. Again, I’ve already stated that niggas that involve themselves in that life do get shot/murdered so this literally proves nothing. Our conversation is about innocent black bystander being directly affected by black on black violence

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    bruh that doesn't make sense lmao how do you protest criminals?

    well the movement would be much different in this situation, im thinking more like us putting into effect a movement to support black businesses in our communities or to stop supporting businesses from other races that are set up purposely to strain the Black dollar

  • Jul 6, 2020

    try telling that to the hundreds of people who like like us dying in Chicago every year. if im a coon for caring about black people then f*** it. peace, man

    You're a coon for pointing the blame on Chicago gang warfare like there aren't hundreds of other issues that cause that, especially some which are systematic at the hands of white people

  • Jul 6, 2020
    3 replies

    People are out here doing work everyday in the streets. I'm a social worker and I interact with community organizations and social welfare programs daily that never get media attention.

    How about you actually get active in your community...cause only a dumb nigga will say that "black lives only matter when a cop kills a nigga". You obviously don't give a s*** cause you'd know that people are in the trenches doing work.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    People are out here doing work everyday in the streets. I'm a social worker and I interact with community organizations and social welfare programs daily that never get media attention.

    How about you actually get active in your community...cause only a dumb nigga will say that "black lives only matter when a cop kills a nigga". You obviously don't give a s*** cause you'd know that people are in the trenches doing work.

  • sponge 🧽
    Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I think some of the basic idea is,

    let's narrow it down to: black lives matter stems from racially profiled violence (trayvon wasn't killed by a cop but a wanna-be cop and stalker), often by cops, in the United States

    Taking it from there, since we are talking about the United States, this country was built from driving out the Native people and stealing more and more and more of their land, and then stealing humans from Africa and forcing them to build this country, therefore beginning the idea that they were of a lower class.

    This persisted for centuries, and was what the country is built on, so a lot of these ideas and narratives are inherent in the governmental systems we have. We can talk about gentrification, racism in hiring for jobs, generational poverty, all that grouped in with creating an environment where people feel like they have to rob, steal, kill, to survive them selves.

    And instead of presenting a remedy other than d**** and alcohol, the government allows for police departments to racially profile in the name of "law and order" or whatever the hell narrative they choose,

    Racism (among all other types of discrimination) is a part of the way this society thinks

    If you don't have any organization to protect you (i.e. the police, the justice system overall) you have to protect yourself

    long story short: police have a long history of brutality and getting away with it,

    we're seeing more and more reports of cops who have dozens of complaints against them, and they still don't lose their job they just might get a few weeks paid leave and moved around to different departments and all that s***, the police union is f***ed.

  • VVV

    try telling that to the hundreds of people who like like us dying in Chicago every year. if im a coon for caring about black people then f*** it. peace, man

    South side Chicago = a lot of gangs. I’m not denying that gang violence is a thing amongst impoverished black people (even though Chicago’s murder issue is hugely overblown). However, if you can’t differentiate cops murdering innocent black people and gang violence, then you are a literal coon in every single sense.

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020

    People are out here doing work everyday in the streets. I'm a social worker and I interact with community organizations and social welfare programs daily that never get media attention.

    How about you actually get active in your community...cause only a dumb nigga will say that "black lives only matter when a cop kills a nigga". You obviously don't give a s*** cause you'd know that people are in the trenches doing work.

    i feel like i made my pint unclear to you guys because i completely agree with your first point. im not placing blame on nobody

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    well the movement would be much different in this situation, im thinking more like us putting into effect a movement to support black businesses in our communities or to stop supporting businesses from other races that are set up purposely to strain the Black dollar

    bruh................that's literally part of what BLM is doing, among other things that will have a positive effect on the black community

    I'm not gonna call you a coon but you've definitely been tricked into thinking BLM is in the wrong by people who think the answer is blaming black people for the actions of criminals

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I think some of the basic idea is,

    let's narrow it down to: black lives matter stems from racially profiled violence (trayvon wasn't killed by a cop but a wanna-be cop and stalker), often by cops, in the United States

    Taking it from there, since we are talking about the United States, this country was built from driving out the Native people and stealing more and more and more of their land, and then stealing humans from Africa and forcing them to build this country, therefore beginning the idea that they were of a lower class.

    This persisted for centuries, and was what the country is built on, so a lot of these ideas and narratives are inherent in the governmental systems we have. We can talk about gentrification, racism in hiring for jobs, generational poverty, all that grouped in with creating an environment where people feel like they have to rob, steal, kill, to survive them selves.

    And instead of presenting a remedy other than d**** and alcohol, the government allows for police departments to racially profile in the name of "law and order" or whatever the hell narrative they choose,

    Racism (among all other types of discrimination) is a part of the way this society thinks

    If you don't have any organization to protect you (i.e. the police, the justice system overall) you have to protect yourself

    long story short: police have a long history of brutality and getting away with it,

    we're seeing more and more reports of cops who have dozens of complaints against them, and they still don't lose their job they just might get a few weeks paid leave and moved around to different departments and all that s***, the police union is f***ed.

    There’s no point in trying to educate someone that is going to hold unfavourable views towards black people regardless of what you say.

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