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  • sponge 🧽
    Jul 6, 2020

    But if you want a srs answer.

    Black on black crime is used to mitigate or shy away from issues of police brutality. Often arguing that the disproportionate rates of crime justify the disproportionate policing and leveks of violence

    However since LGBTQ people literally popped up with black on black crime energy. Idk how long this is gonna last

    ^ lowkey this shoulda been first reply itt

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020

    “Y’all really got on me” lmao just own up to the fact that you said some dumbass s*** and justifiably received backlash.

    i literally just did bro, chill with that energy man

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    i love this guy

    The violence in Chicago that involves random people getting killed isn't celebrated. It's oftentimes publicly chastised and frequently brought up as a major problem. Especially by black citizens of those neighborhoods. They make efforts to condemn the gang violence in Chicago.

    For you to be using the same dismissive rhetoric of black on black crime as a tool to attack what black lives matter is about, and is also used as a tool to justify black people getting killed and treated as second class citizens in America by police and racists shows you got some internal issues to work on. Especially since that tired ass talking point has long since been thoroughly dissected and explained and exposed of what it's true intention is.

    Most people who try to use "black on black crime" in discussions involving black people's mistreatment in America don't actually even give a f*** about black on black crime. Because if they truly did they'd look into the situations that have caused this and understand that a major factor that perpetuates it are socio-economic disparities in housing, poor funding for schools and community aid, lack of jobs and other opportunities that provide youth and teens a chance of a way out, an over abundance of illegal/black market fire arms in low income communities that mysteriously keep popping up, and of course politicians who simply don't give a f*** about black people dying due to stupid and petty ass non racially motivated gang/gun violence.

    TL;DR You an herb, hold this mute. And your music trash

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies
    Smacked Voodoo

    The violence in Chicago that involves random people getting killed isn't celebrated. It's oftentimes publicly chastised and frequently brought up as a major problem. Especially by black citizens of those neighborhoods. They make efforts to condemn the gang violence in Chicago.

    For you to be using the same dismissive rhetoric of black on black crime as a tool to attack what black lives matter is about, and is also used as a tool to justify black people getting killed and treated as second class citizens in America by police and racists shows you got some internal issues to work on. Especially since that tired ass talking point has long since been thoroughly dissected and explained and exposed of what it's true intention is.

    Most people who try to use "black on black crime" in discussions involving black people's mistreatment in America don't actually even give a f*** about black on black crime. Because if they truly did they'd look into the situations that have caused this and understand that a major factor that perpetuates it are socio-economic disparities in housing, poor funding for schools and community aid, lack of jobs and other opportunities that provide youth and teens a chance of a way out, an over abundance of illegal/black market fire arms in low income communities that mysteriously keep popping up, and of course politicians who simply don't give a f*** about black people dying due to stupid and petty ass non racially motivated gang/gun violence.

    TL;DR You an herb, hold this mute. And your music trash

    I’m use to seeing the black on black crime argument in response to black lives matter. But it’s honestly astounding how a black person in America could say this

  • OP
    Jul 6, 2020
    Smacked Voodoo

    The violence in Chicago that involves random people getting killed isn't celebrated. It's oftentimes publicly chastised and frequently brought up as a major problem. Especially by black citizens of those neighborhoods. They make efforts to condemn the gang violence in Chicago.

    For you to be using the same dismissive rhetoric of black on black crime as a tool to attack what black lives matter is about, and is also used as a tool to justify black people getting killed and treated as second class citizens in America by police and racists shows you got some internal issues to work on. Especially since that tired ass talking point has long since been thoroughly dissected and explained and exposed of what it's true intention is.

    Most people who try to use "black on black crime" in discussions involving black people's mistreatment in America don't actually even give a f*** about black on black crime. Because if they truly did they'd look into the situations that have caused this and understand that a major factor that perpetuates it are socio-economic disparities in housing, poor funding for schools and community aid, lack of jobs and other opportunities that provide youth and teens a chance of a way out, an over abundance of illegal/black market fire arms in low income communities that mysteriously keep popping up, and of course politicians who simply don't give a f*** about black people dying due to stupid and petty ass non racially motivated gang/gun violence.

    TL;DR You an herb, hold this mute. And your music trash

    you know, if you read more of what i said youd see i agree with everything you just said. thanks for your words, have a good night brother

  • sponge 🧽
    Jul 6, 2020

    I’m use to seeing the black on black crime argument in response to black lives matter. But it’s honestly astounding how a black person in America could say this

    white supremacy, anti-blackness, patriarchy/sexism

    all these things are ideas that influence everything we're taught to believe until we change the narrative, so I personally am not surprised, thats why i said if we can offer a way out of being held by those ideas, its worth something

  • sponge 🧽
    Jul 6, 2020

    i ain't seen someone call somebody an "herb" in a minute

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I’m use to seeing the black on black crime argument in response to black lives matter. But it’s honestly astounding how a black person in America could say this

    OP himself made another thread recently that perfectly explains why he'd say some foolishness like this.

    He don't like being checked by a black woman who knows her s*** and is a decent human being

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    OP himself made another thread recently that perfectly explains why he'd say some foolishness like this.

    He don't like being checked by a black woman who knows her s*** and is a decent human being

    It’s all adding up now. OP is one of “dem niggas”

  • Jul 6, 2020

    the people killing these youth are getting sentenced anyways so it pretty much kills whatever point youre trying to make
    black youth gets killed by black male results in life sentence for black male
    black youth gets killed by police or white guy and it results in acquittal

    its not that hard to comprehend

    Not really most homicides in poor Neighbourhood tend to go unsolved.


    When a cop kills a black person 9/10 times it’s for no other reason than the fact they are black.

    Gang violence in the black community is a symptom of a lot of issues that go back decades.

    That being said it’s a huge problem that I wish was addressed more

    9/10 times? That’s super reaching. Black men are killed by the police at a higher rate, but it is nowhere near that significant.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Let’s make it simple for the pea brains that keep asking this question..

    Reason crime is happening: Low Income, poor living conditions with a high police presence and a country that sets school borders too provide those in these low income areas with the worst education and resources possible to keep them in a cycle of struggling to live therefore committing these crimes and with a higher police presence than any other neighborhood higher arrest rates. -> This has been called out by BLM advocates forever and even now continues to be one of the major points of BLM.

    What most people see as BLM: The calling out of a systematic oppression that the above is a part of that results in the unjust killings of people of color by a policing system that has for too long been governing themselves, and pushed around by overbearing and racist police unions to escape any and all accountability.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    When a cop kills a black person 9/10 times it’s for no other reason than the fact they are black.

    Gang violence in the black community is a symptom of a lot of issues that go back decades.

    That being said it’s a huge problem that I wish was addressed more

    That's false, majority of times it's because of criminal intent.

    Injustice happens more often but to say vast majority of shootings are just cold blooded murder is completely false.

    Their's no evidence to support this, yet ktt gobbles it up as gospel

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Gang violence takes far more innocent lives than police brutality, lots of kids, women and children being killed and wounded in Chicago and places abroad.

    Though vast majority of the killings are criminals killing each other

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    If you go through my thread/post history, I’ve mentioned anti blackness in asian/latino communities multiple times but those threads either get locked or I get temporarily muted because “only white ppl can be bad to us”

    Yeah but that point cuts both ways. Black people are racist to Asians and Hispanics too. Minorities gotta stick together tho and see the bigger picture

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 6, 2020

    If you go as a tourist into a large American city many people advice you not to go to certain streets cause you are gonna get robbed or killed like immediately. I dont know how much of that is true but it is very telling for me.

  • If I had to choose between wiping out gang violence/black on black crime or police brutality with the snap of a finger I’m picking black on black crime swiftly.

    It’s all about saving the most amount of lives to me

    Obviously both are issues that need to be addressed tho

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply
    · edited

    we as American people must put more attention and emphasis to efforts and organizations that will help cub the violence facing our communities

    NOTE: i do NOT believe in "black on black crime", i am not placing blame on black people for anything at all. i am simply saying we (being America) need to put more attention on the causes that help curb the violence in Black communities. both democrats and republicans use black pain for their own political gain, we are being manipulated by a two party structure

    Fighting crime is completely different to fighting police brutality.

    Being murdered by a random citizen is completely different to being murdered by a government official.

    The two issues are constantly conflated but have no relevance to one anothe

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Fighting crime is completely different to fighting police brutality.

    Being murdered by a random citizen is completely different to being murdered by a government official.

    The two issues are constantly conflated but have no relevance to one anothe

    I’d rather just not get killed at all bro regardless of who did it and their reason

    And you have a much, much higher chance of being killed by a random person than a cop

  • Jul 6, 2020

    I’d rather just not get killed at all bro regardless of who did it and their reason

    And you have a much, much higher chance of being killed by a random person than a cop

    Yeah of course, I’m not disputing that.

    The point is you can’t pre judge any random citizen you might bump into. If you have the misfortune of bumping into a gangbanger or serial killer and they murder you, that’s f***ing awful but what could have been done about it? We can try harder to eradicate crime and the reasons why people commit crime, but you’ll never be able to wipe it out so unfortunately you just have to hope that due process takes place when a crime is committed.

    This is completely different to bumping into a police officer. They should be there to protect and serve citizenry, and so every single person should have an expectation of being dealt with fairly by the police. If I haven’t done anything wrong, I should expect to be treated as such. If I have done something wrong, I should expect the police response to be proportionate and erring on the side of leniency where possible.

    This is clearly not the case for many, mostly black, people so this needs to be addressed

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Well, yes, poverty is still a big contributor to crime rates. The problem would be that black people have been in those urban areas for decades and those highly populated places would have stayed the poorest throughout those years.

    Gang violence would have started decades ago and continued to evolve whereas a lot of Hispanic immigrants continue to move to the USA rather than having been there for the same amount of years.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    meanwhile you’ve made no real point itt.


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