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  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    meanwhile you’ve made no real point itt.


    Stop entertaining this s*** bait

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Stop entertaining this s*** bait

    fine ok

  • Kengi 💭
    Jul 6, 2020

    "Black people cant be racist cause they dont hold the institutional power" is my personal favorite.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    We don’t negotiate with terrorists
    Either cut the bullshit or get clapped
    Kap bent the knee but we got our hands up

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Stats don’t even support your argument. You’ve pulled out homicide victims rather than perpetrators, so this is ultimately meaningless.

    FYI I’m aware that most of the time victims and perpetrators are of the same race, but if you wanted to make that argument why wouldn’t you use those stats

  • What are doing to help these inner cities or communities? If you can speak on what black people aren’t focused on and understand the problem they facing you must be helping.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    there's multiple pillars within the black plight which add to its destruction

    The first one is single parent households. An unstable household, regardless of its economic status, will have a higher chance of breeding psychologically unstable people who depending on their parents mental well being, can develop avoidant dismissive traits which further isolate them from their ability to communicate, trust etc, let alone seek help for an issue they may not even know exist. It's no surprise that a lengthy history of disproportionate incarceration of black men for offences caucasians get a slap on the wrist for, has resulted in generations of psychologically unstable children, who without a strong, stable male role model in their life, fall victim to the destruction.

    Cultural glorification is another issue and no, this isn't an argument regarding what came first, the chicken or the egg, we know there was a system at play before niggas ever got the platform they did. The dehumanising aspects of celebrity culture and the glorification of gang violence goes hand in hand with the destruction. It's once again, no surprise that blacks are one of the only ethnic minorities which depend on a culture which consistently pushes its worse traits to the forefront, while breeding a subconscious complacency to the social issues it stems from.

    Throw systematic disdain towards blacks due to stereotypes the system has created, regardless if their "like that" or not tampering with opportunities and the dehumanising aspect which comes from the ripple effects of racism into the mix, and you have yourself a brewing pot of systematic destruction, which was not done by accident. Anybody who blames the existence of violence solely on financial status fails to realise that one of the core issue is psychological well being. It is just very difficult to achieve this when social structures consistently drag black people down. We see this in celebrity cultures everyday, no matter how much money you have, it does not correlate to happiness because that void is still very much there.

    When I say poverty, I use it as a blanket term for the deprivation of various different resources and structures (financial, educational, psychological etc) which we know other ethnic groups cling onto and contributes to the existence of gang violence. I would go into more depth but i'm busy rn. Also what do you think causes gang violence and adds to the destruction if you're so quick to dismiss poverty? Your post comes off very dismissive and "haha gotchu!" esque. You cannot simply downplay systematic destruction with statistics, when we clearly know theres an issue at hand

  • VVV
    · edited

    we as American people must put more attention and emphasis to efforts and organizations that will help cub the violence facing our communities

    NOTE: i do NOT believe in "black on black crime", i am not placing blame on black people for anything at all. i am simply saying we (being America) need to put more attention on the causes that help curb the violence in Black communities. both democrats and republicans use black pain for their own political gain, we are being manipulated by a two party structure

    Let me give you a reasonable answer without insulting you. There is no way to control gun play & physical violence with no law enforcement ties.

    The gangs & criminal activity is a loose dangerous volatile network of chaos. Americans can’t control whether someone wants to make the trigger click Or the hammers bang. We can say please put down the gun until the cow comes home. Hell, we tried to police the streets with Guardian Angels. 😒

    The guns & firearms have flooded this country for centuries. We worship the gun like we have a fetish for the cross. We might as well have a Real 9mm Handgun around our neck as a necklace.

    All we have for control is the following: wind down our corrupt police & military force all across this country. Change the firearm laws to regulate the spread of new weapons being flooded into our country. That’s all we can do.

    Humanity is a complex quilt of cultural fabrics that is extremely fragile to stitch together. We will always be 5 steps behind . But let me end with this: Any more steps and we risk so much for the future. That’s why police force needs to be put in check.

    And that’s why we have to end the senseless killing that we can control by voicing our dismay louder than ever before. That’s what we owe to all the fallen who have ever faced the unfair treatment of a police officer & lost their life. We owe it to them, We can’t bring them back but we can help prevent new ones. 😎

  • Jul 6, 2020

    I’m not racist but-

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    To actually counter your overall nonsense argument:

    1. The population %s in your initial table and your LA pie charts are completely different. This suggests you’re conflating NATIONAL poverty numbers with LOCAL homicide numbers. This in itself is meaningless, especially given that the % of the black population is 3x that of LA, so LA could never be indicative of the US black population as a whole.

    2. Your Chicago maps are pointless and you appear to have read them incorrectly. You claim Chi is “majority Hispanic” but judging by the first map you’ve shared, it is clearly majority white, and to me looks like the black population is at least equal to, if not actually larger than, the Latinx one. Unfortunately it’s impossible to prove this either way because the map doesnt give any useful statistics, it just has 1000s of dots which we can’t count accurately.

    Your second map is equally pointless. You claim it demonstrates black people commit more murders because the high volume clusters are around the north east and south side neighbourhoods. While this all may be true, you haven’t proved or disproved it because you haven’t demonstrated which areas on the second map are majority black/white/Hispanic, nor have you proved that the specific clusters of high volume homicide numbers match up to the areas which have the highest density of black people.

    3. Your attempt to prove your argument rests on the idea that “poverty = crime” which you seem to have interpreted as everyone who is poor is more likely to commit crime. Statistics are infinitely more complex than this and you haven’t taken that into account. As you’ll know, young men of any race are much more likely to commit (and be victims of) murder than old ladies of the same race. So the fact that more Hispanics are in poverty than black People tells us nothing on its own. If the Hispanic population is weighted more towards the elderly and children, and the black population is weighted more towards young people in their late teens - 30s, that alone could make your point at least partially redundant

  • “Well black people kill more black people than police do.”

    Yea duh you f***ing inbred. By proximity, all races kill their own more than other races.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    People are out here doing work everyday in the streets. I'm a social worker and I interact with community organizations and social welfare programs daily that never get media attention.

    How about you actually get active in your community...cause only a dumb nigga will say that "black lives only matter when a cop kills a nigga". You obviously don't give a s*** cause you'd know that people are in the trenches doing work.

    If you don’t mind me asking What job do you have in social work?

    I’m a social work major rn. I’m going to try to become a VA case manager. I feel like people who work for the CJ system and CPS deal with so much more hardships and stress that doesn’t really show in the check

  • Jul 6, 2020

    It’s all adding up now. OP is one of “dem niggas”

  • Jul 6, 2020

    If you pay attention to the map you posted one of the areas where the gun violence is the highest is around where Cabrini Green used to be, which has a well known history of heavy gang related crimes. And the fact that the area is still as active as it is says a lot.

    So yes generational poverty CAN lead to crime. But its not the only reason it happens

    If multiple generations of your family grew up around the same crimes and the drama that was taking place in those areas and some of them were actually involved in it they become desensitized to it.

    It becomes normal for a person to have a mentality of the people they grew up around/with. If you grew up around d*** dealers, robbers, and gang members who you gonna relate to?

    Where as other races in the same situation may not think that s*** is normal at all and dont relate to it because their coming from a different area/country or just haven't been exposed to that type of behavior long enough for them to be desensitized.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Two SEPARATE issues

    The sooner you racist f***s realize this the quicker we can progress as a country

  • Man posted whole ass charts and statistics, that are hardly relevant to his actual point, and still got flambéd.

  • This is why you had an s curl accident

  • Jul 6, 2020
    3 replies

    Yeah but that point cuts both ways. Black people are racist to Asians and Hispanics too. Minorities gotta stick together tho and see the bigger picture

    POC solidarity doesn’t do s*** for the black community. It’s more of a one sided street because hispanics and asians will always be super anti black

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies

    POC solidarity doesn’t do s*** for the black community. It’s more of a one sided street because hispanics and asians will always be super anti black

    You’re delusional, an insane amount of the protestors out there are asian and Hispanic, most at significant personal cost to themselves. They’re pulling their weight, I never see black people defend asians or hispanics tho

  • Jul 6, 2020
    3 replies

    there's multiple pillars within the black plight which add to its destruction

    The first one is single parent households. An unstable household, regardless of its economic status, will have a higher chance of breeding psychologically unstable people who depending on their parents mental well being, can develop avoidant dismissive traits which further isolate them from their ability to communicate, trust etc, let alone seek help for an issue they may not even know exist. It's no surprise that a lengthy history of disproportionate incarceration of black men for offences caucasians get a slap on the wrist for, has resulted in generations of psychologically unstable children, who without a strong, stable male role model in their life, fall victim to the destruction.

    Cultural glorification is another issue and no, this isn't an argument regarding what came first, the chicken or the egg, we know there was a system at play before niggas ever got the platform they did. The dehumanising aspects of celebrity culture and the glorification of gang violence goes hand in hand with the destruction. It's once again, no surprise that blacks are one of the only ethnic minorities which depend on a culture which consistently pushes its worse traits to the forefront, while breeding a subconscious complacency to the social issues it stems from.

    Throw systematic disdain towards blacks due to stereotypes the system has created, regardless if their "like that" or not tampering with opportunities and the dehumanising aspect which comes from the ripple effects of racism into the mix, and you have yourself a brewing pot of systematic destruction, which was not done by accident. Anybody who blames the existence of violence solely on financial status fails to realise that one of the core issue is psychological well being. It is just very difficult to achieve this when social structures consistently drag black people down. We see this in celebrity cultures everyday, no matter how much money you have, it does not correlate to happiness because that void is still very much there.

    When I say poverty, I use it as a blanket term for the deprivation of various different resources and structures (financial, educational, psychological etc) which we know other ethnic groups cling onto and contributes to the existence of gang violence. I would go into more depth but i'm busy rn. Also what do you think causes gang violence and adds to the destruction if you're so quick to dismiss poverty? Your post comes off very dismissive and "haha gotchu!" esque. You cannot simply downplay systematic destruction with statistics, when we clearly know theres an issue at hand

    and the BLM organisation has literally said it wants to dismantle the nuclear family

    such a f***n joke

  • Jul 6, 2020

    POC solidarity doesn’t do s*** for the black community. It’s more of a one sided street because hispanics and asians will always be super anti black

    I think alot of them are anti - American inner city black thus see all black people like that
    Just like the police
    This inner city violence/poverty issue is affecting black lives much more than we think , there should be a big movement for it (not perse blm) but another one maybe - like the black panthers in the 60s who cared for inner affairs (breakfast programs, mobilizing black men and women, giving them purpose) and outer affairs (police, marching against racist institutions...)

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    and the BLM organisation has literally said it wants to dismantle the nuclear family

    such a f***n joke


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