People that throw themselves before a train 👎👎👎
that’s why emphasized on taking your life WITHOUT burdening others as in train drivers, pedestrians etc.
Life can get always get better as long as you are not dead
Life isn't meant to be "good" also, life is just the opportunity to live, you only get one shot, do not miss your chance
lose yourself starts playing
when i feel suicidal i just logically think about if those things making me feel that way can be changed in the future and if the answer is yes then i dont care anymore Edit: "dont care" in the sense that i dont have interest in suicide anymore. i obviously still feel like s***.
believe it or not id argue its not, places like canada are making suicide sound awesome, the person in this commerical wanted to live but canada kept suggesting that she killed herself
chronic depression and illness
no idea what to do with life
having to work my ass off to maintiain a living
feeling numb
to name some
I can relate to the chronic illness part, i was born with a physical disability which I believe causes my mental issues, diagnosed bipolar but I don't believe they really understand what's happening. When i was younger I had no energy, no emotion, my brain was always foggy, it was really trash, but I was able over time to figure out ways to fix these problems using d**** but also esoteric knowledge and philosophy
I say this to just say atleast for the health problems, if you devote yourself to understanding why you feel how u do and fixing it, you might be able to recover. I don't know what illness you have so I don't know if this makes sense but in my experience there are some ways to reverse illnesses that doctors can't treat or identify. If you're like me at all the best advice I can give is just to listen to your body and try to understand why you feel the way u do.
About money I think u gotta just set priorities. I think health is always top priority, obv still need to work to survive but maybe just lay low and just focus on your health as much as you can. People might not understand but sometimes u gotta balance what's best for u and the expectations of others
I don't know if any of this helps but I also want to ask if u believe in a higher power? That is ultimately what keeps me sane, Remembering that everything is connected on a higher level and God made me for a reason, these trials will make me stronger and the more I live in his image the better everything in my life will be.
Life can be so overwhelming, I think it's best to just focus on the moment and try to find motivation and happiness while you go thru the motions. As you get older man s*** rly does change so much, s*** who knows in 10 years u might be happy living a great life thinking back like man I'm so happy I just kept grinding
nah this s*** in Canada is f***ing disgusting, even the UN has condemned Canada for this eugenics program
they're basically recommending suicide to disabled people and people with mental illness. its more economically efficient to kill people than actually offer them robust treatment. its not ethical in any shape or form and they're only doing it to save money while virtue signalling it as "progressive"
saw a disabled dude on the news who was getting evicted and said that he was gonna kill himself cuz he'd rather be dead than homeless. thats the sad reality of this b**** ass country, they can help you kill yourself but cant give you affordable housing or help you actually improve your material conditions
Damn. Y’all having good discussion in here fr. Proud of my ktt fam
Because other people don't see the way you do. There probably is nothing worse in life than your child taking their own life. It's hard to fathom the connection a parent has to their child. You would have to have very understanding parents. I don't know you, but I'm sure your parents have also been through some rough times in life and persevered through to see better days
I am a bit biased here, because a few years ago I was living in fear every day that my depressed sister would take her own life. I was so scared, every day. If she had, my parents would have never recovered for the rest of their lives. Would have made a major impact on us. Maybe this is selfish of me, I don't know. But I did know that she was young, with so much left to see, so much left to experience. That to call it quits so early felt so wrong
The way I see it, if I every get to the point where I feel like ending it, I'd rather f*** off to some other remote part of the world and try to see much as I can before I go. If I'm gonna end things anyway, why not put it off a month and live like you literally have nothing to lose. Blow credit card money to do it, I don't know. If you're gonna end it all, it shouldn't matter right? Maybe you'll change your mind. Maybe I can only picture this because I'm not depressed, and nobody truly depressed would bother. I don't know
other people not seeing the way i do is exactly part of the problem. they don’t know what it’s like to fight stuff like this everyday which is fine and i’m happy for them, but s***, if i have to be strong everyday of my life just to stay alive i don’t mind being called “weak“ for the one day i am not.
i am sorry to hear what you have gone through with your sister and it sounds horrible. i, too have a younger brother whom i love very much. every time i go out with him i’m scared that he’ll be hurt or something bad is gonna happen to him to because i’m deeply traumatized and very skeptical. i wish nothing more than for him to live a long and healthy life. but what i‘m saying is that none of that is guaranteed. no one is guaranteed success, money, nor a good life. nothing. the only thing that’s guaranteed is death. and if all society has to offer to make someone stay alive is the grief their family would feel it shows to me how bad of a society we live in currently
Life is literally an endless flow of possibilities for the most part especially if you're young, and this is coming from somebody who was suicidal at one point.
Cutting that life short not only hurts those around you but you're doing yourself a disservice, when there's always a chance for things to get better.
What is your definition of a good fulfilling life? Answering those questions could help figure out how you can get there, even if it means realigning certain objectives and what not.
i see you made a post about not knowing what to do with your life, instead of focusing on broad goals like that, set smaller ones until you realize what you want the bigger picture to be, focusing on everything all at once just adds more pressure.
I've literally seen life turn around for others around me and myself to the point where even when I'm at my lowest, suicide isn't an option anymore.
And also be careful posting on sites like this about serious issues like the ones youre discussing, cuz it's gonna be some weirdos advocating for you to end your own life like that s*** is something to play with
And also be careful posting on sites like this about serious issues like the ones youre discussing, cuz it's gonna be some weirdos advocating for you to end your own life like that s*** is something to play with
Man cmon people can be dumb on here but no one is telling eachother to kill themselves
"so if i end my life in a peaceful way that doesn’t burden anyone why would it be seen as a bad thing?"
Commiting suicide is a burden lol.
Emotionally obviously for family and friends that will never recover and the first few years will be terrible.
Financially on funeral arrangements, medical bills & autopsy.
Socially on family guilt, family questioning & judgement.
And society wise on spending time, money & attention from police, doctors & funerals that could potentially be spent on someone that doesnt want to die. Along with community money.
Whichever way you lean on suicide or how you feel about it - it is anything but not being a "burden".
Wether you care or not is also a different story, but it is infact a burden. In many different facets & people. To degrees you dont even know.
Always right before my stop
I saw a video of a forensics team that had to pick up individual limbs from the ground from a mfer that threw himself 🤢
Man cmon people can be dumb on here but no one is telling eachother to kill themselves
A user on here posted about a rapper in a third world country getting killed by their government and another user on here mockingly said "who?"
Another user posted about his GF overdosing on d**** and losing her life and the first couple replies to him were people accusing him of being a liar and showing no sympathy lol
The sales thread on Honestly Nevermind had some Drake stans making personal attacks and saying nasty ass s***, seen somebody in there mock Pop Smokes death randomly lol
This site sucks sometimes bro lol
EDIT: Also don't ever go in Sports sxn if you value your sanity
I can relate to the chronic illness part, i was born with a physical disability which I believe causes my mental issues, diagnosed bipolar but I don't believe they really understand what's happening. When i was younger I had no energy, no emotion, my brain was always foggy, it was really trash, but I was able over time to figure out ways to fix these problems using d**** but also esoteric knowledge and philosophy
I say this to just say atleast for the health problems, if you devote yourself to understanding why you feel how u do and fixing it, you might be able to recover. I don't know what illness you have so I don't know if this makes sense but in my experience there are some ways to reverse illnesses that doctors can't treat or identify. If you're like me at all the best advice I can give is just to listen to your body and try to understand why you feel the way u do.
About money I think u gotta just set priorities. I think health is always top priority, obv still need to work to survive but maybe just lay low and just focus on your health as much as you can. People might not understand but sometimes u gotta balance what's best for u and the expectations of others
I don't know if any of this helps but I also want to ask if u believe in a higher power? That is ultimately what keeps me sane, Remembering that everything is connected on a higher level and God made me for a reason, these trials will make me stronger and the more I live in his image the better everything in my life will be.
Life can be so overwhelming, I think it's best to just focus on the moment and try to find motivation and happiness while you go thru the motions. As you get older man s*** rly does change so much, s*** who knows in 10 years u might be happy living a great life thinking back like man I'm so happy I just kept grinding
thank you for this. unfortunately whenever i try focusing on my health, the money part becomes a problem. so i have to work more which then f***s up my health again. this is a cycle i cannot seem to get out of. glad to hear you are doing better now tho man
Because suicide does irreparable harm to the people you love. Death is already difficult to deal with, when someone you love unalives themselves, you live thinking you were a bad friend or loved one or parent or sibling etc. and you can never get those questions answered. It’s just a constant reminder that you contributed in driving that person to feel like this is the only option they had or that you ignored the signs for help and were a horrible person.
Man cmon people can be dumb on here but no one is telling eachother to kill themselves
they already did, check last page. thankfully i have tough skin and couldn’t give a rats ass about that nigga tho. i just hope no one who is easily influenced by stuff like that reads it
chronic depression and illness
no idea what to do with life
having to work my ass off to maintiain a living
feeling numb
to name some
feel it’s such a no no to even suggest what you’re saying rn because a lot of people either don’t understand, don’t relate, or don’t see chronic illness mentally as being on the same level as debilitating physical pain
Because more than likely someone would rather live a good life than to commit suicide. The only reason people even consider suicide is when their backs are against the wall and they feel like there's no other choice.
Someone's that's happy with life and in a good mental space doesn't just choose death.
they already did, check last page. thankfully i have tough skin and couldn’t give a rats ass about that nigga tho. i just hope no one who is easily influenced by stuff like that reads it
see I aint even peep that post, niggas do the most
A user on here posted about a rapper in a third world country getting killed by their government and another user on here mockingly said "who?"
Another user posted about his GF overdosing on d**** and losing her life and the first couple replies to him were people accusing him of being a liar and showing no sympathy lol
The sales thread on Honestly Nevermind had some Drake stans making personal attacks and saying nasty ass s***, seen somebody in there mock Pop Smokes death randomly lol
This site sucks sometimes bro lol
EDIT: Also don't ever go in Sports sxn if you value your sanity
Those are all horrible things but I feel it’s still a level below telling someone personally directly to kill themselves
Dudes making who jokes are just morons for sure
Those are all horrible things but I feel it’s still a level below telling someone personally directly to kill themselves
Dudes making who jokes are just morons for sure
these wasnt jokes, these were niggas acting with malice gang lol
they already did, check last page. thankfully i have tough skin and couldn’t give a rats ass about that nigga tho. i just hope no one who is easily influenced by stuff like that reads it
F*** that guy. F*** being mean. We all need more love. We’re all connected on this Earth whether we like it or not, everyone reading this should practice more empathy in their lives
I don’t know any of you guys in person but I genuinely pray for all my KTT brothers and sisters to prosper and find meaning in their lives