  • Jun 8, 2023

    feel it’s such a no no to even suggest what you’re saying rn because a lot of people either don’t understand, don’t relate, or don’t see chronic illness mentally as being on the same level as debilitating physical pain

    like if i have to constantly struggle against my own thoughts and emotions daily and work 2x harder than the average person to enjoy even a decent life then at some point i’d just rather not deal with this whole thing

  • SegaDreamFlash

    these wasnt jokes, these were niggas acting with malice gang lol

    Someone leak their IPs so we can go beat they ass!!!!!

    jk =]

  • I think it's definitely important that it's considered taboo unless you have, for example, incurable diseases with pain and no chance of recovery.

    Playing it down would lead to more people taking their lives. But you never know if you would regret it in the future, so imo this is in no way a good solution.

  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply

    @op have you travelled?

  • Jun 8, 2023
    Water Giver

    "so if i end my life in a peaceful way that doesn’t burden anyone why would it be seen as a bad thing?"

    Commiting suicide is a burden lol.

    Emotionally obviously for family and friends that will never recover and the first few years will be terrible.

    Financially on funeral arrangements, medical bills & autopsy.

    Socially on family guilt, family questioning & judgement.

    And society wise on spending time, money & attention from police, doctors & funerals that could potentially be spent on someone that doesnt want to die. Along with community money.

    Whichever way you lean on suicide or how you feel about it - it is anything but not being a "burden".

    Wether you care or not is also a different story, but it is infact a burden. In many different facets & people. To degrees you dont even know.


    there’s niggas in here telling me to just do it and somehow this post is even worse than that

    all this is proving is that taking your own life is still taboo and actually so frowned upon that the last bit of advice you could give to a person considering suicide is explaining how much of a burden they are/would be

    to break down some of your points though

    i could burn myself to death so that my
    family doesn’t have to pay for funeral or cremation.

    could make a call to police right before doing it so they don’t waste time searching and keep expenses as minimal as possible

    “And society wise on spending time, money & attention from police, doctors & funerals that could potentially be spent on someone that doesnt want to die. Along with community money.“

    this part idek what to reply with cause it‘s just crazy and shows how biased you are

    “could be spent on someone who doesn’t want to die“ like these niggas don’t get paid for dealing with the dead? they don’t gaf if i wanted to or not, as long as i’m dead. they gone have to do their job regardless.

    might still be a lil burden at the end of the day, but it’s keeping the effort for others involved as minimal as possible

  • Jun 8, 2023

    feel it’s such a no no to even suggest what you’re saying rn because a lot of people either don’t understand, don’t relate, or don’t see chronic illness mentally as being on the same level as debilitating physical pain

    most of these niggas don’t know s*** but their opinions be strong asf lmao

  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply
    gregor samsa

    @op have you travelled?

    missing the funds for that

  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply

    missing the funds for that

    are you in the US?

  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply
    gregor samsa

    are you in the US?

    nope, EU

  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply

    nope, EU

    what country

  • Jun 8, 2023

    same reason having children is encouraged more wage slaves for the system

  • Jun 8, 2023

    why is it wrong? elaborate

    i think if something ends prematurely its a sign something has gone wrong

  • Jun 8, 2023

    thank you for this. unfortunately whenever i try focusing on my health, the money part becomes a problem. so i have to work more which then f***s up my health again. this is a cycle i cannot seem to get out of. glad to hear you are doing better now tho man

    I can see that especially if u need to spend money to treat the problem, that sounds very frustrating

    The way I see it is life is about gaining wisdom, I think in death there are forces we don't really understand but the more we are in tune with our higher self the better equip we are to navigate the after life. I don't believe that it's just nothing after death, an tbh I think even tho life is hard the more bullshit we overcome here the better off we will be in the next life. I also think no matter what u choose u will be fine, I don't believe in eternal damnation, but maybe we just wait and see what the future holds, life or death God has a plan for all of us

  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply

    @op have you read emil cioran, kirkegaard, camus?

  • Jun 8, 2023

    I would say its not universally seen like that . There is plenty of support for assisted dying for example. And also when someone does take the step, there are often comments along the lines of that although it's very sad, they ate glad they're not suffering any more.

    However while someone is alive, it's not something that is going to be encouraged because you always want to believe there is a possibility of getting better, I know there's a part of people who suffer with this who believe that more than anyonr - because that possibility does exist and there are plenty who have come off that ledge. But the possibility disappears when they take that option.

    Like any illness, research is constantly happening. I must give credit to the current treatment as ive personally seen it save and change lives, but as time goes on I do believe we will come up with even more effective treatments. Stay strong OP, I hope you can find more purpose and the resources to keep going.

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jun 8, 2023

    Life can get always get better as long as you are not dead

    Life isn't meant to be "good" also, life is just the opportunity to live, you only get one shot, do not miss your chance


  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply
    gregor samsa

    what country


  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply
    gregor samsa

    @op have you read emil cioran, kirkegaard, camus?

    no, but i’ve read the book in your avi/name. made me want to kms even more

  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply
    FKA Tadow

    You didn't have a choice being brought into this world. You should certainly have the ability to choose when you exit.

    Individualistic liberalism man yall niggas be HILARIOUS 🤣🤣🤣

  • Jun 8, 2023

    that’s why emphasized on taking your life WITHOUT burdening others as in train drivers, pedestrians etc.

    You’re gonna always burden others when you decide to eliminate yourself out of those same others lives.

    Call it selfish for…biologically creating bonds with each other, thats what humans been programmed to do since we was living in caves but its true.

  • Jun 8, 2023

    Individualistic liberalism man yall niggas be HILARIOUS 🤣🤣🤣

    I'm not wrong

  • Jun 8, 2023

    tbh i know a guy that killed himself it was the weirdest death i’ve ever experienced and i’ve experienced a lot of death in my life it sits really different knowing a guy that offed himself…

  • Jun 8, 2023

    It is taboo and it should remain that way for everybody's sake. If something is taboo then it will hopefully, at least to some extent, deter you from doing it. Whatever we can do to prevent the outcome, even if it is just to buy some time to get through whatever it is that makes you feel this way.

  • Jun 8, 2023

