Because death is scary. That's it, that's the reason. Our deaths, other people's deaths, the death of our loved ones, even the death of strangers. We can't really comprehend it so it's terrifying to think about. The thought that some people would rather kill themselves than live is just not normal to us on a biological level.
With that being said humans have a higher level of cognizance than other animals so we also know suicide raises questions of free-will and bodily autonomy, and because of those things it's less taboo than murder. The truth is no one can really say if suicide is objectively right or wrong just like no one can really say how the universe came into existence, if there's an afterlife, if there are other universe's, etc.
As someone who legit has wanted to die since 15 (I'm 26 now) I can sympathize with your question. But I can also see why other people see life as invaluable and don't want to see others throw it away. I'm at the point where I think if we greatly improve the material conditions of life on Earth (to the point where everyone is guaranteed safe, clean places to live without having to work meaningless jobs to afford them, and we have cures for any illnesses, and possibly even extended lifespans so we can spend more time with our loved ones) then suicide probably won't be as common because no one really wants to die, we just don't want to suffer, but unfortunately suffering is inherent to the human condition.
You didn't have a choice being brought into this world. You should certainly have the ability to choose when you exit.
U actually did choose
You didnt chose to come out the nutsack but you chose to be the singular sperm out of millions to win the race to the egg to be born
You did choose this & technically killed millions of others for it
I've been super quiet about this, but I guess this is a good place to talk about my own recent experience with suicide. After a long period of depression, my wife tried to take her own life on Easter, right in front of me, and with our daughter in the next room over. I f***ing promise you that if she had succeeded in doing so, if I hadn't physically stopped her, it would have been really goddamn hard on everyone she left behind.
I'm not angry with her. I actually was, for a little while. But I understand what she was feeling. I have spent at least 3 full years of my life wishing I was dead, so on some level I can empathize. The last time I was suicidal was just a few years ago, so it hasn't been long. I've come a long way since then. Once she left the hospital, she started a similar journey and I hope she comes out better for it.
When you matter to others, there are positive features, meaningful consequences and heavy responsibilities that need to be taken into account. Sadly, many people in such a sickly frame of mind cannot do so.
When you feel that your life impacts no one but your own, suicide seems relatively inconsequential. If I lived a lonely, purposeless life cut off from society, I would probably think about suicide a lot more often than I do. I'm very fortunate to be surrounded by people who love me and I don't expect people who do not to feel the same way about suicide that I do. Basically, I try to be empathetic. When we're talking about suicide, we're not talking about people who are healthy.
Ultimately, I'm not pro-suicide by any means, but I don't see the point in demonizing those who are experiencing suicidal ideation either.
Just be kind to yourselves and others, please. It's the best way to make the little bit of impact you have be a positive one. That's really all I can say.
no, but i’ve read the book in your avi/name. made me want to kms even more
you should try writing i think you got some s*** to get off your chest fr
n before you say you done therapy and s*** putting s*** down onto a piece of paper for yourself and yourself alone is a lot different and more cathartic in a different way
Cause that’s so sad man. And it’s crazy I used to hate when people would say this but I sort of agree now, suicide is super cowardly… think about all the people that depend on you, and even if you feel you’re alone, think about all the people who would hurt to know you died? Death is a guarantee in life and you rushed it, that’s just sad
Cause that’s so sad man. And it’s crazy I used to hate when people would say this but I sort of agree now, suicide is super cowardly… think about all the people that depend on you, and even if you feel you’re alone, think about all the people who would hurt to know you died? Death is a guarantee in life and you rushed it, that’s just sad
Imagine how much immeasurable pain that person must have been in to even consider the “coward” route
@op death isn't any better or easier than life
Imagine how much immeasurable pain that person must have been in to even consider the “coward” route
Yes but you’re choosing the easy route out by doing that
Yes but you’re choosing the easy route out by doing that
We say this cause “quitting something displeasing = easy” but how is suicide the easy route at all when you’re acting against your human instinct to survive and permanently cutting off any opportunity to improve your life? That’s actually a pretty difficult decision to follow through with
We say this cause “quitting something displeasing = easy” but how is suicide the easy route at all when you’re acting against your human instinct to survive and permanently cutting off any opportunity to improve your life? That’s actually a pretty difficult decision to follow through with
I’m not saying it’s an easy thing to do… I am saying that most people have people depending on them to some degree and killing yourself is (overall) an act of cowardice. I used to not see it that way but now I see why it’s seen as that.
@op idk if why it’s taboo is worth asking, I’m sure you know why it’s still taboo. You wanna know what’s a convincing reason not to do it?
And if you do then you just need to find something small you really look forward to
U actually did choose
You didnt chose to come out the nutsack but you chose to be the singular sperm out of millions to win the race to the egg to be born
You did choose this & technically killed millions of others for it
Idk, I’ve always thought suicide (in some cases) as very logical. Not even just people who are terminally ill, but even those whose lives just aren’t worth living. People always say “why kill yourself, your life might get better” but if you’ve had a s***ty life, after a certain amount of time the chances of your life just magically improving are pretty slim
Idk, I’ve always thought suicide (in some cases) as very logical. Not even just people who are terminally ill, but even those whose lives just aren’t worth living. People always say “why kill yourself, your life might get better” but if you’ve had a s***ty life, after a certain amount of time the chances of your life just magically improving are pretty slim
No one has a life that is not worth living, no matter how s***ty they may think it is. Life is always worth living.