  • Oct 17, 2021

    Like I listen to CLB and its HOT and very good but when I listen to songs like come to life or 24 I just feel unreal goosebumps in my inner soul like some heavy shakiness inside!
    Like that beat switch on heaven or hell makes me feel so grand and powerful like when those anime characters get that aura around them or some s***
    Its just different
    And this ain't on no hating s*** at all

  • Oct 17, 2021
    3 replies

    Drake makes music to have fun, make money, get women, and make people like him.

    Kanye does some of that too, but a part of him always makes music to alleviate the inner turmoil of his soul

  • Oct 17, 2021

    kanyes got an album for every mood so he’s always able to be in rotation somewhat

  • Oct 17, 2021
    3 replies

    Kanye pours his heart out into whatever bullshit he’s making whether it sucks or not

    Literally every song on DONDA can be connected to his personal life rather than vague platitudes

    It elevates him over everyone else, not just drake

  • this sxn hasnt had this kind of sophisticated musical discourse in so long

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

  • Oct 17, 2021
    2 replies
  • Oct 17, 2021

    Well that lasted long.

  • Oct 17, 2021

  • Oct 17, 2021
    2 replies

    it’s his most cinematic sounding work since LR

    even tho i don’t love a lot of the tracks, i can’t lie songs like come to life and 24 just cause ur heart to swell up and s***

    i wish i had the language to describe why

    i def think he took some cues from blond, i find the drumless tracks to be the most impactful

    i thought the entire album drumless was a bit too much, but now that tracks like jonah and pure souls have drums, it makes the impact of songs like come to life and NCLB that much greater

  • Oct 17, 2021

    Kanye transcends music

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    He's the goat

  • Oct 17, 2021

    That’s probably God saying you need to repent immediately

  • Oct 17, 2021

    Its the difference between music made as expression and music made for consumption. Music made with The intention to engage your soul as well as your ears just hits different.

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply
    ye bully mode

    it’s his most cinematic sounding work since LR

    even tho i don’t love a lot of the tracks, i can’t lie songs like come to life and 24 just cause ur heart to swell up and s***

    i wish i had the language to describe why

    i def think he took some cues from blond, i find the drumless tracks to be the most impactful

    i thought the entire album drumless was a bit too much, but now that tracks like jonah and pure souls have drums, it makes the impact of songs like come to life and NCLB that much greater

    also these organ sounds are stackkeddd

    they have such a real weight to them i love how they sound in the mix

    vocals are a diff story sometimes (i feel like most ye vocals post 2016 suffer from being painfully obvious recorded on an iphone sometimes)

    but man the organs in come to life before you hit those arpeggios are so good. then you hit the “did these ideas ever come to life !” and you got the real passionate halleulah crhing in the back

    it’s not even just the production tho i can’t lie some real talent is composing some of these tracks. very talented musicians behind the scenes here.

  • Oct 17, 2021

    idk how i feel about this but the most dramagic songs on this record feel like an apple commercial

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply
    ye bully mode

    also these organ sounds are stackkeddd

    they have such a real weight to them i love how they sound in the mix

    vocals are a diff story sometimes (i feel like most ye vocals post 2016 suffer from being painfully obvious recorded on an iphone sometimes)

    but man the organs in come to life before you hit those arpeggios are so good. then you hit the “did these ideas ever come to life !” and you got the real passionate halleulah crhing in the back

    it’s not even just the production tho i can’t lie some real talent is composing some of these tracks. very talented musicians behind the scenes here.

    “vocals are a diff story sometimes (i feel like most ye vocals post 2016 suffer from being painfully obvious recorded on an iphone sometimes)”

    On some songs, especially on JIK you can hear him breathing in between lines

  • Oct 17, 2021

    “vocals are a diff story sometimes (i feel like most ye vocals post 2016 suffer from being painfully obvious recorded on an iphone sometimes)”

    On some songs, especially on JIK you can hear him breathing in between lines

    JIK is literally the most egregious example of this

    it’s crazy sad how Jesus is King is actually a good album that’s made far worse by kanye

    some of the instrumentals are genuinely insane (donda made me appreciate how cinematic s*** like closed on sunday is. if the lyrics were at least bearable, it would be a career highlight without a doubt) and then they’re just ruined by the most obvious and corny evangelical metaphors like just the absolute dumbest s***

    donda felt like a much more honest work during this religious arc of his career.

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Havent felt this way in a while, still dont

  • Oct 17, 2021

    his music don't hit like that as much no more to me, especially his rapping
    ever since the 2016 breakdown he's a changed man

    still able to cook up sumn special every now and then but for the most part dropping duds

  • Oct 17, 2021
    pussy bacon

    This is what really hits different

  • Oct 17, 2021

    Kanye pours his heart out into whatever bullshit he’s making whether it sucks or not

    Literally every song on DONDA can be connected to his personal life rather than vague platitudes

    It elevates him over everyone else, not just drake

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    Havent felt this way in a while, still dont


  • Oct 17, 2021

    Put I wonder on repeat and enjoy