  • Aug 5, 2021

    my current roommate and homie (well we used to be cool) bought a window unit for his room and ran the electricity bill up $200

    he didn't even ask my other roommate or I if it was cool this house is almost 3,000 sq ft so the regular a/c be working hard af anyways and the bill was expensive even before his window unit

    I called him out on it and he started throwing personal insults at me and s*** through text..his girl tried kissing me when she was drunk one time so there's prob some resentment there but s***

    needless to say I just paid what I've always paid for power when they started asking for bill money and he ended up paying the extra $200.

    he avoids me and I haven't gotten an apology so it is what it is Ig lol

    I'm sure his unit is costing more for the electric bill, but just generally speaking, the amount watts cost in the hottest and coldest months of the year is more

    I've lived in places that the bill may normally be around $100, but in July/August it goes to like $250

  • my stupid ass mom

  • Aug 5, 2021

    Had a redneck Vietnamese roommate up until about a month ago. Mf was inconsiderate af. Would modify his guns in the middle of the night, so it wouldn’t be weird around 10pm to hear click clack click coming from the next room. S*** was awful.

  • Aug 5, 2021

    I found my white roommates Twitter after freshman year and found ALOT of tweets of him complaining about me

    Most of the s*** was just freshman drunk s***. F*** that guy

  • Aug 5, 2021

    my current roommate and homie (well we used to be cool) bought a window unit for his room and ran the electricity bill up $200

    he didn't even ask my other roommate or I if it was cool this house is almost 3,000 sq ft so the regular a/c be working hard af anyways and the bill was expensive even before his window unit

    I called him out on it and he started throwing personal insults at me and s*** through text..his girl tried kissing me when she was drunk one time so there's prob some resentment there but s***

    needless to say I just paid what I've always paid for power when they started asking for bill money and he ended up paying the extra $200.

    he avoids me and I haven't gotten an apology so it is what it is Ig lol

    His girl tried what

  • Aug 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Had this one girl roommate who was an inconsiderate dumbass.

  • Aug 5, 2021

    had a roommate once w a dog and he would always stay at his gf house and leave the dog at our place. Lucky for him I liked his dog so I took care of that mfer almost everyday like it was my own but could see a lot of ppl being pissed about that.

    this same roommate once invited like 6 of his homies over then left them at our spot to go spend the night at his gf house. Came home from work to a living room full of dudes I don’t really know just watching my tv on the couch and s***. Got so f***ing mad had to be like “wtf are you guys doing here? Where the f*** is Andrew?” And they were like “oh he went to his gf house for the night he said we could kick it here” told them mfers to get the f*** out of my house then blew up on my roommate over the phone. f***ing idiot.

    this same roommate was also deep into like Reddit conspiracy s*** and convinced those 6 dudes that were in my house to believe that s*** too. They were all younger than him too so they prolly looked up to dude smh. Bro would always try to interrupt my tv time on some “bro let me show you this Hilary Clinton speech conspiracy video” Or some s*** like that.. like f*** bro I don’t care about politics or conspiracies or whatever let me just watch my modern family bruh I just got off work

    this same roommate would also use all my pots and pans and bowls to cook and eat his f***ing Spaghetti-os and s*** and would never do the dishes after and would leave bowls of half eaten Cheerios on the table till they get all dried up n s*** so I had to start hiding my cookware in my room cause I was tired of doing this dudes dishes all the time. Bro just started buying and drinking soylent for meals after that

    this same roommate is also an artist/painter and one time he was painting at our home he played Drake - Now and Forever on loop for damn near 4 hours on his speakers I almost lost my mind. Felt like I was under some mkultra drake mind control or some s***. Only reason we didn’t say s*** was cause our house did blow regularly so we we’re always up at late hours slapping music n s*** and he never complained so we let his music s*** slide.

    this same roommate also decided to move out without giving us a heads up till like the week before he was gonna dip so me and my friend were freaking out about rent for a week then ended up paying for an empty room for like half a year cause we couldn’t find a replacement (but also we didn’t wanna live w some random person so we decided just to wait till one of our friends needed a spot.. would rather spend an extra 250 month to not have to live w a rando again after that experience)

    Now and forever part

  • Aug 5, 2021

    whole thread is gold

  • Aug 5, 2021

    these kind of threads always get me

  • I had a roommate that was late paying his rent to the office so he had to pay the late fee and he got mad and went to the office and tried to press the secretary like a weirdo they had to call the cops on him I was so embarrassed

  • Aug 5, 2021

    I knew a guy who always s*** himself because he was too lazy to go to the bathroom. He would hold it in for days until he started slowly s***ting himself. I would see him struggling to hold it in cuz he would get up and stand behind his chair and start walking in place while he kept playing his ps4.


  • Aug 6, 2021

    Had this one girl roommate who was an inconsiderate dumbass.

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    My roomate who just moved out seemed pretty chilled at first but he turned out to be an abuser. Dude was beating his girl and slamming her against the wall to the point the neighbours called the cops one night when I was asleep. F***en a******

    You didn’t help her!?

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Once lived with a guy who tried to cook bacon with a hairdryer

  • Aug 6, 2021

    never had anyone too bad, i'd probably say my cousin as I moved to uni and missed out on getting a rental or student accom. So my cousin said she had a room for me and my friend. She was very boring to live with shes was like 30 stay in and watch big bang theory every night type. it was all her furniture and stuff to so she controlled TV and we couldnt really host parties etc.

  • Aug 6, 2021

    One I have rn
    Super petty and she expects me to be her personal maid because her dad's the landlord lmao
    Her dad showed up and said she needed to clean her dishes and she tried to convince me her dish was mine

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    I’m finisheddd

  • Aug 6, 2021

    You didn’t help her!?

    I intervened and talked to him twice and nigga did it again and again after that

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply


  • Aug 6, 2021

    My college roommate came back drunk one night and thought my desk was a place where he could piss, safe to say he pissed on my Mac and Xbox controller made him buy me a new Mac and Xbox controller, I left the room 3 days later.

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    just spray febreeze when he leaves
    does he like this stink?