Bought it on sale since I've always put it off but holy s*** this is way way way below the other Souls games. Do any of yall really like this one?
damn, its my fav of the souls trilogy
Was it your first one? What do you like so much about it?
Was it your first one? What do you like so much about it?
my third one, i heard 2 was the worst so out of them all i got it last. i like 3, didn't really fw 1 like that, i felt like 2 (scholar of the first sin version at least) felt like a good middle ground between them. i didn't like the areas of 3 at all and the framerate on console was buns but it looked nice and was the one i played first , on the other hand 1 had some good areas and is 60 fps but it just felt too outdated. hell i even honestly think 2 looks better than the others thanks to 60 fps on console
I loved the locations and armor/weapons in that game
Majula the most relaxing area in the series for me
Terrible boss fights, hitboxes & mechanics though
my third one, i heard 2 was the worst so out of them all i got it last. i like 3, didn't really fw 1 like that, i felt like 2 (scholar of the first sin version at least) felt like a good middle ground between them. i didn't like the areas of 3 at all and the framerate on console was buns but it looked nice and was the one i played first , on the other hand 1 had some good areas and is 60 fps but it just felt too outdated. hell i even honestly think 2 looks better than the others thanks to 60 fps on console
damn i dunno. it's all subjective i guess, but dark souls 3 and bloodborne are so much better for me.
damn i dunno. it's all subjective i guess, but dark souls 3 and bloodborne are so much better for me.
Bloodborne fosho the best to me of the from soft games, I woulda liked ds3 more if Uh wasn’t for the fps. Try and stick with 2 it has some of the best areas in the series and it’s dlc is prolly the best too
Bought it on sale since I've always put it off but holy s*** this is way way way below the other Souls games. Do any of yall really like this one?
i like that one a lot. just got a different feel from the others
BB is the best of all of them with a great balance of everything.
DS1 has the best level design/map
DS2 has the best PVP, build variety, interesting locations (even if some do feel videogame-y), best dark souls combat (powerstance), and after BB it has the most replayability.
DS3 does nothing interesting for me
DS3 will forever be the best in the series. DS1 is cool for what it is but DS2 genuinely sucks. If Miyazaki would have been at the forefront of development I believe it would have been miles better
Slightly off topic but if I loved Bloodborne should I enjoy DS3? I had DS1 on my Switch and played it a bit but it felt a little too outdated. Played (still playing tbh) Bloodborne and beat it and want something similar to that experience. Also considering Sekiro
Slightly off topic but if I loved Bloodborne should I enjoy DS3? I had DS1 on my Switch and played it a bit but it felt a little too outdated. Played (still playing tbh) Bloodborne and beat it and want something similar to that experience. Also considering Sekiro
DS3 is made with a modified Bloodborne engine and has the closest speed to Bloodborne compared to 1 & 2. I say go for it
Slightly off topic but if I loved Bloodborne should I enjoy DS3? I had DS1 on my Switch and played it a bit but it felt a little too outdated. Played (still playing tbh) Bloodborne and beat it and want something similar to that experience. Also considering Sekiro
you should like it, i was in the same boat. ds3 def closest thing too BB
my third one, i heard 2 was the worst so out of them all i got it last. i like 3, didn't really fw 1 like that, i felt like 2 (scholar of the first sin version at least) felt like a good middle ground between them. i didn't like the areas of 3 at all and the framerate on console was buns but it looked nice and was the one i played first , on the other hand 1 had some good areas and is 60 fps but it just felt too outdated. hell i even honestly think 2 looks better than the others thanks to 60 fps on console
was kinda disappointed in 1 after seeing it hyped so much then finally playing it tbh
was kinda disappointed in 1 after seeing it hyped so much then finally playing it tbh
facts, one of my bros was saying its the best and when i played it,
i struggled to finish it, not cause it was hard or something just felt way to outdated. maybe if i played it back when it first released i would fw it
Nah, I watched an hour long dissection of it just for fun s while back and that game had some legit BULLSHIT in it