😭😭😭 what the F***
Watched it the other night and yea… some good scenes but woefully disappointing after the incredible first episode.
Really not sure wtf happened but I saw someone say it might just be cause it’s adult swims studios animating
I remember ninja kamui having a similar fall off
I hate adult swim/CN/time Warner more than anything some times
Fool me once with shenmue. Fool me twice with this? Lowkey not tuning into any more anime offerings from them
Loved the first ep but apparently the 2nd one has a huge drop in quality????
https://twitter.com/doffylmingo/status/1842817302808707396WTF man
This is Ninja Kamui all over again smh. Adult Swim knows how to reel you in with a good start before the s*** sundae
What the f*** happened with that delay?
This is what I’m stuck at, why in gods name did this s*** take half a decade
Actually hate this Demarco dude. "Obviously there's someone to at fault/to blame here" YEAH NIGGA YOU
Man if the s*** was going to be ass then just call it a loss. Why brute force it?
Man if the s*** was going to be ass then just call it a loss. Why brute force it?
literally, would have rather they just come out and say its cancelled cause of studio meddling.
Hell they couldve "leaked" episode 1 and guerilla market it thru social media.
what a disappointment
also the nigga who directed episode one was the director of Mushishi??? BRO WHYYY
been waiting like 5 years for this s***
what a fumble though
So I watched the first one knowing nothing about this and that s*** was fantastic. My high + the visuals made for quite the experience.
Then I watched the second and I felt that animation quality drop HARD
White victim complex crazy. Nigga is the BIG DAWG over there at adult swim and had the nerve to say "obv someone is to blame here". Nigga. It's you. F*** you. Nigga had a uzumaki AVI for YEARS while THIS was going on?!!?!?!! Then wanna be in people's tweets arguing when they're saying "why the f*** is this delayed so hard??"
E2 was laughingstock tier.
White victim complex crazy. Nigga is the BIG DAWG over there at adult swim and had the nerve to say "obv someone is to blame here". Nigga. It's you. F*** you. Nigga had a uzumaki AVI for YEARS while THIS was going on?!!?!?!! Then wanna be in people's tweets arguing when they're saying "why the f*** is this delayed so hard??"
E2 was laughingstock tier.
to be fair he has done a great job before and likely signed a NDA to not say much until now
Im just getting started with anime too thats funny
I mean it actually is partly not his fault. The whole "5 years of production" thing people keep spouting about means nothing when you consider how COVID basically destroyed the industry during that timeframe and some of that time is spent on pre-production. They ain't spending 5 whole years to animate. Then add in the fact that Adult Swim genuinely has no power here, the real boss is Warner Brothers, and if WB is giving them an ultimatum, then their hands are tied.
Quality = talent + time. Warner Brothers decided they didn't want to give them more time.
I mean it actually is partly not his fault. The whole "5 years of production" thing people keep spouting about means nothing when you consider how COVID basically destroyed the industry during that timeframe and some of that time is spent on pre-production. They ain't spending 5 whole years to animate. Then add in the fact that Adult Swim genuinely has no power here, the real boss is Warner Brothers, and if WB is giving them an ultimatum, then their hands are tied.
Quality = talent + time. Warner Brothers decided they didn't want to give them more time.
oh yeah it really isnt his fault and not shocking he was dealing with it especially with what I know about Warner Brothers again Resurrections was and is a better movie than many of you give it credit