  • Fam, this list is crazy. id like to see Europe’s reasoning. it’s probably not irrational. 😳

    “London — From baguettes to focaccia, Europe is famous for its bread. But there's one ingredient conspicuously missing: Potassium bromate. It's a suspected carcinogen that's banned for human consumption in Europe, China and India, but not in the United States.

    In the U.S., the chemical compound is used by some food makers, usually in the form of fine crystals or powder, to strengthen dough. It is estimated to be present in more than 100 products.

    "There is evidence that it may be toxic to human consumers, that it may even either initiate or promote the development of tumors," professor Erik Millstone, an expert on food additives at England's University of Sussex, told CBS News. He said European regulators take a much more cautious approach to food safety than their U.S. counterparts.

    Asked if it can be said with certainty that differences in regulations mean people in the U.S. have developed cancers that they would not have developed if they'd been eating exclusively in Europe, Millstone said that was "almost certainly the conclusion that we could reach."

    It's not just potassium bromate. A range of other chemicals and substances banned in Europe over health concerns are also permitted in the U.S., including Titanium dioxide (also known as E171); Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) (E443); Potassium bromate (E924); Azodicarbonamide (E927a) and Propylparaben (E217).

    Millstone, who's spent almost half a century researching food and agriculture science, said most Americans were likely completely unaware that they were being exposed on a daily basis to substances in their food viewed as dangerous in Europe.

    "They probably just think, 'Well, if it's available or it's in the store, it's probably fine,'" he said.

    In a statement to CBS News, the U.S. Food and D*** Administration (FDA) said all food additives require "pre-market evaluation" and "regulations require evidence that each substance is safe at its intended level of use before it may be added to foods."

    "Post-approval, our scientists continue to review relevant new information to determine whether there are safety questions and whether the use of such substance is no longer safe," the agency added.

    Stacy McNamara is from upstate New York, but she has lived in London for a decade. She said raising children in the U.K. had opened her eyes to what's allowed in foods in the U.S.

    McNamara has no plans to ever move back home, and she told CBS News that food safety was "for sure" a part of that decision.

    In a statement to CBS News, the FDA said that when used properly, potassium bromate converts into a harmless substance during food production.

    The FDA acknowledged, however, that not all of the compound used in any given recipe may convert during the production process, but that control measures were utilized to minimize the amount in final products.”

    A conspiracy minded person would say they want us to keep having health issues. 😒

  • Feb 22, 2023
    15 replies

    us vs uk fruit loops

  • Feb 22, 2023
    4 replies

    Has anyone else in the US stopped using seed oils to cook? I've heard conflicting evidence that they cause issues physically/mentally. However it's hard to avoid them.

    I usually cook with olive oil or butter so I don't really have this issue. But sometimes if I want to fry up a dish or bake something you can't really substitute seed oils.

  • Feb 22, 2023
    2 replies

    us vs uk fruit loops

    Wtf is that to the right?

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude

    Wtf is that to the right?

    uk fruit loops

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    uk fruit loops

    You were not joking. Scary comparison, wonder what the US is adding into them.

  • Feb 22, 2023

    I hate this country

  • Feb 22, 2023

    Come to Europe, AudioConsulting. I'll house you

  • Kenig 💭
    Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    us vs uk fruit loops

    Big pharma did their number on the left

  • Feb 22, 2023

    us vs uk fruit loops

    Right one looks like those veggie straw chip things

  • Feb 22, 2023

    us vs uk fruit loops

    Disgusting vs disgusting

  • That's why people who visit the US get heavier after leaving lol

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude

    Has anyone else in the US stopped using seed oils to cook? I've heard conflicting evidence that they cause issues physically/mentally. However it's hard to avoid them.

    I usually cook with olive oil or butter so I don't really have this issue. But sometimes if I want to fry up a dish or bake something you can't really substitute seed oils.

    Replace with evoo and avocado oil

    FDA strategy is “innocent until proven extremely indefensibly abhorrently guilty”

    no wonder

  • Feb 22, 2023
    2 replies

    my girl been talking about this endlessly. all ill say is cant you buy none additive food in the usa anyway?

  • plants 🌻
    Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    my girl been talking about this endlessly. all ill say is cant you buy none additive food in the usa anyway?


  • ghosting ®️
    Feb 22, 2023
    3 replies
    Mountain Dude

    Has anyone else in the US stopped using seed oils to cook? I've heard conflicting evidence that they cause issues physically/mentally. However it's hard to avoid them.

    I usually cook with olive oil or butter so I don't really have this issue. But sometimes if I want to fry up a dish or bake something you can't really substitute seed oils.

    u could do avocado oil but its expensive af

  • ghosting ®️
    Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    my girl been talking about this endlessly. all ill say is cant you buy none additive food in the usa anyway?

    ya but its not convenient or cheap at all

  • Feb 22, 2023


    thanks. yea she really was hung up on it and shades the states constantly cause of it and im just like well if you wanna buy s*** without additives you can lol.

  • plants 🌻
    Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    u could do avocado oil but its expensive af

    between olive n coconut what else u rly need anyway

  • Feb 22, 2023
    Mountain Dude

    Has anyone else in the US stopped using seed oils to cook? I've heard conflicting evidence that they cause issues physically/mentally. However it's hard to avoid them.

    I usually cook with olive oil or butter so I don't really have this issue. But sometimes if I want to fry up a dish or bake something you can't really substitute seed oils.

    Olive oil 4L you know wassup..

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    ya but its not convenient or cheap at all

    yup. i mentioned that to her too. unfortunate indeed but it can be done.

  • Feb 22, 2023
    2 replies

    Making me fiend for some olives.. But none of that fugazi.. Need to hop on the plane to Spain for the real deal

  • ghosting ®️
    Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    between olive n coconut what else u rly need anyway

    if u deep frying u may need a higher smoke point

    idk if coconut oil has that tho

  • Feb 22, 2023
    1 reply

    us vs uk fruit loops

    fruit loops more like puke loops (the uk ones look like puke)

  • Feb 22, 2023
    2 replies

    I don't even eat processed food besides very few items that are on the healthier side

    Cook your own food, eat vegetables/fruits, drink water and exercise

    All this fast food or prepared food is not good for you