  • ghosting

    ya I would probably use a seed oil and make the exception since I never rlly fry


  • Feb 23, 2023

    Lol I used to be a chemical Conpounder did all sorts of flavors and alcoholic to sodas and energy drinks

    I remember a co worker of mine accidentally mixing some alcohol with a strawberry batch going into koolaid company was sued they never found out what happened. Stopped eating anything processed after if goofys like him Can make this s*** I donโ€™t want it

  • Feb 23, 2023
    2 replies

    Making me fiend for some olives.. But none of that fugazi.. Need to hop on the plane to Spain for the real deal

    olives are literally the worst thing to ever exist in the history of anything ever

    f*** em

  • MiniVan

    us vs uk fruit loops

    UK food is really bottom of the barrel

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    olives are literally the worst thing to ever exist in the history of anything ever

    f*** em


  • Feb 23, 2023

    Grow your own food, itโ€™s like printing your own money

  • Feb 23, 2023

    us vs uk fruit loops

    Uk food look like mulch

  • Feb 23, 2023
    La Zezta Trez

    Go bow down to your masters in restrictive Europe

    Go live in your cold tiny closet pod in Germany thatโ€™s has no heat and

    Get inside your crowded dirty train because the government put restrictions on cars

    Yo dude is so brain washed by the US culture that he doesn't realized a car based society is literally suicidal. Y'all are killing yourself with all the bs you do and have mad stockholm sydrome into thinking thats the best country on earth. Bruh some parts are worse than a third world country. You poison yourself and say "well to expensive to clean up and everyone is on their own anyway".
    You dont even do capitalism right since you only creating more monoplies and price gouging people and pay them nothing. Thats some neo feudalism bs.
    Where is the wealth going to people ? Where is the worker paid right so he can be a better consumer in the system ?
    Wealth accumulation and no restrictions are bad for capitalism in the long run.

  • Feb 23, 2023
    La Zezta Trez

    The EU is turning into socialist dictators they want to put restrictions on everything and force ppl to live in pods

    Average braindead murifat

    No wonder USA is so f***ed

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply


    f*** olives !!!!!

  • Feb 23, 2023
    La Zezta Trez

    Go bow down to your masters in restrictive Europe

    Go live in your cold tiny closet pod in Germany thatโ€™s has no heat and

    Get inside your crowded dirty train because the government put restrictions on cars


  • Feb 23, 2023

    us vs uk fruit loops

    Colourful/vibrant = fresh/ripe vs dull/dead not safe to eat

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    f*** olives !!!!!

    @mods is this okay?!

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    olives are literally the worst thing to ever exist in the history of anything ever

    f*** em

    S*** the f up

  • Feb 23, 2023
    La Zezta Trez

    Go bow down to your masters in restrictive Europe

    Go live in your cold tiny closet pod in Germany thatโ€™s has no heat and

    Get inside your crowded dirty train because the government put restrictions on cars

  • Feb 23, 2023

    Europe is so restrictive man they don't allow toxic substances in food!!!!! Makes me sick to my stomach

  • Feb 23, 2023
    La Zezta Trez

    The EU is turning into socialist dictators they want to put restrictions on everything and force ppl to live in pods

    You're brain damaged

  • Feb 23, 2023
    La Zezta Trez

    The EU is turning into socialist dictators they want to put restrictions on everything and force ppl to live in pods

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    S*** the f up

  • Feb 23, 2023

    @โ€‹mods is this okay?!

  • Feb 23, 2023


  • Emu ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ
    Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    It's really interesting looking up where these are being used. I couldn't find them in any healthy foods. They are all used in unhealthy processed foods, surprise. No offense but if you eat sugary cereals every day and you are worried that E443 might be bad for your health, you need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture because literally all the other ingredients in that "food" you are eating are orders of magnitude worse and in even higher concentrations. The high fructose corn syrup, the saturated fats, soy lecithin, BHT, sodium, all way above anyone's daily limit. You don't have to worry about dying from cancer because you will be long dead because of heart disease that the other ingredients are causing.

  • Feb 23, 2023

    us vs uk fruit loops

    Right looks stale but left looks radioactive

  • lil ufo ๐Ÿ›ธ
    Feb 23, 2023
    La Zezta Trez

    Go bow down to your masters in restrictive Europe

    Go live in your cold tiny closet pod in Germany thatโ€™s has no heat and

    Get inside your crowded dirty train because the government put restrictions on cars