  • lil ufo šŸ›ø
    Feb 23, 2023

    so many s***ty takes in one thread

  • Feb 23, 2023

    It's really interesting looking up where these are being used. I couldn't find them in any healthy foods. They are all used in unhealthy processed foods, surprise. No offense but if you eat sugary cereals every day and you are worried that E443 might be bad for your health, you need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture because literally all the other ingredients in that "food" you are eating are orders of magnitude worse and in even higher concentrations. The high fructose corn syrup, the saturated fats, soy lecithin, BHT, sodium, all way above anyone's daily limit. You don't have to worry about dying from cancer because you will be long dead because of heart disease that the other ingredients are causing.

    Bruh my diet is super healthy i still donā€™t want Yellow Lake 55 or whatever the f*** itā€™s called if I decide to eat some skittles

  • KFA šŸ›ļø
    Feb 23, 2023
    La Zezta Trez

    The EU is turning into socialist dictators they want to put restrictions on everything and force ppl to live in pods

  • Feb 23, 2023

    I don't even eat processed food besides very few items that are on the healthier side

    Cook your own food, eat vegetables/fruits, drink water and exercise

    All this fast food or prepared food is not good for you

    There is no way that all the brands of bread can thrive with that limited shelf life. Go look at how many brands of bread and ask yourself ā€œ how the hell can anyone be in the business of bread with the high cost of transportation, shipping containers, ingredients?ā€

    Now where i think the story is - what are the food corporations using to maintain the flavors of food that has such a low level of shelf life ? i donā€™t think itā€™s on the packages.

    And i also think these organic companies have sold their soul to the devil and in order to stay in the game they had to start cooking up like walter white to keep their products from spoiling too fast

    Because we live in era of casino sized storres the eye level items are going to be chosen time and time again. The products that arenā€™t - most people are going to choose the dangerous ones -

    If anyone wants an example - letā€™s talk about beyond meat - which they resort to beyond texture, beyond food coloring methods, beyond all moral standards to compete with meat industry

    i didnā€™t even mention the plastic wrappers. What are they using to keep costs from going down to help maintain the freshness?

    All the healthy food products answer to the same demons ā€¦.eventually. And thatā€™s why mass production of food is a bad idea in general. Because itā€™s not just one chemical, itā€™s dozens now

    itā€™s like what happened with sugar. Sugar waited around for years until it became inexpensive and then they dosed everything. Including ā€œall naturalā€ products

    And letā€™s say you do eat 100% healthy. Think about all the different kinds of plastics surrounding you. For plastic to be this durable/reliable thereā€™s a price Not just in dollar cost, cost all across the board that NEVER EVER decreases.

    In the future, we are going to find that even the self righteous hippy children are in the same boat as all of america with the same problems any family has. Chemical companies will not stop growing. A lot of these corporations are upset they are just industrial use Vinyl chloride spill will be seen as the good old days šŸ˜’

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    On the real idk how the U.S got this way. Why do we make the wackest possible decision on every front lmao

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply

    On the real idk how the U.S got this way. Why do we make the wackest possible decision on every front lmao

  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply
    FKA Tadow

    Yeah obv but it's wild to me there's not one powerful person that's like "nah this isn't the way.." Like how are these niggas all on the same page?

  • Feb 23, 2023

    Yeah obv but it's wild to me there's not one powerful person that's like "nah this isn't the way.." Like how are these niggas all on the same page?


  • Feb 23, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude

    You were not joking. Scary comparison, wonder what the US is adding into them.

    Yellow 5 baby

  • Feb 24, 2023

    Big pharma did their number on the left

    I forgot which but one other company that nestle owns changed the shade of their coloring by just a little and people complained. So they went back to it. Even tho that shade of red food coloring is considered carcinogenic in Europe.

  • Feb 24, 2023

    if u deep frying i assume u kinda just threw caution to the wind on health

    Not really man. I feel safe adding s*** ton of butter to my eggs for example. Or eating a fatty piece of.meat. I'm fit though.

    I just use the logic of if.our ancestors ate this, then it can't be too bad for me as long as I'm not overweight. Our bodies evolved over 10,000 years to eat fruits, vegetables meat and thrn farming. All this new additive stuff is a very recent thing.

  • Feb 24, 2023

    I'm Turkish. Everytime I go back to istanbul in the summer I eat fresh ingredients meals. Like vegetables and meat basically. And I eat a lot food is so good there. I feel ao energetic and fit. Then I come back to Toronto and that feeling fades into lethargy and weird hunger patents etc. Some s***s not good here.

  • Feb 24, 2023

    my heart is going to explode one day when i'm around 45 and i wouldn't want it any other way

  • Feb 24, 2023
    2 replies

    Uk and a lot of other European countries have universal healthcare, so it does them no favors to have more sick people than necessary since it wonā€™t financially benefit them too.

    America medical corporations and medicine manufacturers make major money off people being sick and/or unhealthy, so it is to their benefit to keep us unhealthy. Sad but thatā€™s what this country has became, profits over ethics.

  • Feb 24, 2023

    Uk and a lot of other European countries have universal healthcare, so it does them no favors to have more sick people than necessary since it wonā€™t financially benefit them too.

    America medical corporations and medicine manufacturers make major money off people being sick and/or unhealthy, so it is to their benefit to keep us unhealthy. Sad but thatā€™s what this country has became, profits over ethics.

    GOAT username

  • ghosting Ā®ļø
    Feb 24, 2023

    Uk and a lot of other European countries have universal healthcare, so it does them no favors to have more sick people than necessary since it wonā€™t financially benefit them too.

    America medical corporations and medicine manufacturers make major money off people being sick and/or unhealthy, so it is to their benefit to keep us unhealthy. Sad but thatā€™s what this country has became, profits over ethics.

    bro spitting

  • ghosting Ā®ļø
    Feb 24, 2023

    Yellow 5 baby