Not gonna lie OP I’ve seen your post through the years and you seem very vapid and toxic
100% I'm toxic which is literally why I made this thread to address my huge character flaw of being shallow
But I think my best trait is always keeping it real and being self-aware enough to recognize this and that I genuinely want to change for the better
as ive gotten older my standards (at least looks wise) have gone way down. unfortunately it hasnt really made a difference
I know you're also a big fan of cute girls too so how would you say it's specifically changed and why hasn't it made any difference?
There’s nothing wrong with refusing to date or go below what your “standard” is. You’d probably be way more unhappy if you settled like you said your friends did. It’s a total lie that physical attraction doesn’t matter in a relationship, it does.
It isn’t shallow of you to cut people off based on their personalities. Women that are super attractive know the game and know how to manipulate. It is what it is. There’s always a diamond in the rough though. Just takes time and patience. And, idk if you’re putting some of your self happiness in your relationship status, but getting away from that will make it a lot better too
For sure but this is why I just don't understand how my friends have all settled and are still happy with their decision
And yea that's what I've learned over the years that girls that are super attractive usually have ulterior motives and can be very sneaky and manipulate because they know their pretty privilege lets them get away with a lot
I'm hoping to be patient when it comes to finding a diamond in the rough but my last relationship really discouraged and traumatized me
I have to admit that a part of my self-happiness is impacted by my relationship status but I feel like I'm genuinely a very happy person and won't let a relationship define me
Op just be yourself my lil Asian nigga
Btw I mog u so hard you lucky I ain’t around to steal them in front of you ;)
I know you're also a big fan of cute girls too so how would you say it's specifically changed and why hasn't it made any difference?
I went from only being interested in the "hot" girl to also the cute girls with good sense of humor. my effort and the way I go about things hasnt changed so that doesnt help. for example I really never even try until im already head over heels for a girl and they show some interest. that never works tho cuz then when I do finally make a move I come off way too strong
Since 2022 I've been on a run dating beautiful girls (some of them have modeled for big brands / billboards / etc.) but unfortunately I’ve had to break up with all of them after realizing they're actually awful people beyond their physical appearance
A few of my friends who have recently gotten married are with people who are unattractive but they're genuinely happy
My friends have been pushing for me to stop pursuing pretty girls and to find a normal one to finally settle down with
I feel like I can't reprogram by brain and I'm always going to prioritize looks over personality / morals / values / etc. which will ultimately prevent me from truly being happy in life
I was just wondering if anyone else can relate to this and provide any words of wisdom
i am like you i like beautiful pretty women who workout and my goal is to get one like that not modeling or anything but a nice good looking gym bae your friends are not wrong though and your not wrong either you cant help what you like its facts but dont go changing just because someone tells you too but also never date a hot good looking girl where you guys have nothing in common either try and settle for in between ya she's decent looking but we have shared common interests all the best
nah im used to these kinds of ppl // if she a fashion designer i will be ok, thanks
Trust me you don't want her bro
It sucks though because she's legit the prettiest girl I've ever known and also the most talented fashion designer too and she attended every bible study and church service too it's just unfortunate that I found out all the emotional baggage she was carrying way too late
Op just be yourself my lil Asian nigga
Btw I mog u so hard you lucky I ain’t around to steal them in front of you ;)
LOL I appreciate it bro
What would you even jump me for LOL
I went from only being interested in the "hot" girl to also the cute girls with good sense of humor. my effort and the way I go about things hasnt changed so that doesnt help. for example I really never even try until im already head over heels for a girl and they show some interest. that never works tho cuz then when I do finally make a move I come off way too strong
Ooo I see
So when you finally make a move do you feel like it just comes across as "lovebombing" them then?
i am like you i like beautiful pretty women who workout and my goal is to get one like that not modeling or anything but a nice good looking gym bae your friends are not wrong though and your not wrong either you cant help what you like its facts but dont go changing just because someone tells you too but also never date a hot good looking girl where you guys have nothing in common either try and settle for in between ya she's decent looking but we have shared common interests all the best
Exactly just like how you have a specific physical preference by looking for someone who is fit and works out I feel like I shouldn't have to feel guilty for having a high physical standard too because everyone has their own preferences
Yea I definitely can't date a hot girl who has nothing in common with me but even when I date a hot girl who shares a lot in common with me it seems as though there are a bunch of other red flags
I feel like overall average/below average looking girls carry less red flags which is why some guys end up settling but I just can't push myself to do it
Exactly just like how you have a specific physical preference by looking for someone who is fit and works out I feel like I shouldn't have to feel guilty for having a high physical standard too because everyone has their own preferences
Yea I definitely can't date a hot girl who has nothing in common with me but even when I date a hot girl who shares a lot in common with me it seems as though there are a bunch of other red flags
I feel like overall average/below average looking girls carry less red flags which is why some guys end up settling but I just can't push myself to do it
you will never find someone with no red flags my best suggestion is settle in between we all have red flags just dont date no one who you dont have nothing in common with also dont settle for average settle for in between
Ooo I see
So when you finally make a move do you feel like it just comes across as "lovebombing" them then?
Ya probably
you will never find someone with no red flags my best suggestion is settle in between we all have red flags just dont date no one who you dont have nothing in common with also dont settle for average settle for in between
No I know that everyone carries red flags what I meant to say is that there are some red flags that aren't a big deal but some are huge and dealbreakers to me
Yea ideally settling in between is the goal
No I know that everyone carries red flags what I meant to say is that there are some red flags that aren't a big deal but some are huge and dealbreakers to me
Yea ideally settling in between is the goal
what are some big deal red flags for you
what are some big deal red flags for you
In general I feel like healthy and transparent communication is key
I can't stand lying like one specific red flag recently that disturbed me was the fact that she went to a party and did coke and didn't tell me the truth until months later
Biggest red flag for me is insecurity. If you're going to just go along with whatever other people want because you're afraid of conflict and constantly need approval for your actions, your opinions, your looks, etc. I am NOT the guy to fix that problem. Hard pass.
100% I'm toxic which is literally why I made this thread to address my huge character flaw of being shallow
But I think my best trait is always keeping it real and being self-aware enough to recognize this and that I genuinely want to change for the better
Nah, you don’t.
Ya just want attention.
Biggest red flag for me is insecurity. If you're going to just go along with whatever other people want because you're afraid of conflict and constantly need approval for your actions, your opinions, your looks, etc. I am NOT the guy to fix that problem. Hard pass.
Totally agree and feel the same
Nah, you don’t.
Ya just want attention.
If you actually knew me you would know that's simply not true
Why would I want attention for something that paints me in a negative way
I've always used KTT/KTT2 to discuss real life topics even when they make me look bad
you have to become Super Shallow 2 tbh hell I turned Super Shallow 3 the other day
Sequels are never as good as the original
Y’all are all pussies tbh. Imagine settling at all and acting like it’s virtuous. As a matter of fact
The cannon