Damn you sound like a piece of s*** ngl
What specifically makes me a piece of s***
I’m literally identifying a problem and I’m trying to address it by changing in a healthy way
Instead of just insulting me can you at least contribute some form of constructive criticism
I can understand why some people are offended at the way I perceive things but I’m being super transparent and vulnerable by recognizing a personality flaw and I’m trying my best to become a better person
To be mean to me and insult me instead of having a healthy discussion is really counterproductive
Just because you think I’m a jerk doesn’t mean you should be a jerk towards me
What specifically makes me a piece of s***
I’m literally identifying a problem and I’m trying to address it by changing in a healthy way
Instead of just insulting me can you at least contribute some form of constructive criticism
You have a very superficial way of percieving people
You have a very superficial way of percieving people
Not the way I perceive people in general just specifically my criteria for dating
I judge everyone based on if they’re a genuine and good person or not
Just when it comes to dating I have high standards for physical appearance
Damn teacher was bitter asf lol
right who tf telling that to their students lmaoo
just dont tell whatever girl you end up with you chose her because shes "normal"
I don’t mean normal like “basic” or in a bad way I mean normal like a real person
Like one girl I dated would sometimes get recognized in public and people would ask to take selfies with her
That’s not “normal” and I mean normal as in a normal lifestyle
Not the way I perceive people in general just specifically my criteria for dating
I judge everyone based on if they’re a genuine and good person or not
Just when it comes to dating I have high standards for physical appearance
Yeah i cant relate
But you do you tho
Just keeping dating those 10/10s until you’re worn out and you’ll settle for somebody ‘less’ but with a better personality
Find god
The people who suddenly ‘find God’ are the biggest bops and frauds out there
Yeah i cant relate
But you do you tho
Just keeping dating those 10/10s until you’re worn out and you’ll settle for somebody ‘less’ but with a better personality
Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll ever get worn out or tired from it
But also I don’t think I’ll ever find a wife from it either
The people who suddenly ‘find God’ are the biggest bops and frauds out there
He’s making a “Kanye texting his Donda engineer” meme joke
Show pics of yourself OP
Since you wanted pics here are 3 of the most recent pics my friend who is a photographer took of me
Since you wanted pics here are 3 of the most recent pics my friend who is a photographer took of me
Keep doing your thing
You must protect your bloodline and breed out that gargantuan forehead
I know if I ever dated someone with a Rihanna type fivehead it’s so over for me
Since you wanted pics here are 3 of the most recent pics my friend who is a photographer took of me
Gotta stay flyyyyyyy
The people who suddenly ‘find God’ are the biggest bops and frauds out there
Then they didn’t find god
Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll ever get worn out or tired from it
But also I don’t think I’ll ever find a wife from it either
Then who cares fam
You’re living a life most guys dream of, if what you’re saying is true.
Try to enjoy the moment and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Since you wanted pics here are 3 of the most recent pics my friend who is a photographer took of me
Bro you’re not ugly but also not earth shattering hot
So i’d just feel very lucky that you are in a position where you’re dating models and having fun.
Or try dating outside of the modeling world, seems like a vapid industry full of social climbers
If you actually knew me you would know that's simply not true
Why would I want attention for something that paints me in a negative way
I've always used KTT/KTT2 to discuss real life topics even when they make me look bad
Doesn’t want attention.
Proceeds to post pics of himself.
You need to sit down and ask yourself if you even want a long term serious relationship or if you just want to jump from one 10/10 model to the next. If you just want the latter then you are not ready for the former.
I only needed to date 1 girl with a pretty face and s***ty personality to learn that I need more than just a nice exterior when it comes to a serious relationship. She needs to have certain qualities in her personality. Her face and body cannot excuse or substitute her behavior and personality forever.
I don’t care how fine a woman is if she’s gonna be a headache, if she isn’t humble, if she doesn’t respect me, if she isn’t loving and caring and grateful. At the end of the day it will not be worth it. You need more substance, at least if you’re looking for something long term.
You need a woman who actually, genuinely cares for you and has the qualities of a wife and a mother. One that selflessly fills you up, not one that drains you. One that you can pour into because you genuinely love and appreciate her and you want to cultivate her qualities and bring out the best in her. She waters you and you water her and you watch each other grow together. You work for the wellbeing of each other. You selflessly love and serve each other.
A lot of beautiful 10/10 women have been able to rely on their looks to get around town and thus they haven’t had to develop a personality with the type of qualities that you actually want and value in a woman. Their beauty grants them lots of attention and opportunities before they even open their mouths, so they don’t have the same need to develop their personality.