  • Knx

    Doesn’t want attention.

    Proceeds to post pics of himself.

    Someone asked me to

    Also I’m fully prepared to get roasted too because I’m not that good looking haha

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    You need to sit down and ask yourself if you even want a long term serious relationship or if you just want to jump from one 10/10 model to the next. If you just want the latter then you are not ready for the former.

    I only needed to date 1 girl with a pretty face and s***ty personality to learn that I need more than just a nice exterior when it comes to a serious relationship. She needs to have certain qualities in her personality. Her face and body cannot excuse or substitute her behavior and personality forever.

    I don’t care how fine a woman is if she’s gonna be a headache, if she isn’t humble, if she doesn’t respect me, if she isn’t loving and caring and grateful. At the end of the day it will not be worth it. You need more substance, at least if you’re looking for something long term.

    You need a woman who actually, genuinely cares for you and has the qualities of a wife and a mother. One that selflessly fills you up, not one that drains you. One that you can pour into because you genuinely love and appreciate her and you want to cultivate her qualities and bring out the best in her. She waters you and you water her and you watch each other grow together. You work for the wellbeing of each other. You selflessly love and serve each other.

    A lot of beautiful 10/10 women have been able to rely on their looks to get around town and thus they haven’t had to develop a personality with the type of qualities that you actually want and value in a woman. Their beauty grants them lots of attention and opportunities before they even open their mouths, so they don’t have the same need to develop their personality.

    Thanks so much for the words of wisdom and your insight on all of this

    I’m definitely at the age and point in life where I’m no longer dating for fun but dating with intention and really want to find someone real and genuine to be with forever

    I just fear that my standards are so high that nobody exists out there that would check every box

    Every girl I’ve dated in the past few years it’s been emotionally draining so I hope to be patient enough to wait for the right person where we can be a team together and uplift each other

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    this the one op

    For sure

    Exactly what I was looking for as opposed to just being insulted and criticized

  • Water Giver

    was gonna say lol

    yeah nigga ugly to YOU

    I’m talking about objectively ugly where everyone would agree

    For example my Mom is the purest person I know who sees inner beauty in everyone and never speaks badly about anyone and she met one of them recently and I was so shocked because even she said “she has a beautiful spirit but it was a little difficult to look at her while speaking to her because of her appearance”

  • Water Giver

    also wild how "attractive"means auto bad and "ugly" means auto good

    how bout you go to a different circle of people or a different ocean of fish lmao

    so much to unpack here

    Not saying that at all

    Just from personal experience dating for 20+ years I’ve realized a lot of super attractive girls tend to have delusional egos and carry red flags and unattractive girls have wonderful hearts and end up being great people once you get to know them

    Post-college it’s so difficult to meet people outside of your industry so I just naturally come across models and fashion peeps who are all self-centered and vain

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Same bro ugh

    I'm scared that I will always be like this and will end up like Leonardo DiCaprio dating people half my age meanwhile all of my friends are married with families

    we arent going to be living in our grandparents world anymore soon

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Stop dating over looks and start dating women who you would be comfortable to raise your kids.

    I want to but the entire problem is my standards are so cooked now I literally can’t find myself physicallyattracted to anyone who doesn’t have “model-level” beauty

    So I was curious if it’s even possible to re-wire my mind or if I just have to eventually “settle” even if I might not find someone physically attractive

  • Undecided

    But this. I couldn’t figure out how to say it nicely.

    I wasn’t saying this to be mean or speak negatively on them they’re all amazing people I was just using it to compare and contrast from a physical standpoint

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Op you either embrace the bachelor life or you find an average chick who gon wanna cook for you every night cause you her trophy

  • Mar 3
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    I want to but the entire problem is my standards are so cooked now I literally can’t find myself physicallyattracted to anyone who doesn’t have “model-level” beauty

    So I was curious if it’s even possible to re-wire my mind or if I just have to eventually “settle” even if I might not find someone physically attractive

    You're dating women based off of how others would see you rather than how you feel yourself. You don't necessarily have to lower your standards.

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    For someone I've been lowkey rooting for on here for decade plus, kinda bummed out to read this. Hope it works out OP!

    There's some useful advice itt.

    Liking or wanting only 10/10s is not a unique desire. Everybody wants 10s. I think you're putting too much stock into you having high standards.

    You're also not going to get any happiness out of chasing things and people to satiate your ego. I think that's what you mean when you're saying you only desire a certain type of women. I reckon it's typically one that, in your circle, will validate your image the most.

    You also shouldn't give up on people easily and treat them like a checklist to go through. Usually the tendency to search flaws and reject possibilities quickly is in fact a problem not of looking for the right person but of avoiding love

    I’m sorry if I disappointed you tbh I’m disappointed in myself too I just felt the need to express myself and keep it real even if it paints me in a negative way

    I appreciate all of the positive advice and words of wisdom bro!! The one thing though is that this isn’t an ego issue and I’m not dating for image or validation or how I’m perceived by others

    The way I see it is it’s equivalent to someone being gay they can’t force themselves to be physically attracted to the opposite s***even if they wanted to the same thing goes for me but with girls who are non-models I literally can’t see them as attractive

    I don’t give up on people so easily my longest relationship was actually 6 years it’s just that any time I see a major red flag I leave because I don’t want to waste my time and it’s not my responsibility to fundamentally change someone’s mind

  • Mar 3
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    I'm in NYC (a lot of people) and work in the fashion field (I have to interact with models on a daily basis)

    Nigga is living “how to make it in America” irl

  • Mar 3
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    bro was genuinely coming here looking for constructive help so I pray he gets it rather than just taking the people joking on him.

    I think I said something genuinely constructive even if it might be uh... blunt ,


    Thanks so much bro I really appreciate all the positive energy

    I’ve been on KTT/KTT2 forever but I sometimes forget how brutal some people can be on here

  • yesac

    Yup, most people's problems (OP's included) can be solved by chilling the f*** out and slowing down, life shouldn't be that serious

    Absolutely for sure

    It’s just that I’m at the age now where all of my friends are getting engaged or married and I have to get serious about the next chapter in life

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Other than what’s already been said, I think you should re evaluate your life, your priorities, and perhaps consider moving out of state. Might be best to move away from New York & other metropolitan areas

  • yesac

    Last sentence is spot on, it's pure projection, if it's not their looks he has a problem with it's their "red flags" or "baggage", which are something literally everyone has in some shape or from from virtue of living their life

    For sure it’s just that some red flags are so major that they’re a dealbreaker to me and impossible to overlook

  • Mar 3
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    There are no wise words to stop you from being a self sabotaging loser, the first step is you have to stop taking yourself so seriously cause no one is really that important and special

    I don’t take myself so seriously and I’ve always had confidence but I’ve never seen myself as important or special

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Thanks so much bro I really appreciate all the positive energy

    I’ve been on KTT/KTT2 forever but I sometimes forget how brutal some people can be on here

    couldve always just went to a therapist

  • Water Giver

    its also the space he's obviously in

    "10/10 models that have done billboards and etc."

    there are "10/10"girls that exist outside that line of work, its your space

    no s*** a hyper competitive and vain market such as modeling will attract mostly the s***tiest people because theyre the only ones willing to deal with that mess and chaos - or if he;s only going after rich snobs that never had to do anything that are "10/10"

    while a "10/10" being a doctor/teacher/secretary etc. are less likely to be "shitty" - or the "10/10"that had fight their way to go to college etc.

    its not so much "pretty = bad & ugly = good", its moreso the environment and space you are finding these women in

    theres pretty women everywhere in all facets - its your own fault for settling for the s***ty ones

    its like the losers crying about how no women want them but theyre ONLY focused on Miami women that are p***stars and e-celebs lmao when there is so much more out there

    his whole op statement is so stupid and comes off like a nigga that hasnt lived much or talked to many people

    I’ve actually lived a full life with about 14 years of dating experience

    You’re highlighting the exact problem with everyone the fashion industry it’s not even “real life” and it’s rubbed off on me too

    My goal is to reprogram myself

    The problem is that it’s very difficult to naturally find new people outside of my industry

  • lil ufo

    my pops told me an important thing when I was a kid

    physical beauty fades away, only what's inside your heart and brain remains

    it's just this simple

    So true

    I just can’t re-wire my brain to currently believe this unfortunately

  • yesac

    I agree with the sentiment of broadening your horizons, but to me it sounds like OP specifically is someone that values status so he wouldn't be compatible with a "10/10" girl that lives in the suburbs and has a "boring" life (office job, go to the gym, eat dinner, watch a TV show and have an early night)

    There are sooooo many of those kinds of girls and they deserve to be with people that want the same things, if OP is convinced he wants to work in fashion and be seen as "cool" and "eclectic" (which means his girlfriend would be too) then he has to grow up and realise everyone is gonna have baggage according to someone else's standards, you have to love people in spite of that because No one is perfect!

    It’s actually not about status at all like I don’t even care if anyone else knows or sees my girlfriend and it’s not about lifestyle either like I don’t drink/smoke or party

    It’s purely my personal high standards and who I specifically find physically attractive

    The problem is the baggage some people carry is too much to overlook

  • Peezy

    I feel you @op feel like I be dealing with this too

    I work in fashion too lol dealing with models and designers all day sure doesn’t help 😅

    It really cooks our brains right?

    Like our perception on beauty has completely morphed over time from being influenced by the field we’re in

    It’s sad but I guess it’s inevitable?

  • cotton

    its this established and understood level of shallowness in the fashion industry that make me kinda understand where he coming from to a degree //

    The shallowness of the fashion industry has 100% fried my brain

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    damn i’ve never seen anyone im really attracted to at bible study i gotta branch out more

    Bro it’s actually crazy how many pretty girls there are at some bible studies I guess you just have to find the right group


    I need pics of these girls OP. U might think they a 10 but that doesn't mean they objectively are

    Bro I’m always the type to be brutally honest and trust me this girl is genuinely the prettiest girl on the planet
