Like wtf happened to comedy movies??
I really enjoy movies like Pineapple Express and the hangover, etc.
Anyone have any recommendations for stoner and/or raunchy movies from this year or last?
They don’t come out anymore so I can only recommend old ones. Miss March. Whitest Kids You Know guys did it. I think it was meant to be a bit ironic. S***Drive I remember being fun too.
Confess, Fletch isn’t really raunchy or a stoner movie but it was funny and I enjoyed it
this isn’t 2012
That’s the f***ing problem. S*** sucks nowadays. Only good horror and drama these days. Comedy dead dead
there was a amazon movie from last year with some british kids on shrooms i forgot what it called but it was ight
That’s the f***ing problem. S*** sucks nowadays. Only good horror and drama these days. Comedy dead dead
Yeah it sucks.
Right now it feels like horror movies are in demand and we’re getting horror than ever (which is awesome), so hopefully in a few years comedies come back and we get a big flood of them. Audience’s tastes are always changing
🤞 🤞
How many times are we gonna have to talk about this?
How many times are we gonna have to talk about this?
Twice every 2 years apparently
Like wtf happened to comedy movies??
I really enjoy movies like Pineapple Express and the hangover, etc.
Anyone have any recommendations for stoner and/or raunchy movies from this year or last?
more stoner comedy than raunchy tho
red rocket for raunchy comedy
social media killed comedy movies
Amongst other things, definitely
The woke movement too
Last one I remember was The To Do List.
I always forget this movie exists and whenever I see it mentioned I rewatch it again within a week. Solid movie
Amongst other things, definitely
The woke movement too
That’s a bs narrative
I always forget this movie exists and whenever I see it mentioned I rewatch it again within a week. Solid movie
Peak Aubrey
I heard that Pete Davidson movie was good
big time adolescence the superior pete coa movie imo