  • Jun 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Finally managed to break away from BB and give DS3 another run through. Trying a spear build with some faith for lightning miracles

  • Jun 19, 2021

    Dark souls 1 not clicking entirely atm. Put 2 days in atm definitely gonna keep going tho

    Edit; not difficulty wise (yet lmaoo) I just mean the gameplay and exploration

  • Jun 19, 2021

    Played for like an hour and half and just got out of the tutorial zone

    That ice creature took me 3 tries to beat, Iudex Gundyr took 2, but that mf with the katana killed me like 10 times

    I kept trying to parry him (only did it once) and rolling behind him for backstabs but he would just one shot me. Finally I figured out that I had to just dodge his first attack and then get a quick 3 hit combo in, rinse and repeat. Still took like another 3 tries after figuring it out though

  • Jun 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Just started DS1 for the first time and I’m getting my ass whooped

  • Jun 19, 2021

    Just started DS1 for the first time and I’m getting my ass whooped

    I’m a few hours ahead of you, keep going. The combat gets more enjoyable when you figure out how to actually play it effectively.

    The shields are pretty overpowered so just make sure to block and counter with a hit if you wanna be safe

  • Jun 19, 2021
    3 replies

    You guys think bosses are harder, or travelling thru new areas for the first time? I’m thinking back to when I played DS2 and how much more I died from making mistakes while travelling through the Forest of Fallen Giants or the Lost Bastille for the first time than I did from fighting the bosses

  • Jun 19, 2021
    1 reply

    You guys think bosses are harder, or travelling thru new areas for the first time? I’m thinking back to when I played DS2 and how much more I died from making mistakes while travelling through the Forest of Fallen Giants or the Lost Bastille for the first time than I did from fighting the bosses

    Depends on the boss and area. The run to Nito in DS1 was annoying af.

    Queelag was pretty easy to me vs exploring and climbing down blight town the first time.
    Iron giant was easy compared to that f***ing death trap of sen’s fortress.

    Getting to the chariot boss in DS2 was a f***ing nightmare for me. Smelter demon wasn’t too hard but that area has so many knights it was a pain getting to him every time.

  • Jun 19, 2021
    Banana Clip

    Depends on the boss and area. The run to Nito in DS1 was annoying af.

    Queelag was pretty easy to me vs exploring and climbing down blight town the first time.
    Iron giant was easy compared to that f***ing death trap of sen’s fortress.

    Getting to the chariot boss in DS2 was a f***ing nightmare for me. Smelter demon wasn’t too hard but that area has so many knights it was a pain getting to him every time.

    trying to get to the chariot boss and keep any amount of souls that spot is hell

  • Jun 19, 2021

    You guys think bosses are harder, or travelling thru new areas for the first time? I’m thinking back to when I played DS2 and how much more I died from making mistakes while travelling through the Forest of Fallen Giants or the Lost Bastille for the first time than I did from fighting the bosses

    DS2 areas/enemies were the hardest part of that game easily, bosses weren't even that bad (cept Throne Defender & Watcher, f*** that)

    DLC a different story, all that s*** had me in shambles

  • Jun 19, 2021

    You guys think bosses are harder, or travelling thru new areas for the first time? I’m thinking back to when I played DS2 and how much more I died from making mistakes while travelling through the Forest of Fallen Giants or the Lost Bastille for the first time than I did from fighting the bosses

    Definitely areas in DS1 and 2, especially 2. There's a lot of bullshit in that game. I'm replaying 2 right now and holy s*** the amount of ambushes in No Man's Wharf It's like every corner has some dude popping out at you

    And don't get me started on the Iron Keep lol

  • Jun 19, 2021
    1 reply
    Banana Clip

    Finally managed to break away from BB and give DS3 another run through. Trying a spear build with some faith for lightning miracles

    The quantity over quality approach to weapons in DS3 is what makes the combat feel much flatter to me, despite its other pros. Bloodbornes weapons are just SO fun and satisfying to use, largely due to the trick mechanic and uniqueness of each one. DS3 would have been way better if weapon arts didn’t consume FP but instead had cool downs or something.

  • Jun 19, 2021

    The quantity over quality approach to weapons in DS3 is what makes the combat feel much flatter to me, despite its other pros. Bloodbornes weapons are just SO fun and satisfying to use, largely due to the trick mechanic and uniqueness of each one. DS3 would have been way better if weapon arts didn’t consume FP but instead had cool downs or something.

    i ignore weapon arts almost entirely in DS3, with the exception of Gael's greatsword and even then it's just for f***ing around

    Bloodborne has the best combat next to Sekiro by far. trick weapons are too fun.

  • Jun 20, 2021
    5 replies

    Blighttown sucks and is no fun! debating going straight to DS2

  • Jun 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Blighttown sucks and is no fun! debating going straight to DS2

    DS2 areas gonna f*** you hard if you hate DS1 areas

  • Jun 20, 2021
    2 replies

    How hard is this game

    I bought ds3 for mad cheap a few months ago but been putting off playing

  • Jun 20, 2021

    DS2 areas gonna f*** you hard if you hate DS1 areas

    In the case I’ll keep going

  • Jun 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Blighttown sucks and is no fun! debating going straight to DS2

    if you do that you’re a p****

  • 2PhoneKerr

    How hard is this game

    I bought ds3 for mad cheap a few months ago but been putting off playing

    Honestly no where near as hard as people make it out to be

  • Jun 20, 2021

    How hard is this game

    I bought ds3 for mad cheap a few months ago but been putting off playing

    Theyre punishing and make you get good, but they arent soul crushingly hard for the f*** of it. Once you learn the flow of the game its very simple.

  • Jun 20, 2021

    if you do that you’re a p****

  • Jun 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Blighttown sucks and is no fun! debating going straight to DS2

  • Jun 20, 2021
    1 reply
    rise zero

    I’m not doing that, managed to get through it

  • Jun 20, 2021

    I’m not doing that, managed to get through it

    Blighttown is legendary would hate to see you bail on it

  • Jun 20, 2021
    2 replies

    Blighttown sucks and is no fun! debating going straight to DS2

    theres a version of blighttown in every souls game i think. and the one on DS2 was some ol bullshit

  • Jun 20, 2021

    theres a version of blighttown in every souls game i think. and the one on DS2 was some ol bullshit

    Oh man I forgot about The Gutter

    DS3 didn’t have anything as annoying as DS1/2, and 2’s areas were way harder but most people were already vets from 1
