Nah ppl just try to humble u
I consider myself very cool, but on a daily basis I talk with homeless folks, people considered as "weird" whatever
If ur cool, u fit everywhere
That's what makes u cool
The way u carry yourself in your own norms
But those norms being fluid enough for u to be accessible everywhere
Ur not too cool for anything really
That's arrogance
It's the ppl around u, that will make u feel uncomfortable for being you, a cool person
Cause they're insecure and not cool with themselves
great post, i fw homeless people heavy. give em some food and listen to them talk you gain a lot of humility imo.
What motivates anyone to actively have these thoughts around anyone, especially their friends?
Do you even care about others? Or do you just go places to show off how “cool” you are? Do you listen to your friends or just sit there thinking if your posture is appropriate to show off your van cleef and ensure your balenciaga shirt is draping just perfectly.
And when your friends inevitably notice how f***ing odd you are acting and call you, then you think “wow, I guess I am too cool for them…it is making them mad uncomfortable”
i feel like u need to post a fit so we can accurately gage the correct response to this ...
Nah ppl just try to humble u
I consider myself very cool, but on a daily basis I talk with homeless folks, people considered as "weird" whatever
If ur cool, u fit everywhere
That's what makes u cool
The way u carry yourself in your own norms
But those norms being fluid enough for u to be accessible everywhere
Ur not too cool for anything really
That's arrogance
It's the ppl around u, that will make u feel uncomfortable for being you, a cool person
Cause they're insecure and not cool with themselves
the punishment of having too much aura is that you sometimes gotta make yourself smaller so others aren’t perceiving you so much
Nah ppl just try to humble u
I consider myself very cool, but on a daily basis I talk with homeless folks, people considered as "weird" whatever
If ur cool, u fit everywhere
That's what makes u cool
The way u carry yourself in your own norms
But those norms being fluid enough for u to be accessible everywhere
Ur not too cool for anything really
That's arrogance
It's the ppl around u, that will make u feel uncomfortable for being you, a cool person
Cause they're insecure and not cool with themselves
Facts and same, projection all the time. I feel you on the not wearing jewelry around certain people. It's intuition ringing off and a warning. They're not your people
You should be able to wear whatever and be comfortable anywhere
Also get comfortable enjoying you, your space and time alone; especially when necessary
Better that way than spending time with those who don't value you. Facts rather talk to some people in public than most we know. It's natural, wholesome, no expectations, just humans interacting
the punishment of having too much aura is that you sometimes gotta make yourself smaller so others aren’t perceiving you so much
The burden of aura bears heavy on the soul
Many such cases of crumbling under the weight of it all
I definitely dumb down my style depending on who I’m with
I dress smart when I’m talking about philosophy & politics
If I’m dressed r3g4rded then I know I’m with my best friend
Sadly yes.
I feel like just my natural being is very outgoing/social/confident/stylish, and this can be intimidating at times. Especially the stylish part.
i feel like u need to post a fit so we can accurately gage the correct response to this ...
Facts and same, projection all the time. I feel you on the not wearing jewelry around certain people. It's intuition ringing off and a warning. They're not your people
You should be able to wear whatever and be comfortable anywhere
Also get comfortable enjoying you, your space and time alone; especially when necessary
Better that way than spending time with those who don't value you. Facts rather talk to some people in public than most we know. It's natural, wholesome, no expectations, just humans interacting
This too
Spending time with yourself is gold
U learn so much about yourself
Don't need to rely on anyone, so u become stronger and more confident in ur choices
Niggas be like wuuuit no friends?
I be like yeah just a waste of time and energy most ppl and gatherings, i don't like it
Being alone was a great lesson
Doesn't mean u even lonely lmao
great post, i fw homeless people heavy. give em some food and listen to them talk you gain a lot of humility imo.
Me too man once bought a whole ass McDonald's menu for em
Like they just like us, some of Dem high or drunk as a kite obviously 😂
But u learn alot from them, it's very interesting to hear where they came from and how they got there
Plus they really always friendly and loyal
Feel like if someone ever tried to fight me in da big city they'd have a whole gang of homeless folks on they ass 😂
But they also sense that humility in us ya dig
That were cool/good ppl
Them niggas never really even ask me for anything, they just wanna talk with me 😂
But yeah indeed everyone feel themselves too good or superior to talk with em
But it could happen to anyone
the punishment of having too much aura is that you sometimes gotta make yourself smaller so others aren’t perceiving you so much
there be ppl like this that want to impress u
just take it as a complement even tho its annoying as fuccccc
just do you and don't worry about how u are dressed even if it sticks out. It ain't that deep fr if anything maybe you'll inspire ppl around u to pay more attention to their own fashion style and even traits (or not)
it's a bit condescending your mentality towards your friends b NGL even if I know you not being intentional