My boyfriend really likes them and I’ve tried before but nothing ever stood out to me really
I skimmed In Rainbows last night and liked a few songs but nothing on Ok Computer struck me
Any recommendations? It’s weird cuz they hit all the marks of a band I’d enjoy but maybe I’ve never given them enough time
step 1: listen to In Rainbows
step 2: stop there
bonus step 3: if you are goth and sad a lot, listen to the rest of their music
The Bends was my first Radiohead record @op maybe give that a listen
I liked kid a very much, but ok computer didn't do much for me either
its always weird that ok computer gets recommended first, sure its more contemporary and accessible
but Kid A is so much more interesting to show to new listeners
I’m a die hard Radiohead stan now but back then it took sometime to really care for them (I wasnt a fan of guitar-centric music in the first place).
Just listen to the songs by them you do like, maybe you’ll get a taste for the rest later on.
its always weird that ok computer gets recommended first, sure its more contemporary and accessible
but Kid A is so much more interesting to show to new listeners
I also tried to listen to some of Kid A and it sounded so pretentious
I’m a die hard Radiohead stan now but back then it took sometime to really care for them (I wasnt a fan of guitar-centric music in the first place).
Just listen to the songs by them you do like, maybe you’ll get a taste for the rest later on.
Yeah I’m gonna keep listening to In Rainbows for sure, I just didn’t know if there was a similar project in their discog that would hit some of the same marks.
Not only should you not listen, you should probably leave your boyfriend
Go to hell
I also tried to listen to some of Kid A and it sounded so pretentious
Listen to How to disappear completely at least, great song
Kid A as an album starts off very weird
Listen to How to disappear completely at least, great song
Kid A as an album starts off very weird
Oh I did think that song was very good yeah
Yeah I’m gonna keep listening to In Rainbows for sure, I just didn’t know if there was a similar project in their discog that would hit some of the same marks.
Well… kinda.
The Smile is a Radiohead side project and some people would say that album reminds them of In Rainbows.
The Bends was my first Radiohead record @op maybe give that a listen
Will do
Well… kinda.
The Smile is a Radiohead side project and some people would say that album reminds them of In Rainbows.
Hm is it Thom Yorke?
Well… kinda.
The Smile is a Radiohead side project and some people would say that album reminds them of In Rainbows.
another great record btw ^^ @op
Yeah I’m gonna keep listening to In Rainbows for sure, I just didn’t know if there was a similar project in their discog that would hit some of the same marks.
yeah nah, that album sticks out like a sore thumb lol. their only danceable music, it’s by far my favorite
Hm is it Thom Yorke?
Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood. and Tom Skinner.
It’s Thom’s latest endeavor with music.
yeah nah, that album sticks out like a sore thumb lol. their only danceable music, it’s by far my favorite
i wonder how many people were introduced to radiohead because of twilight
Go to hell
all seriousness you’re not missing much, it is a pretentious band for pretentious folks